Basic essence of TypeScript

Original address: Basic essence of TypeScript github address of basic notes: Either watch or star. Type considerations Array type There are two types of annotation, with particular attention to the second using the TS built-in Array generic interface. let arr1: number[] = [1,2,3] // The follo ...

Posted by onegative on Wed, 16 Oct 2019 21:05:07 -0700

C + + generating and parsing XML files

1.xml refers to Extensible Markup Language 2.xml is a markup language, similar to html 3.xml is designed to transfer data, not display data 4.xml tags are not predefined. Label needs to be defined by yourself The difference between XML and HTML 1.xml is not an alternative to html. 2.xml and html are designed for different purposes: 3.xml is des ...

Posted by expostfacto on Wed, 16 Oct 2019 16:05:44 -0700

Why do data in vue return with return

Why do data in vue return with return I. original [vue modify object method] 1.set method, add a property and value The set method can also add properties and values to an object <script> export default { data(){ return { obj:{ name:'xi ...

Posted by ziv on Wed, 16 Oct 2019 14:58:56 -0700

java basic commodity management system

java basic commodity management system This commodity management system is similar to the e-commerce system and employee management system that I wrote before. The updated functions include modifying the commodity name and price, deleting multiple specified id commodities, and exiting the system aft ...

Posted by iblackedout on Wed, 16 Oct 2019 12:06:28 -0700

Tymeleaf common syntax: HTML attribute settings

Use the properties of Thymeleaf to set HTML properties.(1) the th:attr attribute can be used to modify the attributes of the original HTML node.(2) th:attr attribute can set multiple attributes at the same time;(3) each HTML attribute has a corresponding Thymeleaf attribute, for example, th:attr="value = 'value'" can be replaced by th ...

Posted by on Wed, 16 Oct 2019 11:51:41 -0700

Spring boot 2.0.6 starts the parsing startup process

Analysis of the run method of spring application public ConfigurableApplicationContext run(String... args) { // Construct a task execution observer (Java class for viewing time and performance) StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); // Start execution, record start time stopWatch.start(); // Custom configuration context, ...

Posted by ashishag67 on Tue, 15 Oct 2019 23:52:29 -0700

Spring 5 source code parsing 5-configuration classpostprocessor

Next, we talked about the invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(beanFactory) method in the refresh() method, which mainly executes the BeanFactoryPostProcessor and its sub interface BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor. When creating the annotationconfigpplicationcontext object, Spring adds a very important BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface implement ...

Posted by Mr. Tech on Tue, 15 Oct 2019 23:48:06 -0700

HTML 5 3D "elastic" layout based on WebGL

Molecular force, also known as intermolecular force and van der Waals force, refers to the interaction between molecules. When the two molecules are far away from each other, they are mainly attractive. This force mainly comes from the interaction caused by the polarization of one molecule by the electric dipole moment of another molecule which ...

Posted by CaptainChainsaw on Tue, 15 Oct 2019 20:23:43 -0700

HTML 5 3D "elastic" layout based on WebGL

Molecular force, also known as intermolecular force and van der Waals force, refers to the interaction between molecules. When the two molecules are far away from each other, they are mainly attractive. This force mainly comes from the interaction caused by the polarization of one molecule by the electric dipole moment of another molecule which ...

Posted by Ambush Commander on Tue, 15 Oct 2019 19:03:45 -0700

Lazy load of spring learning

Lazy Under normal circumstances, bean loading starts after the container is started, so if there is an error in the loading process, it can be found immediately. Due to some specific business requirements, some beans need to be created at the first request of the IoC container. These beans can be marked as delayed loading. XML In the XML config ...

Posted by Robert07 on Tue, 15 Oct 2019 12:53:13 -0700