kong series: admin-api use

Keywords: Web Server SSL curl Database Nginx

After deploying kong, we need to add our own interface to Kong management. Kong provides a more comprehensive restful api. Each version will be different. The following record is based on kong v0.14.x

kong's 8001 port is resful admin api, through which services, routing and configuration are managed, so after deployment, pages can access localhost:8001 directly.

Reference resources: https://docs.konghq.com/0.14....

Retrieve node information

Get general details of kong nodes

1. Query node information

curl  http://localhost:8001


    "plugins": {
        "enabled_in_cluster": [],
        "available_on_server": {
            "response-transformer": true,
            "oauth2": true,
            "acl": true,
            "correlation-id": true,
            "pre-function": true,
            "jwt": true,
            "cors": true,
            "ip-restriction": true,
            "basic-auth": true,
            "key-auth": true,
            "rate-limiting": true,
            "request-transformer": true,
            "http-log": true,
            "file-log": true,
            "hmac-auth": true,
            "ldap-auth": true,
            "datadog": true,
            "tcp-log": true,
            "zipkin": true,
            "post-function": true,
            "request-size-limiting": true,
            "bot-detection": true,
            "syslog": true,
            "loggly": true,
            "azure-functions": true,
            "udp-log": true,
            "response-ratelimiting": true,
            "aws-lambda": true,
            "statsd": true,
            "prometheus": true,
            "request-termination": true
    "tagline": "Welcome to kong",
    "configuration": {
        "plugins": [
        "admin_ssl_enabled": true,
        "lua_ssl_verify_depth": 1,
        "trusted_ips": {},
        "prefix": "/usr/local/kong",
        "loaded_plugins": {
            "response-transformer": true,
            "request-termination": true,
            "prometheus": true,
            "ip-restriction": true,
            "pre-function": true,
            "jwt": true,
            "cors": true,
            "statsd": true,
            "basic-auth": true,
            "key-auth": true,
            "ldap-auth": true,
            "aws-lambda": true,
            "http-log": true,
            "response-ratelimiting": true,
            "hmac-auth": true,
            "request-size-limiting": true,
            "datadog": true,
            "tcp-log": true,
            "zipkin": true,
            "post-function": true,
            "bot-detection": true,
            "acl": true,
            "loggly": true,
            "syslog": true,
            "azure-functions": true,
            "udp-log": true,
            "file-log": true,
            "request-transformer": true,
            "correlation-id": true,
            "rate-limiting": true,
            "oauth2": true
        "cassandra_username": "kong",
        "admin_ssl_cert_csr_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.csr",
        "ssl_cert_key": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.key",
        "admin_ssl_cert_key": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.key",
        "dns_resolver": {},
        "pg_user": "kong",
        "mem_cache_size": "128m",
        "cassandra_data_centers": [
        "nginx_admin_directives": {},
        "custom_plugins": {},
        "pg_host": "",
        "nginx_acc_logs": "/usr/local/kong/logs/access.log",
        "proxy_listen": [
            " ssl"
        "client_ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt",
        "ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.key",
        "dns_no_sync": false,
        "db_update_propagation": 0,
        "nginx_err_logs": "/usr/local/kong/logs/error.log",
        "cassandra_port": 9042,
        "dns_order": [
        "dns_error_ttl": 1,
        "headers": [
        "dns_stale_ttl": 4,
        "nginx_optimizations": true,
        "database": "postgres",
        "pg_database": "kong",
        "nginx_worker_processes": "auto",
        "lua_package_cpath": "",
        "admin_acc_logs": "/usr/local/kong/logs/admin_access.log",
        "lua_package_path": "./?.lua;./?/init.lua;",
        "nginx_pid": "/usr/local/kong/pids/nginx.pid",
        "upstream_keepalive": 60,
        "cassandra_contact_points": [
        "client_ssl_cert_csr_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.csr",
        "proxy_listeners": [
                "ssl": false,
                "ip": "",
                "proxy_protocol": false,
                "port": 8000,
                "http2": false,
                "listener": ""
                "ssl": true,
                "ip": "",
                "proxy_protocol": false,
                "port": 8443,
                "http2": false,
                "listener": " ssl"
        "proxy_ssl_enabled": true,
        "admin_access_log": "logs/admin_access.log",
        "enabled_headers": {
            "latency_tokens": true,
            "X-Kong-Proxy-Latency": true,
            "Via": true,
            "server_tokens": true,
            "Server": true,
            "X-Kong-Upstream-Latency": true,
            "X-Kong-Upstream-Status": false
        "cassandra_ssl": false,
        "ssl_cert_csr_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.csr",
        "db_resurrect_ttl": 30,
        "client_max_body_size": "0",
        "cassandra_consistency": "ONE",
        "db_cache_ttl": 0,
        "admin_error_log": "logs/error.log",
        "pg_ssl_verify": false,
        "dns_not_found_ttl": 30,
        "pg_ssl": false,
        "client_ssl": false,
        "db_update_frequency": 5,
        "cassandra_repl_strategy": "SimpleStrategy",
        "nginx_kong_conf": "/usr/local/kong/nginx-kong.conf",
        "cassandra_repl_factor": 1,
        "nginx_http_directives": [
                "value": "prometheus_metrics 5m",
                "name": "lua_shared_dict"
        "error_default_type": "text/plain",
        "kong_env": "/usr/local/kong/.kong_env",
        "real_ip_header": "X-Real-IP",
        "dns_hostsfile": "/etc/hosts",
        "admin_listeners": [
                "ssl": false,
                "ip": "",
                "proxy_protocol": false,
                "port": 8001,
                "http2": false,
                "listener": ""
                "ssl": true,
                "ip": "",
                "proxy_protocol": false,
                "port": 8444,
                "http2": false,
                "listener": " ssl"
        "admin_ssl_cert": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.crt",
        "ssl_cert": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt",
        "proxy_access_log": "logs/access.log",
        "admin_ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.key",
        "cassandra_ssl_verify": false,
        "cassandra_lb_policy": "RoundRobin",
        "ssl_cipher_suite": "modern",
        "real_ip_recursive": "off",
        "proxy_error_log": "logs/error.log",
        "client_ssl_cert_key_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.key",
        "nginx_daemon": "on",
        "anonymous_reports": true,
        "cassandra_timeout": 5000,
        "nginx_proxy_directives": {},
        "pg_port": 5432,
        "log_level": "notice",
        "client_body_buffer_size": "8k",
        "cassandra_schema_consensus_timeout": 10000,
        "lua_socket_pool_size": 30,
        "admin_ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.crt",
        "cassandra_keyspace": "kong",
        "ssl_cert_default": "/usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt",
        "nginx_conf": "/usr/local/kong/nginx.conf",
        "admin_listen": [
            " ssl"
    "version": "0.14.1",
    "node_id": "fee222ae-7871-49e5-a47c-bdc55410dc2a",
    "lua_version": "LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3",
    "prng_seeds": {
        "pid: 2328": 177223337424,
        "pid: 2326": 145810617621,
        "pid: 2327": 712547711113,
        "pid: 2329": 114129841275
    "timers": {
        "pending": 5,
        "running": 0
    "hostname": "localhost.localdomain"

Partial Return Field Meaning:

node_id: The uuid of the running kong node, which is generated randomly when kong is started, changes every time kong is restarted

Availabel_on_server: Name of plugins installed on Kong node

Enabled_in_cluster: A plug-in enabled in the Kong node that generates a corresponding storage table in the database

2. Query node status

curl  http://localhost:8001/status
    "database": {
        "reachable": true
    "server": {
        "connections_writing": 1,
        "total_requests": 67,
        "connections_handled": 46,
        "connections_accepted": 46,
        "connections_reading": 0,
        "connections_active": 2,
        "connections_waiting": 1

** Field Interpretation

field explain
total_requests Total number of client requests
connections_active Includes the current number of active client connections waiting to be connected
connections_accepted Total number of client connections accepted
connections_handled The total number of connections processed. Generally speaking, unless certain resource constraints are met, the parameter values are the same as the accepted values.
connections_reading Currently Kong is reading the number of connections in the request header
connections_writing NGINX Writes Responses to the Current Number of Connections on the Client
connections_waiting Current number of idle client connections waiting for requests
reachable Boolean values that reflect the state of database connections. Note that this flag does not reflect the health of the database itself.

Second, service services

  kong v0.13.x officially recommends using Service and Route modules to manage API s, which can be better managed, such as unified authentication and policy configuration.

1, Add Service (Add Service)


field explain Remarks
name Service name nothing
protocol Protocol: http or https defaults to http Write whatever protocol your back-end service accesses with
host Backend Service Domain Name nothing
port Backend service port nothing
path Backend service subpath; fill in'/'if not nothing
retries Retry times: default 5 times Default is OK.
connect_timeout Timeout for requesting back-end services: default 60000 ms 1 second (s)=1000 milliseconds (ms)
write_timeout Write timeout: default 60000 ms 1 second (s)=1000 milliseconds (ms)
read_timeout Read timeout: default 60000 ms 1 second (s)=1000 milliseconds (ms)
url Backend service url address In this way, you can specify protocol, host, port and path directly, instead of specifying them separately.


curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services -d "name=test.service" -d "url=http://your back-end service domain name / api"


    "host": "Your Backend Service Domain Name",
    "created_at": 1538093069,
    "connect_timeout": 60000,
    "id": "85c4d968-7b6f-48fc-b5b0-260cf8493821",
    "protocol": "http",
    "name": "test.service",
    "read_timeout": 60000,
    "port": 80,
    "path": "/api",
    "updated_at": 1538093069,
    "retries": 5,
    "write_timeout": 60000

* Note: The url attribute is very useful and can directly specify protocol, host, port and path.
It can also be written like this.

curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/services -d "name=test.service" -d "protocol=http" -d "host=hxonline.hxsd.cn" -d "path=/api"  

2. Retrieve Service

Query all services

curl -i -X GET http://1localhost:8001/services 

Query a service

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8001/services/{service name or service id}
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8001/services/test.service  My service name

Getting services under a route

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8001/routes/{routing ID}/service 
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8001/routes/xxxx-xxx-xxx-xx/service 

Update service
PATCH and PUT can be used, PATCH can modify existing services, and PUT can create a new one if the service does not exist.

curl -i -X PUT http://localhost:8001/services/{service name or ID} -d "name=test.service" -d "protocol=http" -d "host=hxonline.hxsd.cn" -d "path=/api"  

Delete service

curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:8001/services/{service name or ID}
curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:8001/services/test.service


HTTP 204 No Content

Route Object (Routing)

Routing is an entity that really provides interfaces to the outside world. Each route is associated with a service, and a service may have multiple routes associated with it. Each request matching a given route will be submitted to its related services.

field explain Is it necessary to fill in?
protocols Protocol list, http, https. Settings: protocols []= HTTP & protocols []= HTTPS Must fill
methods Method of accepting requests: GET or POST, both of which work. Set methods []= GET & methods []= POST Semi-optional Filling: By default, both are OK
hosts A list of domain names that match this route. For example: example.com. As form-encode, set: hosts[]= Foo.com and hosts[]= BAR.com Semi selective filling
paths A list of paths that match this route. For example: / test Mandatory: This is important to differentiate between multiple services
strip_path Selective filling
preserve_host Selective filling
service Services bound to this route. Settings: service.id=<service_id> Must fill

1, Add Route (add routing)

curl -i -X POST --url  http://localhost:8001/routes/ \
  -d 'protocols[]=http&protocols[]=https' \
  -d 'paths=/test' \
  -d 'service.id=xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx' #Service ID

Access interface

Curl-i-X GET http://localhost:8000/test/{back-end service routing}
Note: test is the paths field where the creation route is.
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8000/test/userinfo

2. Retrieve Route

Get all routes

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8001/routes/

Get a route

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8001/routes/xxx-xxx-xxx# routing ID

Getting Routes under a Service

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8001/services/{service name or service ID}/routes

Update routing
PATCH and PUT can be used, PATCH can modify the existing routing, and PUT can create a new one if the routing does not exist.

curl -i -X PUT http://localhost:8001/routes/xxx-xxx-xxx\ Routing ID
    -d 'protocols[]=http&protocols[]=https' \
  -d 'paths=test' \

Delete route

curl -i -X DELETE   http://localhost:8001/routes/xxx-xxx-xxx# routing ID


Now that kong's service and routing settings have been completed, the authentication plug-ins and acl cooperate to ensure the security of the external interface.
Source of the article: http://www.yuanmaketang.com/i...

Posted by gojiita on Fri, 01 Feb 2019 16:06:16 -0800