.Net Module Encapsulation
Module Encapsulation
Calculator implemented with object-oriented logic
class Calcuator
public int Add(int i, int j)
return i + j;
public int Mul(int i, int j)
return i - j;
public int Max(int i ...
Posted by latinofever on Mon, 02 Mar 2020 17:26:01 -0800
[Spring Security + OAuth2 + JWT start to practice] 4. System configuration user-defined login page
brief introduction
Previously, the default authentication process of spring security was used to process user-defined data and password encryption, but in the actual development, it must be to use the page developed by itself, the business processing of login success and failure, etc.
The personalization configuration is completed in the brow ...
Posted by phbock on Mon, 02 Mar 2020 01:33:07 -0800
Prepare for CKA daily question - day 13: static Pod creation method, Pod domain name resolution test
Yesterday's examination questions
Set configuration context $ kubectl config use-context wk8s
configure the kubelet systemed managed service, on the node labelled with name=wk8s-node-1,to launch a pod containing a single container of image nginx named myservice automatically.
Any spec file requried should be placed in the /etc/kuberneteds/mai ...
Posted by snowman2344 on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 20:02:54 -0800
Prepare for CKA daily question - day 11 | k8s access control RBAC, Role, RoleBinding, and lead to kubectl common commands
Yesterday's examination questions
Create a role (only all the operation permissions of pods under cka namespace) and rolebinding (use serviceaccount to authenticate authentication), use the corresponding serviceaccount as the authentication information to operate the pod under cka namespace and the pods under default namespace.
– the nam ...
Posted by keiran420 on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 19:12:51 -0800
What is proxy mode?Summary of proxy mode module
Hello, this is a blog to keep learning for your dreams.This is the first article to share my understanding of Agent Mode.
The style of the article will always be told in a question and answer way, which is one of my personal favorites and is equivalent to a simulated interview.(
What is an agent?
Let's imagine a scenario where a French winer ...
Posted by jasonok6 on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 18:44:42 -0800
Creation of redis cluster, detailed description and validation of ERR syntax error for redis cluster card slot migration error
Before redis 5.0.0, the script redis-trib.rb written by ruby was used to operate redis cluster. The disadvantage of this is that Ruby and gems environment need to be installed. There is no Ruby environment such as redis-trib.rb in the official docker image, which needs to be installed by itself. It is time-consuming, complex and not eas ...
Posted by windjohn on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 17:51:36 -0800
Go Language sync.Pool (Temporary Object Pool)
Golang provides the object pool Pool in sync.Usually everyone calls this an object pool.It is well known that go is automatically garbage collected, which greatly reduces the programming burden.But gc is a double-edged sword.For example, they are friendly to beginning programmers, but later on, as the p ...
Posted by webspinner on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 17:50:33 -0800
Brief Analysis of Springboot--Container Refresh Process
First, learn about the various post processor extensions
(1) BeanFactoryPostProcessor - bean factory post-processing
Once the BeanFactory standard has been initialized (all BeanDefinition s have been registered after package scanning), this BeanFactory can be postprocessed.
(2) BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor - bean Definition Registry Post ...
Posted by SemiApocalyptic on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 10:54:34 -0800
Remember a Bug related to Base64
This paper originally planned to write two parts. The first is to record the latest bugs related to Base64. The second is the detailed explanation of the principle of Base64 encoding. It turns out it's half written, eh? How can I say such a long time about a thing that is not complicated? It's not conducive to reading and understanding (actuall ...
Posted by littlegreenman on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 04:10:48 -0800
C summary part 6 file management
10_ file
Text files: Based on character encoding, such as ASCII, UNICODE
file open
FILE *fopen(filename, mode);
// The system itself defines a structure called FILE
// Mode indicates the mode of opening the file
mode The value of
r rb Open as read-only
w wb Open as write
a ab Open as append, add content at the ...
Posted by hillbilly928 on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 00:21:59 -0800