Brief comment: Look at this Swift code:
let link:LinkedList = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
link is not an array. After reading this article, you will understand.
Since 2012, NSDictionary, NSArray, NSNumber or NSString can be initialized using "literal" expressions.
NSNumber *numb = @1; NSArray *things = @[@3,@45,@65]; NSDictionary *map = @{@"Florida" : @1 , @"Nevada" : @6 }; NSString *greet = @"Hello there!";
This "literal" expression makes the code more concise.
Have you ever thought about using literal expressions to initialize your data structures?
Swift provides such protocols as ExpressibleBy_:
- Expressible By Array Literal
- Expressible By Boolean Literal
- Expressible By Dictionary Literal
- Expressible By Float Literal
- Expressible By Integer Literal
- Expressible By String Literal
- Expressible By Unicode Scalar Literal
- Expressible By Extended Grapheme Cluster Literal
You can use literal expressions to initialize your own data structures. You can see the following examples of how to use literal expressions to construct your own data structures.
Array-ish data structure
Let's look at the example in Swift, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] which is probably used to initialize an Array. But! It can also be used to initialize other data structures.
linked list
The following code describes how to initialize a linked list using Array literal:
class LinkedList<T> : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get { var accum = "" guard let startNode = self.head else { return "(empty list)" } accum += startNode.debugDescription var currentNode:Node = startNode while(true) { guard let node = currentNode.next else { break } accum += node.debugDescription currentNode = node } return accum } } var head:Node? var tail:Node? typealias Element = T required public init(arrayLiteral elements:Element...) { for i in elements { if self.head == nil { self.head = Node(data:i) self.tail = self.head continue } let newNode = Node(data:i) self.tail?.next = newNode self.tail = newNode } } class Node : CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get { var accum = "(\(data))->" if next == nil { accum += "*" } return accum } } var next:Node? var data:T init(data:T) { self.data = data } } } let link:LinkedList<Int> = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] print(link) // Prints (1)->(2)->(3)->(4)->(5)->(6)->(7)->(8)->*
The LinkedList class follows the ExpressibleByArray Literal protocol and implements the init(arrayLiteral: Self.Element...) initialization method, so we can initialize it directly using Array literal assignment.
let link:LinkedList<Int> = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
Note: Array literal must be used to assign values, not an array, because these are two different things, such as:
let someArray = [1,2,3,4] let list:LinkedList<Int> = someArray // This code will report an error.
struct ConvertibleStack<T> : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get { return "Stack: \(storage)" } } typealias Element = T private var storage: [T] = [] public init(arrayLiteral elements:Element...) { self.storage = elements } mutating func push(item:T) { storage.insert(item, at: 0) } mutating func pop() -> T? { guard storage.count > 0 else { return nil } return storage.remove(at: 0) } }
struct ConvertibleStack<T> : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, CustomDebugStringConvertible { var debugDescription: String { get { return "Stack: \(storage)" } } typealias Element = T private var storage: [T] = [] public init(arrayLiteral elements:Element...) { self.storage = elements } mutating func push(item:T) { storage.insert(item, at: 0) } mutating func pop() -> T? { guard storage.count > 0 else { return nil } return storage.remove(at: 0) } }
Finally, if litera initialization is used correctly, readability can be improved. Is this method suitable for trees or directed graphs? I leave this exploration to the reader:) Happy Hacking!
Original: Express Yourself Swift Style
Recommended reading:
- Swift's Enums are of the "Sum" type, which makes everything more interesting.
- Aurora Open Source Project: ' Aurora UI ". A generic IM chat UI component that supports swift in its first edition.