K8s nodeName nodeselector deployment pod test restart operation and maintenance

Explain: master : 132,  node1:11 , node2:12 The main tests are as follows: 1. container is specified to the corresponding node 2. After Container's death 3. node restart 4. When node is unavailable 5. node recovery The main thing is to test the above situation to see if k8s will guarantee our application as we want. 1. container i ...

Posted by mvd7793 on Tue, 12 Feb 2019 13:06:18 -0800

Build and use K8s cluster <k8s dashboard pod deployment >

k8s dashboard pod deployment Write yaml file Create pod Browser opens webui Write yaml file # cat dashboard.yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: # Keep the name in sync with image version and # gce/coreos/kube-manifests/addons/dashboard counterparts name: kubernetes-dashboard-latest namespace: kube-system ...

Posted by lookee on Wed, 09 Jan 2019 20:39:10 -0800

kubernetes RBAC Actual kubernetes User Role Access Control, dashboard Access, kubectl Configuration Generation

kubernetes RBAC Actual Warfare Environmental preparation Firstly, the kubernetes cluster is installed with kubeadm. Packet address here Easy to use and convenient, considerate service, no deception of children For the purposes of this article, let users named devuser have access only to pod s under a specific names ...

Posted by waskelton4 on Sun, 23 Dec 2018 04:51:06 -0800

High Availability Practice in Kubernetes 1.9 Production Environment--Installing kubelet and proxy in 005-node

This article follows Kubernetes 1.9 Production Environment High Availability Practice - Installing flannel Network Plug-ins in 004-node. This paper mainly talks about how to install kubelet and proxy in kubernetes 1.9 in the server yds-dev-svc02-node01. In the process of configuration, I will copy all the out ...

Posted by rizi on Sun, 16 Dec 2018 15:33:04 -0800