Spring Boot integrated keyload
Reference in this article A Quick Guide to Using Keycloak with Spring Boot , sort out the problems encountered in the actual combat.
Docker installation keyload
Download mirroring
quay Download Image
docker pull quay.io/keycloak/keycloak
If you fail, try again.
Start keyclock
docker run -p 6060:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PA ...
Posted by julien on Mon, 13 Apr 2020 09:42:58 -0700
Unveil docker -- basic theory combing and installation process demonstration
Unveil docker (basic theory and installation details)
This article will focus on the following aspects to unveil docker:
What is docker?
Why do I need docker?
The core concept of docker
What is docker?
Based on Linux, docker is an open source tool to run applications in it, which can be considered as a lightweight virtual machine. Do ...
Posted by rp2006 on Mon, 13 Apr 2020 00:51:18 -0700
AspNetCore Containerized (Docker) Deployment - Docker Compose Container Arrangement
I. Preface
The last one deployed the most basic helloworld application, created two containers and a network, and it worked.
If the app continues to introduce services such as mysql, redis, job, and so on, the amount of work it takes to publish at one time is conceivable, and Docker Compose is needed.
Docker Compose is a tool for defining an ...
Posted by ondi on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 17:19:11 -0700
docker + redis + beanstalkd + swoole to build a robust queue
The technologies used are docker + redis + beanstalkd + swoole
#Download redis and beanstalkd from the warehouse
docker pull redis:5.0.7
docker pull schickling/beanstalkd
#View image list
docker images
#Running beanstalkd in the docker container and mapping to the local host port 11300
docker run --name beanstalkd -d -it -p 11300 ...
Posted by genix2011 on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 07:46:22 -0700
Docker multi container management - Docker Compose
Docker provides a container choreography tool, Docker Compose, which allows users to define a set of associated application containers in a template (YAML format). This set of containers will be based on the "– link" and other parameters in the configuration template. To automatically sort the priority of startup, simply execut ...
Posted by psunshine on Thu, 09 Apr 2020 08:11:53 -0700
Building Jenkins as code
This article starts from:
Jenkins Chinese community
Original link By Amet Umerov
Translator: s1mple
Building Jenkins as code
This paper mainly introduces the specific method of Jenkins "configuration as code" mode, and explains the mode with tools and scripts
In our company, we try t ...
Posted by GregArtemides on Wed, 08 Apr 2020 02:15:11 -0700
Migrate Express to function calculation
First of all, it introduces some important concepts in this paper:
Function calculation: function calculation is an event driven service. Through function calculation, users do not need to manage the operation of the server, just write code and upload. Function computing prepares computing resources and runs user code in an elastic and scalab ...
Posted by mariom on Tue, 07 Apr 2020 23:06:38 -0700
kubernetes service discovery plug-in CoreDNS (operation and maintenance technology exchange group: 926402931, welcome to exchange together.)
1. Deployment list of Intranet resources of kubernetesubernetes
2. Configure dns resolution
3. Browser visit k8s-yaml.od.com
4. Download docker image and upload it to harbor warehouse
5. Prepare resource allocation list
6. Application resource allocation
7. Check the created resources
8. Verify coreDNS
1. Deployment list of Intranet ...
Posted by xcasio on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 07:19:53 -0700
dockerfile production details 1
1. Docker virtual image production practice I
1) Docker commit enables the container to be submitted as a new image. The submitted image automatically enters the image list of the current system (the contents of the container image are complete);
docker commit 7ec01484db55 centos7:v1
docker images
2) Docker export can implement containe ...
Posted by nafetski on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 06:03:50 -0700
Docker complete site introduction
1, Operation on the main server: complete the installation of docker; omitted
2, View image
[root@localhost ~]#docker images
centos/shop2.web.top latest 8fc9b211671a 14 minutes ago 1.835 GB
3, Running image ...
Posted by LiamS94 on Sat, 04 Apr 2020 10:45:54 -0700