Modification of documents is risky
Improper operation can make bricks and can't start the machine.
Improper operation can make bricks and can't start the machine.
Improper operation can make bricks and can't start the machine.
First you need ROOT
R.E. Manager opens folder/system/
Copy the build.prop file to store the directory /sdcarrd/.
Copy the files to the computer and open it with Notepad++.
Add content at the end of the text. Note that there must be a blank line at the end of the file.
Finally, copy and replace the file / system/build.prop
Modify file permissions back to 0644 rw-r--r--
Just restart your cell phone.
Self-use solution, don't ask me why hardware acceleration hasn't been added, etc.
Optimized projects can be searched
Add fields as follows:
##MIUI10_ADD3+ # Disables data sent and logging profiler.force_disable_ulog=true profiler.force_disable_err_rpt=true profiler.force_disable_err_rpt=1 profiler.force_disable_ulog=1 # Disable Miscellaneous Android Logging Stuff debugtool.anrhistory=0 profiler.debugmonitor=false profiler.launch=false profiler.hung.dumpdobugreport=false # Disable Logers ro.config.nocheckin=1 #Disables built in error reporting. profiler.force_disable_err_rpt=1 profiler.force_disable_ulog=1 #Enable ADB Debugging By Default & Enable USB Debugging Popup persist.adb.notify=1 persist.service.adb.enable=1 persist.service.debuggable=1 persist.sys.usb.config=mtp,ad # Qualcomm Tweaks com.qc.hardware=1 debug.qc.hardware=true debug.qctwa.preservebuf=1 debug.qctwa.statusbar=1 # Increase some Performance ro.product.gpu.driver=1 # Video acceleration and HW debugging. debug.performance.tuning=1 video.accelerate.hw=1 # Hardware Power Saving ro.config.hw_power_saving=true # slow boot ro.config.hw_quickpoweron=false # DHA tunning ro.config.dha_tunnable=1 #Support for ipv4 and ipv6 net.ipv6.route.flush=1 net.ipv4.route.flush=1 #Better signal. ro.config.hw_fast_dormancy=1 #Better call voice quality. ro.config.vc_call_steps=30 #volume fix ro.config.media_vol_default=14 ro.config.media_vol_steps=20 #Dalvik Virtual Machine tweaks!! dalvik.vm.heapstartsize=16m #8m dalvik.vm.heapsize=512m #512m dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization=0.75 dalvik.vm.heapminfree=512k #512k dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree=8m #Disable Strict Mode Checking