It's almost 0202 years ago. I still know a little about Lambda. I'm really ashamed. Recently, we have put emphasis on the practice of brick handling, summarized some practices, and posted the following as a note.
1. Basic query encapsulation
This encapsulation is mainly used to abstract database queries and beautify code (obsessive-compulsive disorder).
Function interface
@FunctionalInterface public interface Query<T> { List<T> query() throws Exception; }
Tool class
public class QueryUtil { public static <T> T query(Query<T> query) throws Exception { List<T> list = query.query(); if (null != list && list.size() > 0) { return list.get(0); } return null; } public static <T> List<T> queryList(Query<T> query) throws Exception { List<T> list = query.query(); if (null != list && list.size() > 0) { return list; } return new ArrayList<T>(); } }
2. Traversal
Traversal can be done either directly for each or first stream() and then for each
#Direct foreach departmentVos.forEach(departmentVo -> { ids.add(departmentVo.getOaDeptId()); pids.add(departmentVo.getOaDeptParentId()); tmp.put(departmentVo.getOaDeptParentId(), departmentVo); }); #stream first and upper equivalence -> { ids.add(departmentVo.getOaDeptId()); pids.add(departmentVo.getOaDeptParentId()); tmp.put(departmentVo.getOaDeptParentId(), departmentVo); }); #Multithreading can be enabled in special cases departmentVos.parallelStream().forEach(departmentVo -> { ids.add(departmentVo.getOaDeptId()); pids.add(departmentVo.getOaDeptParentId()); tmp.put(departmentVo.getOaDeptParentId(), departmentVo); });
3. Calling tool class to realize database query
This is a self defined function interface
#Single strip RSyncDeptPosiEmplVo rSyncDeptPosiEmplVo = QueryUtil.query(() -> { RSyncDeptPosiEmplVo rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc = new RSyncDeptPosiEmplVo(); rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc.setOaUserId(currentEmpl.getOaUserId()); rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc.setIsOn((byte) 1); rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc.setIsSeveralPositions((byte) 0); return this.irSyncDeptPosiEmplService.queryRSyncDeptPosiEmpl(rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc); }); #Multiple strips List<RSyncDeptPosiEmplVo> rSyncDeptPosiEmplVos = QueryUtil.queryList(() -> { RSyncDeptPosiEmplVo rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc = new RSyncDeptPosiEmplVo(); rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc.setOaUserId(currentEmpl.getOaUserId()); rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc.setIsOn((byte) 1); rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc.setIsSeveralPositions((byte) 0); return this.irSyncDeptPosiEmplService.queryRSyncDeptPosiEmpl(rSyncDeptPosiEmplQc); });
Let's call it ETL
#As is output (mainly used for intermediate data processing) -> { return this.fillTreeData(dept, oaDeptIds); }).collect(Collectors.toList()) #Filtering (e.g. filtering out null data -> { return null==dept; }).collect(Collectors.toList()) #Transformation
5. Calculation
Direct up code
#plus teacherVo.getTotalTeachHour() + #Average teacherVo.getTotalTeachHour() + #Others include subtraction, division, statistics, etc
6. Judgment -> p.getIsApproval().equals((byte) 1)
7. Search matching
You can search for the one that meets the criteria or the first one that meets the criteria .filter(p -> p.getDownSize() > 0 && p.getDownSize() > p.getRealDownSize()).findFirst();
That's all for now. I'll add it when I think of it.