Lock your app (android digital unlock)

Keywords: Android github iOS


If you don't say much, move first.

Preface: These two days, the boss gave a task, saying to be a digital lock screen interface imitating ios, thinking that there should be a lot of such things on the Internet, and then Baidu first, who knows that the case seems to be poor, and then with a skeptical attitude to download the "source code" hard to find, read the inside, and then a little eyebrow, borrow the "source code" themselves. ” The thought has realized one by itself, see the picture above.

Train of thought:

Here we can see two parts, one part is the input above, the other part is the button at the bottom.
Looking at the above section, we can think of it as TextView, and then respond to the action of the button below. In the following section, each button in the picture needs to be drawn by itself. The difficulty is to calculate the coordinates of each button according to the coordinates of the first button (the first coordinate we initialize), and then judge which button is clicked according to the touch screen event of the finger.

Next, let's look at the core code:

The input box section:

public class PasswordTextView extends TextView{
    private final String sing = "*";//Content displayed in ciphertext
    private String content = "";//Content displayed
    //Text Change Event Callback Interface
    private OnTextChangedListener onTextChangedListener;
     * Handler Thread object to update the display of the password box
     * Implementing the display of input as ciphertext
    private Handler handler = new Handler(){
        public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) {
            //Ciphertext display
            //Callback Change Event Interface
            if(onTextChangedListener != null){

     * Construction method
     * @param context
     * @param attrs
    public PasswordTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

     * Setting Text Change Event Listener
     * @param onTextChangedListener
    public void setOnTextChangedListener(OnTextChangedListener onTextChangedListener){
        this.onTextChangedListener = onTextChangedListener;

     * Set the content displayed in the password box
     * @param text
    public void setTextContent(String text){
        //Get input
        this.content = text;
            handler.sendEmptyMessage(0);//Send a message to Handler

     * Get the content displayed
     * @return
    public String getTextContent(){
        return content;

     * Text Change Event Interface
    public interface OnTextChangedListener{
         * Called when the text of the password box changes
         * @param content
        public void textChanged(String content);

The button section below

public class NumericK   eyboard extends View {
    private int screen_width = 0;// Width of screen
    private float first_x = 0;// Draw x coordinates of 1
    private float first_y = 0;// Draw y coordinates of 1
    private float[] xs = new float[3];//Declare that the array holds the central abscissa of each column
    private float[] ys = new float[4];//Declare that the array holds the center coordinates of each row
    private float circle_x, circle_y;//Centroid coordinates at the click
    private int number = -1;//Number of clicks
    private OnNumberClick onNumberClick;//Digital Click Event
     * Judging refresh data
     * -1 No data refresh
     * 0  Press refresh
     * 1  Pop-up refresh
    private int type = -1;

     * Construction method
     * @param context
    public NumericKeyboard(Context context) {
        initData(context);// Initialization data

    public NumericKeyboard(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        initData(context);// Initialization data

     * Setting Digital Click Events
     * @param onNumberClick
    public void setOnNumberClick(OnNumberClick onNumberClick) {
        this.onNumberClick = onNumberClick;

    // Initialization data
    private void initData(Context context) {
        // Get the width of the screen
        screen_width = SystemUtils.getSystemDisplay(context)[0];
        // Get the x coordinates of draw 1
        first_x = screen_width / 4;
        // Get y coordinates of plot 1
        first_y = (SystemUtils.getSystemDisplay(context)[1] - SystemUtils.getSystemDisplay(context)[1] / 3) / 4;
        //Add abscissa for each row
        xs[0] = first_x + 10;
        xs[1] = first_x * 2 + 10;
        xs[2] = first_x * 3 + 10;
        //Add ordinates for each column
        ys[0] = 40 + first_y - 15;
        ys[1] = 40 + first_y + first_x - 15;
        ys[2] = 40 + first_y + first_x * 2 - 15;
        ys[3] = 40 + first_y + first_x * 3 - 15;

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        // Create Brush Objects
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.setColor(Color.BLACK);// setpc
        paint.setTextSize(40);// Set font size
        // Drawing text, note that it starts with coordinates and goes up
        // The harder part here is to calculate coordinates.
        // Draw the first row 1, 2, 3
        canvas.drawText("1", first_x, 40 + first_y, paint);
        canvas.drawText("2", first_x * 2, 40 + first_y, paint);
        canvas.drawText("3", first_x * 3, 40 + first_y, paint);
        // Draw Row 2 4, 5, 6
        canvas.drawText("4", first_x, 40 + first_y + first_x, paint);
        canvas.drawText("5", first_x * 2, 40 + first_y + first_x, paint);
        canvas.drawText("6", first_x * 3, 40 + first_y + first_x, paint);
        // Draw Row 3 7, 8, 9
        canvas.drawText("7", first_x, 40 + first_y + first_x * 2, paint);
        canvas.drawText("8", first_x * 2, 40 + first_y + first_x * 2, paint);
        canvas.drawText("9", first_x * 3, 40 + first_y + first_x * 2, paint);
        // Draw Row 4, Row 0
        canvas.drawText("0", first_x * 2, 40 + first_y + first_x * 3, paint);
        //Draw a circle for each number
        paint.setAntiAlias(true);//Setting Anti-aliasing
        //Setting and Drawing Hollow Circle
        //Draw the first row of circles in turn
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x + 10, 40 + first_y - 15, 70, paint);
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x * 2 + 10, 40 + first_y - 15, 70, paint);
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x * 3 + 10, 40 + first_y - 15, 70, paint);
        //Draw the circles in Row 2 in turn
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x + 10, 40 + first_y + first_x - 15, 70, paint);
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x * 2 + 10, 40 + first_y + first_x - 15, 70, paint);
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x * 3 + 10, 40 + first_y + first_x - 15, 70, paint);
        //Draw the third row of circles in turn
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x + 10, 40 + first_y + first_x * 2 - 15, 70, paint);
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x * 2 + 10, 40 + first_y + first_x * 2 - 15, 70, paint);
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x * 3 + 10, 40 + first_y + first_x * 2 - 15, 70, paint);
        //Draw the last circle
        canvas.drawCircle(first_x * 2 + 10, 40 + first_y + first_x * 3 - 15, 70, paint);

        //Determine whether to click on a number (the gradient effect of clicking on a number)
        if (circle_x > 0 && circle_y > 0) {
            if (type == 0) {//Press refresh
                paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE);//Draw solid circles when pressed
                canvas.drawCircle(circle_x, circle_y, 70, paint);//Draw circle
            } else if (type == 1) {//Pop-up refresh
                paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);//Draw a hollow circle when it bounces
                canvas.drawCircle(circle_x, circle_y, 70, paint);//Draw circle
                //After drawing, reset
                circle_x = 0;
                circle_y = 0;

     * Get Touch Click Events
    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        //Event judgement
        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN://Press down
                //Determine the coordinate position of the click
                float x = event.getX();//X-coordinates when pressed
                float y = event.getY();//Y coordinates when pressed
                //Determine which numeric circle to click on
                handleDown(x, y);
                return true;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP://Bounce up
                type = 1;//Pop-up refresh
                invalidate();//Refresh interface
                //Return the number of clicks
                if (onNumberClick != null && number != -1) {
                setDefault();//Restore default
                //Send auxiliary events
                return true;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL://cancel
                //Restore default values
                return true;
        return false;

     * Restore default values
    private void setDefault() {
        circle_x = 0;
        circle_y = 0;
        type = -1;
        number = -1;

     * Setting up Auxiliary Function Description
    private void sendAccessEvent(int resId) {
        //Setup description
        //Send auxiliary events

     * Determine which numeric circle to click on
    private void handleDown(float x, float y) {
        //Judging which column of data to click on
        if (xs[0] - 70 <= x && x <= xs[0] + 70) {//First column
            //Get the abscissa of the center of the circle at the click
            circle_x = xs[0];
            //Determine which row to click on
            if (ys[0] - 70 <= y && ys[0] + 70 >= y) {//The first row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[0];
                number = 1;//Set the number of clicks
            } else if (ys[1] - 70 <= y && ys[1] + 70 >= y) {//The second row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[1];
                number = 4;//Set the number of clicks
            } else if (ys[2] - 70 <= y && ys[2] + 70 >= y) {//The third row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[2];
                number = 7;//Set the number of clicks
        } else if (xs[1] - 70 <= x && x <= xs[1] + 70) {//The second column
            //Get the abscissa of the center of the circle at the click
            circle_x = xs[1];
            //Determine which row to click on
            if (ys[0] - 70 <= y && ys[0] + 70 >= y) {//The first row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[0];
                number = 2;//Set the number of clicks
            } else if (ys[1] - 70 <= y && ys[1] + 70 >= y) {//The second row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[1];
                number = 5;//Set the number of clicks
            } else if (ys[2] - 70 <= y && ys[2] + 70 >= y) {//The third row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[2];
                number = 8;//Set the number of clicks
            } else if (ys[3] - 70 <= y && ys[3] + 70 >= y) {//The fourth row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[3];
                number = 0;//Set the number of clicks
        } else if (xs[2] - 70 <= x && x <= xs[2] + 70) {//The third column
            //Get the abscissa of the center of the circle at the click
            circle_x = xs[2];
            //Determine which row to click on
            if (ys[0] - 70 <= y && ys[0] + 70 >= y) {//The first row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[0];
                number = 3;//Set the number of clicks
            } else if (ys[1] - 70 <= y && ys[1] + 70 >= y) {//The second row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[1];
                number = 6;//Set the number of clicks
            } else if (ys[2] - 70 <= y && ys[2] + 70 >= y) {//The third row
                //Get the center coordinates of the clicked digital circle
                circle_y = ys[2];
                number = 9;//Set the number of clicks
        type = 0;//Press refresh
        //Draw the background circle when clicking

     * Digital Click Event
    public interface OnNumberClick {
         * Return the number of clicks
         * @param number
        public void onNumberReturn(int number);

As mentioned above, the difficulty lies in calculating the position of keys. Here I have modified the calculation method according to the demo I downloaded. If you don't understand the android screen coordinate system, please read the following article:

Reference resources:

Detailed explanation of android coordinate system

Github Download Address: Portal

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Posted by ciciep on Fri, 22 Mar 2019 01:33:51 -0700