The usage of I/Of multiplexing select in network programming
The usage of select in network programming
select use flow chart
Lines of code to be added in network programming and their significance
References and blogs
Note: This paper does not explain the select function, related parameters and structure
select use flow chart
Create with Rapha ë l 2.2.0 define select ...
Posted by hdpt00 on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 07:11:20 -0800
java integrated pageoffice implementation inserts tables in word and assigns values
The table operation in word needs to be implemented with the help of data region, which requires that the data region completely contains the contents of the whole table, so that the table can be controlled and operated through the data region. Therefore, to use table, you must insert bookmarks in the word file. For table insertion, you can ins ...
Posted by dh526 on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 06:10:55 -0800
How can YiluPHP directly use all classes without configuration or injection?
Friends who have used YiluPHP have found that no matter model class, logical class, auxiliary class or tool class, you do not need to set load or injection in the configuration file or use include or require or use in the page when you use all classes. Just use $app - > class name - > method name (). This mechanism is so convenient that e ...
Posted by mxdan on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 03:56:07 -0800
js array operation collation
basic operation
Added and improved
var a= new Array(); //Create an array
a[0]=1;//Specify modifications directly
a.push(1); //Add one directly to the last
//arrayObj.splice(deletePos,deleteCount); //Delete elements of a specified number of deleteCounts starting at the specified location deletePos, returning the removed elements ...
Posted by chemoautotroph on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 22:03:25 -0800
Spring Cloud Micro Services: Service Registration and Discovery
Eureka is Netflix's open source service registration and discovery component.
Common Service Registration and Discovery Components
Eureka Service Registration and Discovery Principles
Services are registered with the registry
Get additional registry service configurations
Create Eureka Server
Create a project using Spring In ...
Posted by kankersite on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 21:06:38 -0800
Advanced syntax and usage of python (6)
Advanced knowledge is for developers of packages and class libraries. Functions are only executable code, not objects, closures and functional programming
Closure = function + environment variable
def outer():
def inner(x):
return inner
# __Close? Built in variable
# enviro ...
Posted by christophebmx on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 14:01:31 -0800
Source code analysis Dubbo service provider startup process - Part 2
This article continues the above process of Dubbo service provider startup. In the previous article, I combed the configuration mode based on dubbo spring file in detail. How Dubbo loads the configuration file and how dubbo:service Tag service exposes the whole process. This section focuses on the call of doLocalExport method in registryprotoco ...
Posted by Phasma Felis on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 12:21:37 -0800
MyBatis Generator failed to get comments when generating the corresponding entity class of Oracle Database
Recently, a problem was found when using mybatis generator to generate the entity classes corresponding to Oracle database. It is hereby recorded.
Because the project uses swagger2, we want to generate the corresponding @ ApiMode and @ ApiModelProperty annotations through table annotations and field annotations when generating entity classes. H ...
Posted by Shendemiar on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 10:02:11 -0800
HDU 2602 dynamic programming + two dimensional array and one dimensional array two solutions (01 knapsack)
This problem is a simple dynamic programming when it is solved simply by two-dimensional array, but there may be a case where the volume of pit is 0 but the value is not 0
1: Two dimensional array
Here is the error code
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
Posted by po on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 08:01:50 -0800
Talk about the CleanCommitLogService of rocketmq
This paper mainly studies the CleanCommitLogService of rocketmq
class CleanCommitLogService {
private final static int MAX_MANUAL_DELETE_FILE_TIMES = 20;
private final double diskSpaceWarningL ...
Posted by aaronxbond on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 07:53:47 -0800