DSL Grammar Learning
(1)term and terms queries
(2)match query
match_all: Query all documents
multi_match: Multiple fields can be specified
match_phrase: Phrase Matching Query
(3)rang Range Query
(4)wildcard Query
Allow wildcards * and?To query
* Represents 0 or more characters
What?Represents any character
(5)fuzzy Query
value: the keyword for the query
boost: The weight of the query, default 1.0
(6)highlight highlighting
(7)bool query
must: The condition satisfied is--- and
should: Swords that can or cannot be satisfied-----or
must_not: Unnecessary condition--not
(8) Aggregate queries
Sum: sum
avg: average
count: statistics
cardinality: value de-counting
Query: GET
GET/_search{ "query":{"term":{"user":"kimchy"}}}
Query document
#Inverse age Query POST/pigg/_search { "query": {"match_all": {}}, "sort": [ {"age": {"order": "desc"}} ] }
#Query the first 2 data, from 0 POST/pigg/_search { "query": {"match_all": {}}, "sort": [ {"age" :{"order": "desc"} ], "from": 0, "size": 2 }
Keyword Query (Exact Query) POST/aegis/positions/_search { "query": { "term": { "title": "meter" } } }
Word Segmentation Query POST/aegis/positions/_search { "query":{ "match":{ "title": "millet" } } }
(_source Source, filter settings, specify which fields are included in the result) POST/aegis/positions/_search { "query":{ "match":{ "title":"millet" } }, "_source":["title","price"] }
Boolean query title is a word and brand is exact POST/aegis/positions/_search { "query":{ "bool":{ "must":[ { "match":{ "title": "millet" } }, { "term":{ "brand": "rice" } } ] } } }
Filter: Filtering is to filter the results of a search. The main judgment of the filter is whether the documents match or not.
Filter results POST/aegis/positions/_search { "query":{ "bool":{ "must":[ { "match":{ "title":"millet" } }, { "term":{ "brand":"rice" } } ], "filter":[ { "range":{ "price":{ "gte":3298 } } } ] } } }
Sort after filtering POST/aegis/positions/_search { "query":{ "bool":{ "must":[ { "match":{ "title":"millet" } }, { "term":{ "brand":"rice" } } ], "filter":[ { "range":{ "price":{ "gt":3298 } } } ] } }, "sort":[ { "price":"desc" } ] }
Highlight { "query":{ "bool":{ "must":[ { "match":{ "title":"millet" } }, { "term":{ "brand":"rice" } } ], "filter":[ { "range":{ "price":{ "gt":3298 } } } ] } }, "sort":[ { "price":"desc" } ], "highlight":{ "pre_tags":["<tag1>"], "post_tags":["</tag2>"], "fields":{ "title":{}, "brand":{} } } }
term query query is suitable for keyword, numeric, data terms, multiple keyword queries { "query":{ "terms":{ "title": ["meters", "for"] } } }
Return version number:'version':
PhraseQuery match_phrase_prefix prefix { "query":{ "match_phrase":{ "title": "millet" } } }
WildcardQuery { "query":{ "wildcard":{ "title": "small*" } } }
Fuzzy Query { "query":{ "fuzzy":{ "title":{ "value": "millet" } } } }
{ "query":{ "match":{ "title":"millet" } }, "highlight":{ "fields":{ "title":{} } } }
Total price of aggregated query price { "aggs":{ "price_sum":{ "sum":{ "field":"price" } } } } Aggregate query calculates quantity based on price { "size":0, "aggs":{ "price_sum":{ "terms":{ "field":"price" } } } }
Aggregate queries { "query":{ "range":{ "price":{ "gt":2799 } } }, "aggs":{ "brandGroup":{ "terms":{ "field":"brand.keyword" }, "aggs":{ "priceAVG":{ "avg":{ "field":"price" } } } } } }
Aggregate queries: Brand error, FeildData field disabled, set fielddata=true, or add brand.keyword { "query":{ "match":{ "title": "millet" } }, "aggs":{ "all_tags":{ "terms":{ "field":"brand.keyword" } } } }
Average Aggregate Queries, Give Value + 10 { "aggs":{ "avg_price":{ "avg":{ "script":{ "source":"doc.price.value + 10" } } } } }
(9) Nested Query:Nested
Create Nested Objects mapping PUT /earth_index { "mappings":{ "_doc":{ "properties":{ "title": {"type":"text"}, "body": {"type":"text"}, "comments":{ "type":"nested", "properties":{ "name": {"type":"text"}, "comment": {"type":"text"}, "age": {"type":"short"}, "stars": {"type":"short"}, "date": {"type":"date"} } } } } } }
Add data put /earth_index/_doc/1 { "title":"Nest eggs", "body":"Making your money work....", "comment":[ { "name":"JOhnSong", "comment":"Great article1", "age":22, "stars":4, "date":"2019-11-13" }, { "name":"superqiDream", "comment":"Great article2", "age":23, "stars":5, "date":"2019-11-14" } ] }
Non-nested query get /earth_index/_doc/_search { "query":{ "bool":{ "must":[ {"match":{"comment.name":"superqiDream"}}, {"match":{"comment.age":23}} ] } } }
POST /earth_index/_doc/_search { "query":{ "nested":{ "path":"comment", "query":{ "bool":{ "must":[ { "match":{ "comment.name":"superqiDream" } }, { "match":{ "comment.age":31 } } ] } } } } }
Modification: PUT
Delete: DELETE