linux basic learning [9]

Keywords: Linux yum RPM vim RHEL

Software management

1. yum: The most important function of the upper software management tool is to solve software dependency.

 The prerequisite for yum to be operational is that it must have a yum source and configure the source-to-file

1. Getting ISO Mirror Files Matching the System


2. Mount the mirror file into the directory for easy access

Mount rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso/mnt

3. Configuration book and source pointing of yum

rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/*   ##Delete the original software repository configuration file
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/yum.repo   ##Edit the pointing file of yum source
name = rhel7.0          ##Named rhel7.0
baseurl = file://Mount point of / mnt # # image
gpgcheck = 0            ##Represents not monitoring the logo of the gpgkey gpkey representational software
enable = 1          ##Enabling the software repository

4. Testing and installing software

yum clean all           ##Clear yum cache
yum install httpd -y        ##Install httpd

II. Installation of Resource Sharing Services

Apache(web server) apache: 80 ssh:22
 httpd is the main program of Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server

Server side:

vim /var/www/html/index.html    ##Edit the default access page
welcome to linux        ##Adding content
systemctl start httpd       ##Open Services
systemctl stop firewalld    ##Close the firewall


Using browser to access server ip and display default pages

3. Building Shared yum Source

1. Mount the image on the physical machine shared directory

mkdir /var/www/html/rhel7.0
mount rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso /var/www/html/rhel7.0

2. Close the firewall

systemctl stop firewalld    ##Close the firewall
systemctl disable firewalld ##Set up boot-up not to start
systemctl start httpd       ##Open the httpd service
systemctl enable httpd      ##Set up boot start

3. Modify the source pointing of yum on the virtual machine

rm -rf /etc/yum.repos/*                   ##Delete the original configuration file
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/yum.repo   ##Edit the pointing file of yum source
[Server]                                           ##Fixed format
name = rhel7.0                  
baseurl = http://ip/rhel7.0 # points to the yum source for the corresponding ip mount
gpgcheck = 0                                 ##Represents not monitoring the logo of the gpgkey gpkey representational software
enable = 1                                      ##Enabling the software repository

4. Testing

Software Installation Testing under Virtual Machine and Physical and Pingable Conditions
 Yum install software warename-y # install software

Installation test

Successful installation

IV. Start-up and auto-mount iso

vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local      ##Editing configuration files
mount /root/Desktop/rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso /var/www/html/rhel7.0      ##Add mount commands
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local ##Added Execution Permissions to Files

Edit configuration files and increase execution privileges

Add boot-up automatic mounting

V. yum command

yum install softwarename -y ##Installation software
yum repolist            ##List yum source information
yum remove softwarename     ##Unloading software
yum list all            ##List the names of all software
yum list softwarename       ##Check if the software is in the software source
yum list installd softwarename  ##Check to see if the software has been installed
yum list available      ##List software names that can be installed with yum
yum clean all           ##Clear the yum cache
yum search softwareinfo     ##Search for software names based on software information
yum whatprovides filename   ##Find the package containing the filename file in the yum source
yum update history      ##View System Software Change History
yum reinstall softwarename  ##Re-install the software

Unloading software

Successful unloading

List the software names available for yum installation

6. Installation of Software by rpm

rpm -ivh name.rpm   ##Installation Software - v: Display Procedure - h: Specify the Encryption Procedure as hash
rpm -e name     ##Unloading software
rpm -ql name        ##View the files generated by the software
rpm -qlp name       ##Query the files that will be generated after the software is installed
rpm -qa         ##Query all software installed in the system
rpm -pq name.rpm    ##Query the name of the package installed
rpm -pq name.rpm --scripts      ##Query for actions during installation or uninstallation
rpm -ivh name.rpm --force       ##Mandatory installation but dependencies cannot be ignored
rpm -ivh name.rpm --nodeps --force  ##Forced installation ignores dependencies
rpm -qi name        ##View software information

List all installed software

VII. Construction of Third Party Sources

Place the rpm file in a directory that can only exist. rpm files
 Createrepo-v/rpm Deposit Directory ## Create Deposit File Directory
 vim /etc/yum/repos.d/repo # edit native source
name = software
 Baseurl = file://software## storage directory

Posted by coellen on Fri, 25 Jan 2019 13:54:14 -0800