Problem: as soon as the kfana container built by k8s is restarted, the configured dashboard and added users will be reset. As a result, there is no data persistence in grafana.
1. Establish persistent flower storage pvc in the cluster first
Then hang it in the container / var directory
- mountPath: /var
name: grafana-storage
- name: grafana-storage
claimName: grafana
A lot of information on the Internet is done in this way. However, it doesn't work. Restart still loses configuration.
2. Referring to many materials, it is found that it is necessary to support mysql data test to realize grafana data persistence.
For MySQL installation, you can use helm to install through helm search mysql. MySQL needs to hang persistent storage, which is not covered here.
The following details how to configure mysql database by grafana.
First of all, create a new grafana database in mysql, and refer to the mysql sql syntax
Step 1: find out the node where the old grafana container is located through k8s cluster, find the container, and export grafana.ini to the server.
docker cp ad7fb5f9ef38:/etc/grafana/grafana.ini /lyf/
Step 2: edit the / lyf/grafana.ini file and modify the database option
[database] \# You can configure the database connection by specifying type, host, name, user and password \# as seperate properties or as on string using the url propertie. \# Either "mysql", "postgres" or "sqlite3", it's your choice type = mysql host = mysql.default:3306 name = grafana user = root \# If the password contains # or ; you have to wrap it with triple quotes. Ex """#password;""" password = root.123
After modifying the configuration file, save it. Then execute the following command to create a configmap
Create configmap grafana etc
kubectl create configmap "grafana-etc" --from-file=/lyf/grafana.ini --namespace=kube-system
Step 3: create grafana deployment
[root@k8s01 prometheus]# cat grafana-deploy.yaml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: "15" labels: k8s-app: grafana task: monitoring name: monitoring-grafana namespace: kube-system spec: progressDeadlineSeconds: 600 replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 10 selector: matchLabels: k8s-app: grafana task: monitoring strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 1 type: RollingUpdate template: metadata: labels: k8s-app: grafana task: monitoring spec: containers: - env: - name: INFLUXDB_HOST value: monitoring-influxdb.kube-system - name: GF_SERVER_HTTP_PORT value: "3000" - name: GF_AUTH_BASIC_ENABLED value: "false" - name: GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED value: "false" - name: GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ORG_ROLE value: Admin - name: GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL value: / image: imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: grafana ports: - containerPort: 3000 protocol: TCP resources: {} terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs name: ca-certificates readOnly: true - mountPath: /var name: grafana-storage - mountPath: /etc/grafana/ name: grafana-etc-volume dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst nodeSelector: role: master restartPolicy: Always schedulerName: default-scheduler securityContext: {} terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 volumes: - hostPath: path: /etc/ssl/certs type: "" name: ca-certificates - name: grafana-storage persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: grafana - configMap: defaultMode: 420 items: - key: grafana.ini path: grafana.ini name: grafana-etc name: grafana-etc-volume
Summary: restart configuration of grafana container with mysql configuration will not be lost.
Reference resources: