Android technology sharing ViewPager2 off screen loading, to achieve tiktok video slide

A tiktok effect similar to the small and small sliding of the video is needed. So called preloading, When the current page is displayed, the content behind the current page needs to be loaded in advance to ensure that the user slides to the next video, It can reduce the waiting time and browse smoothly at normal network speed. In the fourth ver ...

Posted by bodge on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:44:10 -0800

Study notes ------------- pit encountered by viewpager2

Previous results: There are two problems in this project: 1. State when ImageView uses mixed images_ The checked attribute setSelected(true) is invalid in the code. The specific reason is not found So I used state_ This attribute is replaced by pressed However, there was another problem. Pressing the button would change color. After releasi ...

Posted by IMakeLousyCode on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 11:30:35 -0800