I. Preface
For guaranteed customer group, how to conduct detailed analysis and mining on the guaranteed customer group type? As shown in Figure 1, how do I get the label and how do I label it?
Figure 1: Sample Diagram |
Using graph technology, you can label the triangle directly.
Algorithmic steps
- Guarantee association data cleaning;
- Construct guarantee map by using guarantee association relationship;
- Calculate 5-degree full path for guarantee customer;
- Use louvain for community (guest) groups;
- Community type analysis within the group;
- Summary of Guaranteed Customer Types.
Algorithmic Description
- Model input: Guarantee relationship data;
- Model results: Guaranteed customer map type;
- Model application: Label each customer with a profile, focus on some unusual profiles, prevent violation of warranty, and reduce risk.
2. Data Description
demo data is constructed using faker in python, which mainly generates guarantee relationship data.
#Import Module Package import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import random import pandas as pd import multiprocessing import timeit from faker import Faker fake = Faker("zh-CN") import os #Guarantee Relationship Data Cleanup if os.path.isfile('rela_demo.csv'): os.remove('rela_demo.csv') #Guaranteed Customer Data Cleanup if os.path.isfile('node_demo.csv'): os.remove('node_data.csv') #Generate Guarantee Relation Data def demo_data_(edge_num): s = [] for i in range(edge_num): #Guarantee Company, Guaranteed Company, Guarantee Amount, Guarantee Time s.append([fake.company(), fake.company(), random.random(), fake.date(pattern="%Y-%m-%d", end_datetime=None)]) demo_data = pd.DataFrame(s, columns=['guarantee', 'guarantor', 'money', 'data_date']) print("-----demo_data describe-----") print(demo_data.info()) print("-----demo_data head---------") print(demo_data.head()) return demo_data #Determine if the two columns of the DataFrame are equal def if_same(a, b): if a==b: return 1 else: return 0 #demeo data processing def rela_data_(demo_data): print('Number of raw data records', len(demo_data)) #Remove self-insurance demo_data['bool'] = demo_data.apply(lambda x: if_same(x['guarantor'], x['guarantee']), axis=1) demo_data = demo_data.loc[demo_data['bool'] != 1] #Remove non-empty demo_data = demo_data[(demo_data['guarantor'] != '')&(demo_data['guarantee'] != '')] #Remove duplicate guarantor, guarantee items by date demo_data = demo_data.sort_values(by=['guarantor', 'guarantee', 'data_date'], ascending=False).drop_duplicates(keep='first', subset=['guarantor', 'guarantee']).drop_duplicates().reset_index() demo_data[['guarantee', 'guarantor', 'money', 'data_date']].to_csv('rela_demo.csv', index = False) return demo_data[['guarantee', 'guarantor', 'money', 'data_date']] #Node Data #Nodes are extracted from relational data def node_data_(demo_data): node_data = pd.concat([demo_data[['guarantor']].rename(columns = {'guarantor':'cust_id'}), demo_data[['guarantee']].rename(columns = {'guarantee':'cust_id'})])[['cust_id']].drop_duplicates().reset_index() print('Number of nodes', len(node_data['cust_id'].unique())) node_data[['cust_id']].to_csv('node_data.csv', index = False) return node_data[['cust_id']] if __name__ == '__main__': #edge_num Sample Relation Bars demo_data = demo_data_(edge_num=1000) rela_demo = rela_data_(demo_data) #node_num Sample Node Number node_data = node_data_(demo_data)
3. Introduction to Neo4j
1. Python, Neo4j Interaction
As a common software for data analysis, Python can use Python to process and calculate Neo4j's graph analysis data, and a module package py2neo needs to be downloaded.
#Connection Diagram Database from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship def connect_graph(): graph = Graph("http://*.*.*.*:7474", username = "neo4j", password = ' password') return (graph) #graph = connect_graph()
2. Neo4j chart entry
- Neo4j supports multiple tag entries;
- Neo4j imports are best in the form of local file imports.
def create_graph(graph, load_node_path, load_rel_path, load_node_name, load_rel_name, guarantee_edges): guarantee_edges.to_csv(load_rel_path,encoding = 'utf-8', index = False) x = guarantee_edges[:] x1 = pd.DataFrame(x['Guarantor_Id'][:].drop_duplicates()) x1.columns = ['Cust_id'] x2 = pd.DataFrame(x['Guarantee_Id'][:].drop_duplicates()) x2.columns = ['Cust_id'] x3 = x1.merge(x2,left_on = 'Cust_id',right_on = 'Cust_id',how = 'inner')[:] x1 = x1.append(x3) x1 = x1.append(x3) x1 = x1.drop_duplicates(keep = False)[:] x2 = x2.append(x3) x2 = x2.append(x3) x2 = x2.drop_duplicates(keep = False)[:] x3.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label1',value = 'Cust') x3.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label2',value = 'Guarantor') x3.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label3',value = 'Guarantee') x1.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label1',value = 'Cust') x1.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label2',value = 'Guarantor') x1.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label3',value = '') x2.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label1',value = 'Cust') x2.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label2',value = '') x2.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label3',value = 'Guarantee') x4 = pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([x1, x2, x3])) x4 = x4.drop_duplicates() x4.to_csv(load_node_path,encoding = 'utf-8', index = False) #Clear up historical relationships and nodes graph.run("MATCH p=()-[r:guarantee]->() delete p") graph.run("MATCH (n:Cust) delete n") #Create Index graph.run("CREATE INDEX ON:Cust(Cust_id)") graph.run("CREATE INDEX ON:Guarantor(Cust_id)") graph.run("CREATE INDEX ON:Guarantee(Cust_id)") #Import Node graph.run("USING PERIODIC COMMIT 1000 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file://%s' AS line MERGE (p:Cust{Cust_id:line.Cust_id}) ON CREATE SET p.Cust_id=line.Cust_id ON MATCH SET p.Cust_id = line.Cust_id WITH p, [line.label1, line.label2, line.label3] AS sz CALL apoc.create.removeLabels(p, apoc.node.labels(p)) YIELD node as n CALL apoc.create.addLabels(p, sz) YIELD node RETURN count(p)" % load_node_path) print("%s INFO : Load%s Complete." % (time.ctime(), load_node_name)) #Import Relationships graph.run("USING PERIODIC COMMIT 1000 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file://%s' AS line match (s:Cust{Cust_id:line.Guarantor_Id}),(t:Cust{Cust_id:line.Guarantee_Id}) MERGE (s)-[r:guarantee{Money:toFloat(line.Money)}]->(t) ON CREATE SET r.Dt = line.Dt, r.Money = toFloat(line.Money), r.link_strength = 1 ON MATCH SET r.Dt = line.Dt, r.Money = toFloat(line.Money), r.link_strength = 1" % load_rel_path) print("%s INFO : Load%s Complete." % (time.ctime(), load_rel_name))
3. Neo4j diagram analysis
Sequence Number | Graph calculation |
1 | Node Entry |
2 | Node Outbound |
3 | Degree of node |
4 | Node Mediation Degree |
5 | Node center eigenvector value |
6 | pagerank value of node |
7 | 5-degree path of node |
#Calculate Node Entry def guarantee_indegree_(graph): x1 = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.degree.stream('Cust','guarantee',{direction:'incoming'})yield nodeId,score return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as Guarantee_Id,score as guarantee_indegree order by guarantee_indegree desc").data()).drop_duplicates() x2 = pd.DataFrame(guarantee_edges['Guarantee_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:] guarantee_indegree = pd.merge(x2, x1, how = 'left', on = ['Guarantee_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:] if len(guarantee_indegree) == 0: guarantee_indegree.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '') guarantee_indegree.insert(loc = 0,column = 'guarantee_indegree',value = '') return (guarantee_indegree) #guarantee_indegree = guarantee_indegree_(graph) #Calculate node outbound def guarantee_outdegree_(graph): x1 = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.degree.stream('Cust','guarantee',{direction:'out'})yield nodeId,score return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as Guarantor_Id,score as guarantee_outdegree order by guarantee_outdegree desc").data()).drop_duplicates() x2 = pd.DataFrame(guarantee_edges['Guarantor_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:] guarantee_outdegree = pd.merge(x2, x1, how = 'left', on = ['Guarantor_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:] if len(guarantee_outdegree) == 0: guarantee_outdegree.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '') guarantee_outdegree.insert(loc = 0,column = 'guarantee_outdegree',value = '') return (guarantee_outdegree) #guarantee_outdegree = guarantee_outdegree_(graph) #Calculate the degree of a node def guarantee_degree_(graph): x1 = pd.DataFrame(guarantee_edges[['Guarantee_Id','Guarantor_Id']]).drop_duplicates()[:] x2 = pd.merge(x1, guarantee_indegree, how = 'left', on = ['Guarantee_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:] guarantee_degrees = pd.merge(x2, guarantee_outdegree, how = 'left', on = ['Guarantor_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:] if len(guarantee_degrees) == 0: guarantee_degrees.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '') guarantee_degrees.insert(loc = 0,column = 'guarantee_degrees',value = '') return (guarantee_degrees) #guarantee_degrees = guarantee_degree_(graph) #Calculate the Mediation of Nodes def guarantee_btw_(graph): guarantee_btw = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.betweenness.stream('Cust','guarantee',{direction:'outer'}) yield nodeId,centrality return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as name,centrality order by centrality desc").data()) if len(guarantee_btw) == 0: guarantee_btw.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '') guarantee_btw.insert(loc = 0,column = 'centrality',value = '') return (guarantee_btw) #guarantee_btw = guarantee_btw_(graph) #Calculate the central eigenvector value of a node def guarantee_eigencentrality_(graph): guarantee_eigencentrality = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.eigenvector.stream('Cust','guarantee',{normalization:'l2norm', weightProperty:'Money'}) yield nodeId,score return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as name,score as eigenvector order by eigenvector desc").data()) if len(guarantee_eigencentrality) == 0: guarantee_eigencentrality.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '') guarantee_eigencentrality.insert(loc = 0,column = 'eigenvector',value = '') return (guarantee_eigencentrality) #guarantee_eigencentrality = guarantee_eigencentrality_(graph) #Calculate the pagerank value of a node def guarantee_pagerank_(graph): sum = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.pageRank.stream('Cust','guarantee',{iterations:1000,dampingFacter:0.85, weightProperty:'Money'})yield nodeId,score return sum(score) as sum").data())['sum'][0] guarantee_pagerank = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.pageRank.stream('Cust','guarantee',{iterations:1000,dampingFacter:0.85, weightProperty:'Money'})yield nodeId,score return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as name,score/%f as pageRank order by pageRank desc" %(sum)).data()) if len(guarantee_pagerank) == 0: guarantee_pagerank.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '') guarantee_pagerank.insert(loc = 0,column = 'pageRank',value = '') return (guarantee_pagerank) #guarantee_pagerank = guarantee_pagerank_(graph) def all_paths_(graph): all_paths = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("MATCH p = (n:Cust{})-[r:guarantee*..5]->(m) where SIZE(apoc.coll.toSet(NODES(p))) = length(p)+1 RETURN m.Cust_id as id, REDUCE(s=[], x in NODES(p) | s + x.Cust_id) as path, length(p) + 1 as path_len, n.Cust_id as start ").data()) all_paths['path'] = (['->'.join(x) for x in all_paths['path']]) all_paths = all_paths.drop_duplicates()[:] return (all_paths) #all_paths = all_paths_(graph)
4. Map Patterns
Take circle as an example:
- Get full path data;
- The filter path is longer than 2;
- Path data is associated with relational data, which indicates the existence of a circle.
Supplementary: Triangles can refer directly to algo.triangle
def guarantee_cycle_(all_paths): x1 = all_paths.drop_duplicates()[:] x2 = guarantee_edge[['Guarantor_Id','Guarantee_Id']].drop_duplicates()[:] x2.columns = ['id','start'] x2['cycle_flag'] = 1 x3 = x1.loc[x1['path_len'] > 2].drop_duplicates()[:] x4 = pd.merge(x3, x2, how = 'left',on = ['id','start']).drop_duplicates()[:] x5 = x4.loc[x4['cycle_flag'] == 1].drop_duplicates()[:] x6 = pd.merge(x1, x5, how = 'left',on = ['id','start','path','path_len']).drop_duplicates()[:] x7 = x6.fillna(0).drop_duplicates()[:] return (x7) #triangle patterns def triangle_(graph): x = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.triangle.stream('Cust','guarantee',{}) yield nodeA, nodeB, nodeC return algo.getNodeById(nodeA).Cust_id as node1, algo.getNodeById(nodeB).Cust_id as node2, algo.getNodeById(nodeC).Cust_id as node3").data()) return (x) #triangle = triangle_(graph)
5. Model Description
Community type, the need to group customers, and then study the customer type within the group, such as through the number of nodes, edges, road length, and so on.
6. Model examples
The model results in a wide table of customer patterns
Customer Number | Community Number | Route | Type type | Community Density | pageRank |
A | 1 | A->B->C | triangle | 1 | * |
The format is illustrated directly in the figure above: financing, tower, triangle, circle
Figure 2: Financing |
Figure 3: Towers |
Figure 4: Triangles |
Fig. 5: Circles |
7. Prospect
- A study of community patterns can identify high-risk groups.
- Readers can also portray styles themselves.