Lesson 45 - different ways of inheritance

Keywords: Java Programming

First, thinking

class Child : public Parent{    };

In the code, the colon represents the inheritance relationship, and the Parent represents the inherited class. What is the meaning of public?

Programming experiment:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Parent

class Child_A : public Parent

class Child_B : protected Parent

class Child_C : private Parent

int main()
    return 0;

2, Different ways of inheritance

Three different inheritance methods are supported in C + +

  • public inheritance
    • The parent class members keep the original access principle in the child class
  • private inheritance
    • Parent member becomes private in child
  • protected inheritance
    • The public member in the parent class becomes a protected member and the other members remain unchanged

The default inheritance method in C + + is private

Programming experiment -- Inheritance and access level deep practice

using namespace std;

class Parent{
        int m_a;
        int m_b;
        int m_c;

        void set(int a,int b,int c){
            m_a = a;
            m_b = b;
            m_c = c;

class Child_A : public Parent{
        void print(){
            cout << "m_a" << m_a << endl;
            cout << "m_b" << m_b << endl;
            cout << "m_c" << m_c << endl;

class Child_B : protected Parent{
        void print(){
            cout << "m_a" << m_a << endl;
            cout << "m_b" << m_b << endl;
            cout << "m_c" << m_c << endl;

class Child_C :private Parent{
        void print(){
            cout << "m_a" << m_a << endl;
            cout << "m_b" << m_b << endl;
            cout << "m_c" << m_c << endl;

int main(){
    Child_A a;
    Child_B b;
    Child_C c;
    a.m_c = 100;
//  b. M ﹣ C = 100; / / child ﹣ B protection inherits from Parent, so all public members become protected members, so the outside world cannot access them
//  c. M ﹣ C = 100; / / child ﹣ C inherits from the Parent, so all members become private members, so the outside world cannot access them
//  b.set(2,2,2);
//  c.set(3,3,3);
    return 0;

Print results:


Regrettable facts:

  • Generally speaking, only public inheritance is used in C + + project
  • C + + only supports one inheritance method (public inheritance)
  • The complexity of protected and private inheritance is far greater than the utility

3, On C + + derived language

D language:

module D_Demo;

import std.stdio;
import std.string;

class Obj
    string mName;
    string mInfo;
        mName = "Object";
        mInfo = "";
    string name()
        return mName;
    string info()
        return mInfo;

class Point : Obj
    int mX;
    int mY;
    this(int x, int y)
        mX = x;
        mY = y;
        mName = "Point";
        mInfo = format("P(%d, %d)", mX, mY);
    int x()
        return mX;
    int y()
        return mY;

void main(string[] args)
    writefln("D Demo");           // D Demo

    Point p = new Point(1, 2);

    writefln(p.name());           // Point
    writefln(p.info());           // P(1, 2)

C# language:

class Obj
    protected string mName;
    protected string mInfo;

    public Obj()
        mName = "Object";
        mInfo = "";

    public string name()
        return mName;

    public string info()
        return mInfo;

class Point : Obj

    private int mX;
    private int mY;

    public Point(int x, int y)
        mX = x;
        mY = y;
        mName = "Point";
        mInfo = "P(" + mX + ", " + mY + ")";

    public int x()
        return mX;

    public int y()
        return mY;

class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        System.Console.WriteLine("C# Demo");    // C# Demo

        Point p = new Point(1, 2);

        System.Console.WriteLine(p.name());     // Point
        System.Console.WriteLine(p.info());     // P(1, 2)


Java language:

class Obj
    protected String mName;
    protected String mInfo;

    public Obj()
        mName = "Object";
        mInfo = "";

    public String name()
        return mName;

    public String info()
        return mInfo;

class Point extends Obj //Use keywords to indicate inheritance

    private int mX;
    private int mY;

    public Point(int x, int y)
        mX = x;
        mY = y;
        mName = "Point";
        mInfo = "P(" + mX + ", " + mY + ")";

    public int x()
        return mX;

    public int y()
        return mY;

class Program {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Java Demo");    // Java Demo

        Point p = new Point(1, 2);

        System.out.println(p.name());       // Point
        System.out.println(p.info());       // P(1, 2)

Four, summary

  • Three different inheritance methods are supported in C + +
  • Inheritance directly affects the access properties of the parent class members in the child class
  • Generally speaking, only public inheritance is used in the project
  • Only public inheritance is supported in C + + derived languages

Posted by fiztec on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 03:29:46 -0700