Integrating mybatis+generator to automatically generate code

How to integrate Springboot and Mysteries framework, and then use generator to automatically generate mapper, pojo and other files. 1. Introduce the required files into the pom after the new sprongBook project Database connection driver, mybatis Plus (including mybatis), generator, attention (configuration of generator plug-in in bulider) &l ...

Posted by fuii_koh on Sun, 31 Mar 2019 14:42:30 -0700

idea creates a spring boot project that integrates mybatis

Learn spring boot recently, and keep it in mind. The final project structure is 1 Create a project For the rest, on the Dependencies page, select the web, as shown in the figure 2 Create controller s and access them controller code import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind ...

Posted by saami123 on Sat, 30 Mar 2019 09:57:28 -0700

The Simplest Understanding of StringBoot Configuration Multi-Data Source Tutorial

Bullshit does not say much directly on the code "novice on the road God do not spray!" 1 First, you need to build a Springboot project. I won't show you how to build it. 2. Configure two data sources in the configuration file 3. Setting up two config classes import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory ...

Posted by rocram16 on Sat, 30 Mar 2019 08:57:29 -0700

Introduction to mybatis--Addition, deletion and modification of single tables

Additional operations on single tables Earlier we saw how to build mybatis framework and query operations, here we talk about how to use mybatis to increase user operations. First, insert method is added to user.xml file. The code is as follows <!-- Add user --> <insertid="insertUser"parameterType="cn.itcast.mybatis.po.User ...

Posted by Hooker on Tue, 26 Mar 2019 23:48:28 -0700

SSM Framework - Automatic Code Creation Using MyBatis Generator

MyBatis is a semi-automatic ORM framework, so the main task is to configure Mapping mapping files. But because handwritten mapping files are easy to make mistakes, MyBatis generators can be used to automatically generate entity classes, DAO interfaces and Mapping mapping files. This saves a lot of effort, copy ing the generated code into the ...

Posted by zrocker on Tue, 26 Mar 2019 03:27:28 -0700

myBatis automatically creates code

MyBatis is a semi-automatic ORM framework, so the main task is to configure Mapping mapping files. But because handwritten mapping files are easy to make mistakes, MyBatis generators can be used to automatically generate entity classes, DAO interfaces and Mapping mapping files. This saves a lot of effort, copy ing the generated code into the ...

Posted by NiallThistle on Sun, 24 Mar 2019 11:33:28 -0700

Introduction to ResultMap of MyBatis, Associated Objects

In MyBatis, when a query is select ed for mapping, the return type can be either resultType or resultMap, which is a direct representation of the return type, while resultMap is a reference to the external ResultMap, but resultType and resultMap cannot exist simultaneously. When MyBatis performs query mapping, in fact, each attribute queried i ...

Posted by regiemon on Sat, 23 Mar 2019 01:06:52 -0700

Mapping and Query of Many-to-Many Relations in MyBatis

Let's start with the needs: Display all the books in the database on the page, and show the categories of the books at the same time (where a book may belong to multiple categories at the same time)   Create table: The author uses intermediate tables to connect Book tables and book category tables. There is no foreign key to associate book ...

Posted by smitthhyy on Fri, 22 Mar 2019 21:03:54 -0700

Paging by Mybatis Interceptor

This paper introduces the use of Mybatis interceptor to realize paging, and in the dao layer, directly return the customized paging object. The final dao layer results: public interface ModelMapper { Page<Model> pageByConditions(RowBounds rowBounds, Model record); } The next step is paging. 1. Create Page objects: public class ...

Posted by Alelinux on Fri, 22 Mar 2019 15:15:53 -0700

Spring Integrated MyBatis Framework

When Java writes database queries, I have been exposed to four ways: 1. Pure Java code, refer to the corresponding database driver package, write the connection and release logic (you can use connection pool) In fact, the performance of this mode is very good, but it is not very convenient to use: first, it needs to be manually acquired and r ...

Posted by saltious on Fri, 22 Mar 2019 15:00:53 -0700