boost I container and data structure

catalogue 10, property_tree (1) Processing xml 1. Write xml and modify xml 2. Parsing xml 3.get() accesses the node through the path 4.get_child() gets a node object with multiple child nodes 5.find() shallow search 6.get_optional() 7. Get comments and attribute values (2) Deal with Jason (3) Processing ini (4) Processing info 10, ...

Posted by digitalmartyr on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 21:42:34 -0800

boost::process Porting Notes

Recently, I wanted to be a process manager, because I was learning boost during this time, so I chose boost::process, but after a while I found that the compilation error under VC2010. The reason is that many C++11 grammars are used in process, and 2010 support is incomplete. So, here are the transplant notes. Don't tell me that VC2019 ca ...

Posted by woocha on Tue, 09 Nov 2021 08:12:48 -0800

std::enable_if and boost::enable_if,boost::enable_if_c. differences and relations between

The standard library and the three enablers of boost_ If series of functions can help us overload template functions. Overloading of general functions Let's take a look at an example of general function overloading: #include <iostream> void print(int i) { std::cout << "Integral: " << i << std::endl; } void print(d ...

Posted by romeo on Fri, 29 Oct 2021 09:25:57 -0700

Introduction to C + + smart pointer

Write before: In many scenarios, we need to apply for memory dynamically, but the use of dynamic memory is prone to problems, because it is extremely difficult to ensure that the memory is released at the right time. Sometimes we forget to release memory. This situation will lead to memory leakage, which is difficult to find, because the ph ...

Posted by naveenbj on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 10:59:01 -0700