The best way to center is on vertical and horizontal pages? [repetition]

The answer is already here: How to center elements horizontally and vertically (19 answers) Closed 11 months ago. What's the best way to center < div > elements vertically and horizontally on a page? I know that margin lef ...

Posted by Kwakhed on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 19:37:17 -0800

Generating a hash from a string in a Java script

I need to convert the string to some form of hash. Is this possible in JavaScript? I don't use the server-side language, so I can't do that. #1 building edit According to my jsperf test, the acceptable answer is actually faster: http :// original If anyone is interested, this is an improved (faster) ...

Posted by pnj on Sun, 12 Jan 2020 23:54:34 -0800

Process oriented and object-oriented programming ideas

1. Process oriented: all work is written and used now. The way of thinking is analysis and synthesis. The object-oriented way of thinking is construction. 2. Object oriented: it is a kind of programming idea. Many functions have been written in advance. When using it, you only need to pay attention to the use of the function, r ...

Posted by Karamja on Sat, 11 Jan 2020 07:36:19 -0800

Angular2.x/Typescript module introduced parsing

First, modules are introduced in two ways:1. Relative import: import Entry from "./components/Entry"; import { DefaultHeaders } from "../constants/http"; import "/mod"; Relative import resolves relative to the file it was imported into and cannot be resolved to an external module declaration. You should use relative import for your own modules ...

Posted by Crowly on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 11:46:06 -0800

Block level scope in JS, the difference among var, let and const

First, ECMAScript and JavaScript relationships: ECMAScript is an internationally adopted standardized scripting language. JavaScript is composed of ECMAScript, DOM and BOM. It can be simply understood as: ECMAScript is the language specification of JavaScript, and JavaScript is the implementation and extension of ECMAScript. ...

Posted by adeelzia on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 09:40:43 -0800

Jquery form validation plug-in validate

Write before: When doing some adding functions, the form verification before submission is essential. The jquery validate plug-in is OK, which is enough for basic requirements. Record the basic usage here. Let's write a simple demo <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <title>Jque ...

Posted by jcd on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 08:01:17 -0800

PHP + infinitscoll to realize infinite scrolling and loading data instance of web page

PHP + infinitscoll implements infinite scrolling of web pages to load data instances. The implementation principle: when the scroll bar is a certain length from the bottom of the web page, send the number of pages to the background and get data. First, we put 10 pieces of data on the page, that is, the first page. Each item is a p tag: 1 <d ...

Posted by sweatje on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 07:14:42 -0800

How to send cross domain POST requests through JavaScript?

How to send cross domain POST requests through JavaScript? Note - it should not refresh the page, after which I need to grab and parse the response. #1 building Advanced. ... you need to set up cname on the server so that points to Your page dynamically creates an invisible iframe that ...

Posted by ghurtado on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 05:13:05 -0800

vue deeply understands v-bind instruction

Introduction to v-bind <span :text="content">Use</span> It renders as follows: <span text="content">Use</span> String splicing <span :text=' "we" + 1 '>Use</span> It renders as: <span text='we1'>Use</span> Therefore, to use string splicing in the v-bind instruction, yo ...

Posted by rogair on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 10:00:48 -0800

Vue framework learning -- 1. Common basic instructions and syntax

This paper provides a technical summary for the beginners of Vue. All the codes need the support of vue.js or the introduction of cdn 1, Basic instructions in Vue framework 1,v-bind v-bind is an instruction for dynamically binding data, such as <a v-bind:href="url">...</a> Then, I can change the value of the u ...

Posted by joeami on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 09:24:59 -0800