Look at animation algorithms: two-way queue dequeue

Keywords: Algorithm data structure

brief introduction

dequeue refers to a two-way queue, which can insert and obtain data from the head of the queue or from the tail of the queue.

This article will introduce how to create dequeue and some basic operations of dequeue.

Implementation of bidirectional queue

Like ordinary queue items, bidirectional queues can be inserted and deleted at the head and tail respectively, so a dequeue needs to implement these four methods:

  • insertFront(): inserts data from the dequeue header
  • insertLast(): insert data from the end of dequeue
  • deleteFront(): deletes data from the dequeue header
  • deleteLast(): deletes data from the end of dequeue

Similarly, we also need a head and a rear to point to the head and tail nodes of the queue.

In other words, the queue that implements these four methods is a two-way queue. We don't care how it is implemented internally.

Next, let's intuitively experience the insertion and deletion of dequeue:

  1. Insert in head

  1. Insert at tail

  1. Delete in header

  1. Delete at tail

Bidirectional queues can also be implemented in many ways, such as circular arrays and linked lists.

Array implementation of bidirectional queue

Because the array itself has a context, that is, knowing that head can get the data behind it and knowing that rear can also get the data in front of it.

Therefore, in the implementation of array, it is enough to store the index values of head and rear.

We only need to add methods to insert data into the header and delete data from the tail:

//Head in queue
    public void insertFront(int data){
            System.out.println("Queue is full");
            //Insert ArrayDeque from the head
            head = (head + capacity - 1) % capacity;
            array[head]= data;
            //If the queue is empty before insertion, point real to head
            if(rear == -1 ){
                rear = head;

 //Fetch data from tail
    public int deleteLast(){
        int data;
            System.out.println("Queue is empty");
            return -1;
            data= array[rear];
            //If there is only one element, reset head and real
            if(head == rear){
                head= -1;
                rear = -1;
                rear = (rear + capacity - 1)%capacity;
            return data;

Dynamic array implementation of bidirectional queue

Dynamic array can dynamically change the size of the array. Here we use multiplication to expand the array.

Let's see how to implement the extension method:

    //Because it is a circular array, you can't make a simple array copy here
    private void extendQueue(){
        int newCapacity= capacity*2;
        int[] newArray= new int[newCapacity];
        //Copy all first
        //If rear < head, it means that the cycle has been carried out. You need to empty the data between 0-head and copy the data to the corresponding position of the new array
        if(rear < head){
            for(int i=0; i< head; i++){
                //Reset data of 0-head
                newArray[i]= -1;
                //Copy to new location
            //Reset the position of the rear
            rear = rear +capacity;
            //Reset capacity and array

Because it is a circular array, we can't make a simple array copy here. We need to judge the position of rear and head to judge whether it enters the circular structure.

If the loop structure is entered, we need to reset the corresponding field data and copy it to the new array.

The methods of inserting data to the head and deleting data to the tail are consistent with the implementation of the basic queue, which is not listed here.

Linked list implementation of bidirectional queue

What is the problem if you use linked lists to implement two-way queues?

Insert at the head and insert at the tail can quickly locate the target node. But let's consider the tail deletion.

For tail deletion, we need to find the previous node of the tail node and set this node to the rear node. This requires that we can find its previous node through the rear node.

So the basic linked list can't meet our needs. Here we need to use a two-way linked list.

public class LinkedListDeQueue {
    //head node
    private Node headNode;
    //Real node
    private Node rearNode;

    class Node {
        int data;
        Node next;
        Node prev;
        //Constructor for Node
        Node(int d) {
            data = d;

    public boolean isEmpty(){
        return headNode==null;

    //Insert from the end of the team
    public void insertLast(int data){
        Node newNode= new Node(data);
        //Point the next of the realnode to the newly inserted node
        if(rearNode !=null){
        if(headNode == null){

    //Insert from the head of the team
    public void insertFront(int data){
        if(headNode == null){
            headNode= new Node(data);
            Node newNode= new Node(data);
            newNode.next= headNode;
            headNode.prev= newNode;
            headNode= newNode;

    //Delete from team leader
    public int deleteFront(){
        int data;
            System.out.println("Queue is empty");
            return -1;
        return data;

    //Delete from end of queue
    public int deleteLast(){
        int data;
            System.out.println("Queue is empty");
            return -1;
        return data;


Each node in the bidirectional linked list has two pointers: next and prev. Through these two pointers, we can quickly locate their next node and the previous node.

Time complexity of bidirectional linked list

Basically, the enQueue and deQueue methods implemented in the above three methods can immediately locate the location to enter or leave the queue, so their time complexity is O(1).

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This article has been included in http://www.flydean.com/13-algorithm-dequeue/

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Posted by ch1326 on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 18:31:15 -0700