The fastest Android TreeView appears!

The fastest Android TreeView appears! Source address: Based on RecyclerView. The structure of storing data is not a Tree, but an ArrayList. Unlike all the known implementations on the Internet, it seems that people can't jump out of fixed thinking. You can compare the am ...

Posted by daveoffy on Tue, 05 May 2020 07:40:35 -0700

python learning 3--python complex data types

1 piles A heap is a binary tree in which the value of each parent node is less than or equal to that of all its children, and the smallest element is always at the root of the binary tree. Heap creation import heapq import random data = range(10) random.shuffle(data) #Disorder order heap = [] for n in data: heapq.heappush(heap,n) print ...

Posted by Waire on Tue, 05 May 2020 02:21:30 -0700

Password modification verification of bootstrap validator plug-in

There should be many tutorials on the Internet. Of course, when I use them, I also paste the code directly on Baidu. But one thing is not perfect, that is, input "user new password" and "user confirm password" When it is not input, the "user's new password" will always prompt "the use ...

Posted by tcl4p on Tue, 05 May 2020 02:10:07 -0700

Xsirrionx / JS xlsx set basic style to output excel file

problem I've been using SheetJS Community Edition, which is its community version. I see that the document mentions the style control of each Cell layer( cell-object ), no output effect after one attempt. After looking up some data, we found that the community version of SheetJS could not set the style of the exported excel file, so we only nee ...

Posted by raydar2000 on Tue, 05 May 2020 00:57:00 -0700

[No.8 Middle School test] bisector

3524: bisector Time limit: 1 Sec Memory limit: 128 MB Title Description There are 3 heaps of stones, and the initial quantity is a, B and C respectively. Each operation is aimed at two piles. Set the current number of stones in these two piles as X,Y and x < y. then take out x stones from the pile with more quan ...

Posted by jej1216 on Mon, 04 May 2020 23:04:47 -0700

Array operation in js

Array API API: Application Programming Interface; The methods provided by objects in js are called API s; instanceof Detect whether an object is an array; (used against complex data types;) //Simple data type of; A instanceof B / / is a made by B; Example: var arr = [1,2,3]; console.log(arr instanceof Array); //arr is not of type ...

Posted by stitchmedia on Mon, 04 May 2020 22:35:56 -0700

Binary search method of java learning notes

java binary search method I saw a binary search method of php when I was browsing the code cloud tonight. I was familiar with the word. (I learned it when I was learning php, but I didn't use it in my work, and I was confused when I was in school, and I forgot it slowly). I clicked in, wrote it in java, and used recursion. Personal understandin ...

Posted by ognotongo on Mon, 04 May 2020 22:05:08 -0700

VB machine room charging system 06 - on and off

operate a computer On board flow chart Here, I think it's the addition, deletion, modification and query of data table. For those who don't have ideas, please refer to my full code 'operate a computer Private Sub cmdonline_Click(Index As Integer) Dim mrc As ADODB.Recordset Dim txtsql As String Dim msgtext As String ...

Posted by QuietWhistler on Mon, 04 May 2020 18:28:47 -0700

A thorough explanation of the 1024 limitation of Linux select (is the selection really limited by 1024?No)

Many years ago, I was interviewed. Why does the select call support up to 1024 file descriptors? I didn't answer, I didn't even know what select was doing. Over the years, I interviewed people with this question... At that time, I already had an expected answer in my mind that would satisfy me, and my expectation was probably: Macros in th ...

Posted by mash on Mon, 04 May 2020 05:49:53 -0700

New performance exchange partitions of MySQL 5.6

Note: the content of the article originated from the network and was obtained through our own experiment; however, the reference article address was not recorded at that time. If you find any infringement problem, please leave a message. ~~When the partition is MySQL version 5.1, support for partition has been added.The process of partitionin ...

Posted by scorphus on Mon, 04 May 2020 04:56:13 -0700