jwt Logon Check Carry token

Keywords: node.js JSON Database encoding axios

jwt login registration

jwt concept

Token does not need to be stored in the database.Just generate the key behind the scenes, then put the token in the request body or header when the client sends the request. When the client receives the token, it is stored in the local store or cookie. Note that sensitive information cannot be stored in the token here, otherwise it will be acquired (such as cookie or request body) and decrypted backwards to expose sensitive information.Such as passwords;
token contains three pieces of

eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9//Header Information This is fixed write-dead {'type':'JWT','alg':'HS256'}
> eyJ1c2VyIjoid2FuZyIsImVudmlyb25tZW50Ijoid2ViIwiZXhwaXJlcyI6MTUzNTUyMDk1MTcxOX0//Carrier is such as username sent by client
> 4rmP6UeeJ3mQbHfplruH15PvuUxPzFTxAfVnPgA7sgo//Key
 A token is formed by converting the header and the carrier to base64 encoding, then encrypting the header and the carrier to the sha256 algorithm to generate the key (that is, the third step). Changing this idea to code will result in the encode in the jwt-smile package, and decode is obtained for reverse decoding.
encode and decode in jwt-smilp
{username:username}//Time can also be set in the carrier as well as other
 jwt.encode({username:username},sercet)//sercet's own defined key
The whole process of login registration

Enter the login page, enter the account and password, click on the login request interface, and the background will look for the corresponding account password in the database. If it exists, the background will generate a token and be stuck in the request header (or response body).After giving the front end, the front end gets the return value and stores it in the cookie or request header. The front end intercepts the request in axios and inserts the key into the request header, so that each request sent carries the token, and the background receives the token to verify whether it is the correct token. If so, it proceeds to the next step, and if not, prompts the front end.

Implementation of node background code

Build a new src file after the node frame is builtApp.jsThe file code is as follows

let express = require('express')
let app = express()
//Get body of req
let bodyParser = require('body-parser');

//Introduce your own logon verification compliance file
let retoken = require('./retoken/retoken.js')

//The following two bodyParser s also parse json data in post s

//Urlencoded parses the x-ww-form-urlencoded requester body

//The object returned is a key-value pair, the value of which is either'String'or'Array' when the extension is false, or any data type when the extension is true.
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }))

//Use your own middleware written above

//Logon Interface File
app.use('/login', require('./login/index.js'));

//Unify error information
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
    if (err) {
            message: err.message

//Default listen on port 3000
app.listen(3000, () => {
    console.log('Service Enabled Successfully');
//Use third-party plug-ins
let jwt = require('jwt-simple');
//Define encryption and decryption keys (write freely)
const jstSecret = 'mengyuhang'

 function checkToken(req,res,next){
 //Determine that token verification is not required if it is a login or registered interface
 //The front end here is to plug token directly into the cookie so I get it directly in the cookie
        let tokenClone = req.headers.cookie;
//Token is passed in this form: token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Im15aDEyMyIsV4cGlyZXMiOjE1OTQwNDU4NDc1NzN9.PwIAp3nXIscIvgXykjmO6CbIFHpG6-2HgQU4

//Intercept after equal sign
        let token = tokenClone.split('=')[1]
        //If so, does the encrypted username and verification time expire here {username:'myh123', expires: 1594045847573}
            var decoded = jwt.decode(token, jstSecret)
            //Return to landing expiration if it is longer than the landing time I set
                    message: 'Landing Expiration'
            //Otherwise, execute down
        //Return prompt if no token exists
                message: 'you need login:there is no token'
    //If going directly down for login or registration interface
Login.jsInterface Writing in
const express = require('express');
let router = express.Router();
//I use sequelize here to manipulate databases
let sequelize = require('sequelize')
let models = require('../../db/models')

let jwt = require('jwt-simple');
//Set token expiration time
const tokenExpiresTime = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
//secret key
const jstSecret = 'mengyuhang'

router.post('/login', async (req, res, next) => {
    let { username, password} = req.body;
    try {
    //Find the corresponding account password in the user table in the database
        let personalInformation = await models.User.findOne({
            where: {
        //If Account Exists
        if (personalInformation) {
            //Generate token
            //Objects that need to be encrypted
            let payload = {
                username: personalInformation.username,
                expires: Date.now() + tokenExpiresTime
            //Encryption method provided by jwt-simple package, key defined by jstSecret itself
            let token = jwt.encode(payload, jstSecret)
                message: 'Landing Success',
        } else {
        //If the account does not exist
                code: '-1',
                message: 'User does not exist, please verify that the information is correct'
    } catch (e) {
            message: 'error'

//Register interface
router.post('/create', async (req, res, next) => {
    let { username, password } = req.body;
    //Find User Name in Database
        let user = await models.User.findOne({
            where: {
        //If the user name exists
        if (user) {
                code: '-1',
                message: 'User name already exists'
        } else {
        //If the username does not exist, you can register successfully
            await models.User.create({
                code: '0',
                message: 'login was successful'

module.exports = router

Front End Landing

Click on the token to get back in the background when you log in and plug it directly inDocument.cookieMedium

Posted by phat_hip_prog on Mon, 29 Jun 2020 09:12:56 -0700