Here's an undirected picture for you Figure with n Nodes, node number from 0 To n - 1 (both included). And give you a subscript from 0 Starting integer array values , among values[i] It's number I Value of nodes . And give you a subscript from 0 Starting 2D integer array edges , among edges[j] = [uj, vj, timej] Represents a node UJ and vj There is a need timej The undirected edge that can pass in seconds. Finally, I'll give you an integer maxTime .
Legal path It refers to any slave node in the graph 0 Start and finally return to node 0 , And the total time spent shall not exceed maxTime is a path of seconds. You can access a node any number of times. The value of a legal path Defined as different nodes in the path Sum of values (the value of each node is up to Included in the sum of values (once).
Please return the maximum number of a legal path Value.
Note: each node can be at most There are four The edge is connected to it.
Example 1:
Input: values = [0,32,10,43], edges = [[0,1,10],[1,2,15],[0,3,10]], maxTime = 49
Output: 75
One possible path is: 0 - > 1 - > 0 - > 3 - > 0. The total time spent is 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40 < = 49.
The visited nodes are 0, 1 and 3, and the maximum path value is 0 + 32 + 43 = 75.
Example 2:
Input: values = [5,10,15,20], edges = [[0,1,10],[1,2,10],[0,3,10]], maxTime = 30
Output: 25
One possible path is: 0 - > 3 - > 0. The total time spent is 10 + 10 = 20 < = 30.
The visited nodes are 0 and 3, and the maximum path value is 5 + 20 = 25.
Example 3:
Input: values = [1,2,3,4], edges = [[0,1,10],[1,2,11],[2,3,12],[1,3,13]], maxTime = 50
Output: 7
One possible path is: 0 - > 1 - > 3 - > 1 - > 0. The total time spent is 10 + 13 + 13 + 10 = 46 < = 50.
The visited nodes are 0, 1 and 3, and the maximum path value is 1 + 2 + 4 = 7.
Example 4:
Input: values = [0,1,2], edges = [[1,2,10]], maxTime = 10
Output: 0
The only path is 0. The total time spent is 0.
The only visited node is 0, and the maximum path value is 0.
n == values.length
1 <= n <= 1000
0 <= values[i] <= 108
0 <= edges.length <= 2000
edges[j].length == 3
0 <= uj < vj <= n - 1
10 <= timej, maxTime <= 100
[uj, vj] All node pairs are different from each other .
There are at most four per node Side.
The graph may not be connected.
Source: LeetCode
The problem seems complex, but it is actually simple. You can search directly through dfs, because there will not be many searches according to the data range of timej and maxTime. I first get the shortest path through bfs, and then use dfs to search.
class Solution { vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> gra; vector<int> d; struct cmp { bool operator()(pair<int, int> a, pair<int, int> b) { return a.second > b.second; } }; void bfs(int s, int n) { priority_queue < pair<int, int>, vector < pair<int, int> >, cmp >q; q.push(make_pair(s, 0)); d[s] = 0; vector<bool> vis(n); vis[s] = true; while (!q.empty()) { int u =, dd =; q.pop(); for (auto &edg : gra[u]) { int v = edg.first, t = edg.second; if (!vis[v]) { vis[v] = true; d[v] = dd + t; q.push(make_pair(v, d[v])); } } } return; } void dfs(int u, int &ans, int maxTime, int time, int value, vector<int> &values, vector<bool> &vis) { if (time + d[u] > maxTime) //Time + if the time to return to 0 is greater than the maximum time, return return; if (value > ans) ans = value; for (auto &edg : gra[u]) { if (!vis[edg.first])//for the first time { vis[edg.first] = true; dfs(edg.first, ans, maxTime, time + edg.second, value + values[edg.first], values, vis); vis[edg.first] = false; } else //Not the first time { dfs(edg.first, ans, maxTime, time + edg.second, value , values, vis); } } } public: int maximalPathQuality(vector<int>& values, vector<vector<int>>& edges, int maxTime) { int n = values.size(); gra.resize(n, vector<pair<int, int>>()); d.resize(n, INT_MAX); for (vector<int> edg : edges) { int u = edg[0], v = edg[1], t = edg[2]; gra[u].push_back(make_pair(v, t)); gra[v].push_back(make_pair(u, t)); } bfs(0, n); int ans = 0; vector<bool> vis(n); vis[0]=true; dfs(0, ans, maxTime, 0, values[0], values, vis); return ans; } };