The principle of generating Token by JWT and the principle of public key and private key encryption and decryption

Opening:          There are many ways to implement tokens. This article introduces the tokens generated by Json Web Token(JWT). What are the benefits of the tokens generated by JWT? It has high security, plus key encryption, and supports a variety of algorithms.The information carried is user-defined, ...

Posted by geoffism on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 11:45:09 -0700

Explanation of JWT and use of JJWT

1. What is JWT JSON Web Token (JWT) is a lightweight authentication specification that allows us to use JWT to transfer safe and reliable information between users and servers. Its essence is a token. It is a compact URL security method, which is used to pass between the two sides of network communication. 2. Composition of JWT A JWT is actu ...

Posted by grayson on Fri, 03 Sep 2021 17:35:59 -0700