KVM common commands

Keywords: xml vim

View all virtual machine status:

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh list --all

To view the specified virtual machine status:

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh domstate vm01


Start the virtual machine manually:

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh start vmname

To manually shut down a virtual machine:

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh shutdown vmname

Suspend virtual machine (pause):

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh suspend vmname

Reply to suspended virtual machine:

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh resume name

Power down virtual machine:

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh destroy vmname

Set boot with host (boot up):

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh autostart vmname

Cancel startup:

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh autostart --disable  vmname

Delete virtual machine.xml configuration file

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh undefine vmname

Export (backup) virtual machine profile

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh dumpxml centos6 > /home/vpsbak/centos6bak.xml

Edit the virtual machine configuration file (the location of the configuration file is / etc/libvirt/qemu, which can be edited with vim, but it is recommended to use the command provided by KVM)

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh edit vmname

To view virtual machine disk information:

[root@kvm7 vps] qemu-img info vm01.img

image: vm01.img

file format: qcow2

virtual size: 10G (10737418240 bytes)

disk size: 3.3G

cluster_size: 65536

Format specific information:

    compat: 0.10

To view the disks used by the specified virtual machine:

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh domblklist vm01

target     source


vda        /home/vps/vm01.img

vdb        /home/vps/data.img


Virtual machine migration host physical server:
1. Backup virtual machine profile

[root@kvm6 vps] virsh dumpxml centos6 > /home/vpsbak/centos6.xml

2. Shut down and migrate configuration files and disk files. The configuration file path is / etc/libvirt/qemu

[root@kvm6 vps] scp /home/vpsbak/centos6.xml  root@

[root@kvm6 vps] scp /home/vpsdata/vps/centos6.qcow2  root@

3. Activate virtual machine profile

[root@kvm7 vps] virsh define /etc/libvirt/qemu/centos6.xml


Posted by SnakeO on Sun, 22 Dec 2019 11:35:43 -0800