JSON Model for Open Source Third Party Learning (20170 207)

Keywords: iOS JSON Attribute encoding github

1: Warehouse Address: https://github.com/jsonmodel/jsonmodel
The main function is to convert JSON strings into Model entities, or entities into JSON strings; it also contains some content of dictionary conversion; JOSN strings are converted into dictionaries through AFNetworking, and then can be converted to entities through dictionaries;
2: Principle realization:
This paper mainly introduces the principle of entity object transformation, and the others are not introduced in it. It mainly uses the mechanism of application to acquire and exchange attributes.
-(id)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary*)dict error:(NSError**)err
    //check for nil input
    //1.Empty judgement
    if (!dict) {
        if (err) *err = [JSONModelError errorInputIsNil];
        return nil;

    //invalid input, just create empty instance
    //2.Type judgement
    if (![dict isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
        if (err) *err = [JSONModelError errorInvalidDataWithMessage:@"Attempt to initialize JSONModel object using initWithDictionary:error: but the dictionary parameter was not an 'NSDictionary'."];
        return nil;

    //create a class instance
    //3.Core, Initialization Mapping property
    self = [self init];
    if (!self) {

        //super init didn't succeed
        if (err) *err = [JSONModelError errorModelIsInvalid];
        return nil;

    //check incoming data structure
    //4.Check whether the mapping structure can be derived from dictionary Find the corresponding data
    if (![self __doesDictionary:dict matchModelWithKeyMapper:self.__keyMapper error:err]) {
        return nil;

    //import the data from a dictionary
    //5.Data assignment
    if (![self __importDictionary:dict withKeyMapper:self.__keyMapper validation:YES error:err]) {
        return nil;

    //run any custom model validation
    //6.Local Data Check
    if (![self validate:err]) {
        return nil;

    //model is valid! yay!
    return self;

2.1: How to get attribute-related modifiers? Runtime mechanism is adopted to obtain attributes in entities and corresponding modifiers through attributes; different characters and symbols represent different modifiers;
        unsigned int propertyCount;
        objc_property_t *properties = class_copyPropertyList(class, &propertyCount);

        //loop over the class properties
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++) {

            JSONModelClassProperty* p = [[JSONModelClassProperty alloc] init];

            //get property name
            objc_property_t property = properties[i];
            const char *propertyName = property_getName(property);
            p.name = @(propertyName);

            //JMLog(@"property: %@", p.name);

            //get property attributes
            const char *attrs = property_getAttributes(property);
            NSString* propertyAttributes = @(attrs);
            NSArray* attributeItems = [propertyAttributes componentsSeparatedByString:@","];

The property_getAttributes function returns a list of objc_property_attribute_t structures, which contain name and value. The commonly used attributes are as follows:
Attribute type name value: T value: change
Encoding type name value: C (copy) & (strong) W (weak) empty (assign) and other values: none
Non/Atomic name value: Atomic N (Nonatomic) value: Nonatomic
Variable name value: V value: change
The description obtained by using property_getAttributes is the overall description of all name s and value s available from property_copyAttributeList, such as T@"NSDictionary",C,N,V_dict1.
2.2 NSScanner is used to scan specified characters in strings, especially to translate/convert them into numbers and other strings. You can specify its string attribute when creating NSScaner, and then the scanner will scan every character of the string from beginning to end as you want.  
NSScanner* scanner = nil;
            scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: propertyAttributes];

            //JMLog(@"attr: %@", [NSString stringWithCString:attrs encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
            [scanner scanUpToString:@"T" intoString: nil];
            [scanner scanString:@"T" intoString:nil];

            //check if the property is an instance of a class
            if ([scanner scanString:@"@\"" intoString: &propertyType]) {

                [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\"<"]

                //JMLog(@"type: %@", propertyClassName);
                p.type = NSClassFromString(propertyType);
                p.isMutable = ([propertyType rangeOfString:@"Mutable"].location != NSNotFound);
                p.isStandardJSONType = [allowedJSONTypes containsObject:p.type];

                //read through the property protocols
                while ([scanner scanString:@"<" intoString:NULL]) {

                    NSString* protocolName = nil;

                    [scanner scanUpToString:@">" intoString: &protocolName];

                    if ([protocolName isEqualToString:@"Optional"]) {
                        p.isOptional = YES;
                    } else if([protocolName isEqualToString:@"Index"]) {
                        p.isIndex = YES;
                                                 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN // This is atomic
                    } else if([protocolName isEqualToString:@"ConvertOnDemand"]) {
                        p.convertsOnDemand = YES;
                    } else if([protocolName isEqualToString:@"Ignore"]) {
                        p = nil;
                    } else {
                        p.protocol = protocolName;

                    [scanner scanString:@">" intoString:NULL];

            //check if the property is a structure
            else if ([scanner scanString:@"{" intoString: &propertyType]) {
                [scanner scanCharactersFromSet:[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]

                p.isStandardJSONType = NO;
                p.structName = propertyType;

            //the property must be a primitive
            else {

                //the property contains a primitive data type
                [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@","]

                //get the full name of the primitive type
                propertyType = valueTransformer.primitivesNames[propertyType];

                if (![allowedPrimitiveTypes containsObject:propertyType]) {

                    //type not allowed - programmer mistaked -> exception
                    @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"JSONModelProperty type not allowed"
                                                   reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Property type of %@.%@ is not supported by JSONModel.", self.class, p.name]


Then, the string of symbols is parsed and analyzed, and the corresponding strings are obtained for judgment processing; the corresponding attributes are added for operation, such as ignorance, nullability, etc., and the attributes modified by block are also directly nullable without conversion; the code is as follows:

NSString *nsPropertyName = @(propertyName);
            if([[self class] propertyIsOptional:nsPropertyName]){
                p.isOptional = YES;

            if([[self class] propertyIsIgnored:nsPropertyName]){
                p = nil;

            //few cases where JSONModel will ignore properties automatically
            if ([propertyType isEqualToString:@"Block"]) {
                p = nil;

2.3 JSONModel modifies the corresponding attribute names for keyMapper
In the following paragraph, we usually replace the Model with a JSON string and rename it with a new attribute name.
    return [[JSONKeyMapper alloc] initWithDictionary:@{
                                                       @"new_password": @"my_new_password",

In fact, in the process of JSONModel initialization, there is a judgment process for keyMapper; judging whether there is this method in the current entity object, if there is and has not been cached by the mapping, then it is processed;

    id mapper = [[self class] keyMapper];
    if ( mapper && !objc_getAssociatedObject(self.class, &kMapperObjectKey) ) {
                                 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN // This is atomic

The description of the use of & kClassPropertiesKey, & kMapper ObjectKey, is the identity of the mapping cache.

  //Use AssociateObject Mapping property Cache to determine whether it has been mapped
    if (!objc_getAssociatedObject(self.class, &kClassPropertiesKey)) {
        [self __inspectProperties];

//Same use AssociateObject Mapping property Caching
if ( mapper && !objc_getAssociatedObject(self.class, &kMapperObjectKey) ) {

Write the identity as follows:

                             [propertyIndex copy],
                             OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN // This is atomic

2.4 Lack of Judgment on Health Value
Get the attribute values of the current entity, and make no judgment on those empty, so they are not placed in the NSMutableSet below.
    //fetch the associated property names
    NSMutableSet* classRequiredPropertyNames = objc_getAssociatedObject(self.class, &kClassRequiredPropertyNamesKey);

    if (!classRequiredPropertyNames) {
        classRequiredPropertyNames = [NSMutableSet set];
        [[self __properties__] enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(JSONModelClassProperty* p, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
            if (!p.isOptional) [classRequiredPropertyNames addObject:p.name];

        //persist the list
                                 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN // This is atomic
    return classRequiredPropertyNames;

This side should be compatible with other attributes in dic dictionary and handle the replacement attributes if there is KeyMapper, and then make a unified judgment.

-(BOOL)__doesDictionary:(NSDictionary*)dict matchModelWithKeyMapper:(JSONKeyMapper*)keyMapper error:(NSError**)err
    //check if all required properties are present
    NSArray* incomingKeysArray = [dict allKeys];
    NSMutableSet* requiredProperties = [self __requiredPropertyNames];
    NSSet* incomingKeys = [NSSet setWithArray: incomingKeysArray];

    //transform the key names, if neccessary
    if (keyMapper || globalKeyMapper) {

        NSMutableSet* transformedIncomingKeys = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity: requiredProperties.count];
        NSString* transformedName = nil;

        //loop over the required properties list
        for (JSONModelClassProperty* property in [self __properties__]) {

            transformedName = (keyMapper||globalKeyMapper) ? [self __mapString:property.name withKeyMapper:keyMapper importing:YES] : property.name;

            //chek if exists and if so, add to incoming keys
            id value;
            @try {
                value = [dict valueForKeyPath:transformedName];
            @catch (NSException *exception) {
                value = dict[transformedName];

            if (value) {
                [transformedIncomingKeys addObject: property.name];

        //overwrite the raw incoming list with the mapped key names
        incomingKeys = transformedIncomingKeys;

    //check for missing input keys
    if (![requiredProperties isSubsetOfSet:incomingKeys]) {

        //get a list of the missing properties
        [requiredProperties minusSet:incomingKeys];

        //not all required properties are in - invalid input
        JMLog(@"Incoming data was invalid [%@ initWithDictionary:]. Keys missing: %@", self.class, requiredProperties);

        if (err) *err = [JSONModelError errorInvalidDataWithMissingKeys:requiredProperties];
        return NO;

    //not needed anymore
    incomingKeys= nil;
    requiredProperties= nil;

    return YES;

2.5 Start assigning
First, we get the corresponding array of attribute lists.
    //fetch the associated object
    NSDictionary* classProperties = objc_getAssociatedObject(self.class, &kClassPropertiesKey);
    if (classProperties) return [classProperties allValues];

    //if here, the class needs to inspect itself
    [self __setup__];

    //return the property list
    classProperties = objc_getAssociatedObject(self.class, &kClassPropertiesKey);
    return [classProperties allValues];

Then we mainly assign attributes.

-(BOOL)__importDictionary:(NSDictionary*)dict withKeyMapper:(JSONKeyMapper*)keyMapper validation:(BOOL)validation error:(NSError**)err
    //loop over the incoming keys and set self's properties
    //Mapped by cyclic traversal JSONModelClassProperty structural morphology
    for (JSONModelClassProperty* property in [self __properties__]) {

        //convert key name ot model keys, if a mapper is provided
        //keyMapper Mapping to get the real value of the town
        NSString* jsonKeyPath = (keyMapper||globalKeyMapper) ? [self __mapString:property.name withKeyMapper:keyMapper importing:YES] : property.name;
        //JMLog(@"keyPath: %@", jsonKeyPath);

        //general check for data type compliance
        id jsonValue;
        @try {
            jsonValue = [dict valueForKeyPath: jsonKeyPath];
        @catch (NSException *exception) {
            jsonValue = dict[jsonKeyPath];

        //check for Optional properties
        if (isNull(jsonValue)) {
            //skip this property, continue with next property
            if (property.isOptional || !validation) continue;

            if (err) {
                //null value for required property
                NSString* msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Value of required model key %@ is null", property.name];
                JSONModelError* dataErr = [JSONModelError errorInvalidDataWithMessage:msg];
                *err = [dataErr errorByPrependingKeyPathComponent:property.name];
            return NO;

        Class jsonValueClass = [jsonValue class];
        BOOL isValueOfAllowedType = NO;

        //Is it permissible to determine the type of data input? json type
        for (Class allowedType in allowedJSONTypes) {
            if ( [jsonValueClass isSubclassOfClass: allowedType] ) {
                isValueOfAllowedType = YES;

        if (isValueOfAllowedType==NO) {
            //type not allowed
            JMLog(@"Type %@ is not allowed in JSON.", NSStringFromClass(jsonValueClass));

            if (err) {
                NSString* msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Type %@ is not allowed in JSON.", NSStringFromClass(jsonValueClass)];
                JSONModelError* dataErr = [JSONModelError errorInvalidDataWithMessage:msg];
                *err = [dataErr errorByPrependingKeyPathComponent:property.name];
            return NO;

        //check if there's matching property in the model
        if (property) {

            // check for custom setter, than the model doesn't need to do any guessing
            // how to read the property's value from JSON
            // Corresponding to the object used setter Method to carry out set
            if ([self __customSetValue:jsonValue forProperty:property]) {
                //skip to next JSON key

            // 0) handle primitives
            // Represents the underlying type, such as int float Wait, use it directly kvc assignment
            if (property.type == nil && property.structName==nil) {

                //generic setter
                if (jsonValue != [self valueForKey:property.name]) {
                    [self setValue:jsonValue forKey: property.name];

                //skip directly to the next key

            // 0.5) handle nils
            if (isNull(jsonValue)) {
                if ([self valueForKey:property.name] != nil) {
                    [self setValue:nil forKey: property.name];

            // 1) check if property is itself a JSONModel
            // Determine whether the substructure is one? JSONModel Structures, recursive traversal, first the sub-structure traversal and assignment complete
            if ([self __isJSONModelSubClass:property.type]) {

                //initialize the property's model, store it
                JSONModelError* initErr = nil;
                id value = [[property.type alloc] initWithDictionary: jsonValue error:&initErr];

                if (!value) {
                    //skip this property, continue with next property
                    if (property.isOptional || !validation) continue;

                    // Propagate the error, including the property name as the key-path component
                    if((err != nil) && (initErr != nil))
                        *err = [initErr errorByPrependingKeyPathComponent:property.name];
                    return NO;
                if (![value isEqual:[self valueForKey:property.name]]) {
                    [self setValue:value forKey: property.name];

                //for clarity, does the same without continue

            } else {

                // 2) check if there's a protocol to the property
                //  ) might or not be the case there's a built in transform for it
                // Does it contain protocol A field that is used primarily to indicate array perhaps dictionary Object type in
                if (property.protocol) {

                    //JMLog(@"proto: %@", p.protocol);
                    //Loop through the sub-content, assigning the corresponding type to the corresponding array perhaps dictionary
                    jsonValue = [self __transform:jsonValue forProperty:property error:err];
                    if (!jsonValue) {
                        if ((err != nil) && (*err == nil)) {
                            NSString* msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Failed to transform value, but no error was set during transformation. (%@)", property];
                            JSONModelError* dataErr = [JSONModelError errorInvalidDataWithMessage:msg];
                            *err = [dataErr errorByPrependingKeyPathComponent:property.name];
                        return NO;

                // 3.1) handle matching standard JSON types
                // Criteria json Types, such as nsstring etc.
                if (property.isStandardJSONType && [jsonValue isKindOfClass: property.type]) {

                    //mutable properties
                    if (property.isMutable) {
                        jsonValue = [jsonValue mutableCopy];

                    //set the property value
                    if (![jsonValue isEqual:[self valueForKey:property.name]]) {
                        [self setValue:jsonValue forKey: property.name];

                // 3.3) handle values to transform
                // Other processing scenarios, mainly some type conversion scenarios, such as nsstring Convert to nsurl etc.
                if (
                    (![jsonValue isKindOfClass:property.type] && !isNull(jsonValue))
                    //the property is mutable
                    //custom struct property
                    ) {

                    // searched around the web how to do this better
                    // but did not find any solution, maybe that's the best idea? (hardly)
                    // Acquire authenticity json data type
                    Class sourceClass = [JSONValueTransformer classByResolvingClusterClasses:[jsonValue class]];

                    //JMLog(@"to type: [%@] from type: [%@] transformer: [%@]", p.type, sourceClass, selectorName);

                    //build a method selector for the property and json object classes
                    // adopt property Type and json Judgment of Data Type Conversion
                    NSString* selectorName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@From%@:",
                                              (property.structName? property.structName : property.type), //target name
                                              sourceClass]; //source name
                    SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorName);

                    //check for custom transformer
                    //Is there a local conversion method?
                    BOOL foundCustomTransformer = NO;
                    if ([valueTransformer respondsToSelector:selector]) {
                        foundCustomTransformer = YES;
                    } else {
                        //try for hidden custom transformer
                        selectorName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"__%@",selectorName];
                        selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorName);
                        if ([valueTransformer respondsToSelector:selector]) {
                            foundCustomTransformer = YES;

                    //check if there's a transformer with that name
                    if (foundCustomTransformer) {

                        //it's OK, believe me...
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
                        //transform the value
                        // adopt JSONValueTransformer Type conversion
                        jsonValue = [valueTransformer performSelector:selector withObject:jsonValue];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

                        if (![jsonValue isEqual:[self valueForKey:property.name]]) {
                            [self setValue:jsonValue forKey: property.name];

                    } else {

                        // it's not a JSON data type, and there's no transformer for it
                        // if property type is not supported - that's a programmer mistake -> exception
                        @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"Type not allowed"
                                                       reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ type not supported for %@.%@", property.type, [self class], property.name]
                        return NO;

                } else {
                    // 3.4) handle "all other" cases (if any)
                    if (![jsonValue isEqual:[self valueForKey:property.name]]) {
                        [self setValue:jsonValue forKey: property.name];

    return YES;

Whether the type corresponding to the value is in the supported transformation type

allowedJSONTypes = @[
                [NSString class], [NSNumber class], [NSDecimalNumber class], [NSArray class], [NSDictionary class], [NSNull class], //immutable JSON classes
                [NSMutableString class], [NSMutableArray class], [NSMutableDictionary class] //mutable JSON classes

            allowedPrimitiveTypes = @[
                @"BOOL", @"float", @"int", @"long", @"double", @"short",
                //and some famous aliases
                @"NSInteger", @"NSUInteger",

Then the above code is used for the following judgment

Class jsonValueClass = [jsonValue class];
        BOOL isValueOfAllowedType = NO;

        for (Class allowedType in allowedJSONTypes) {
            if ( [jsonValueClass isSubclassOfClass: allowedType] ) {
                isValueOfAllowedType = YES;

2.6 Define empty protocols to distinguish some attribute identifiers

@protocol Ignore

* Protocol for defining optional properties in a JSON Model class. Use like below to define
* model properties that are not required to have values in the JSON input:
* @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString&lt;Optional&gt;* propertyName;
@protocol Optional

* Protocol for defining index properties in a JSON Model class. Use like below to define
* model properties that are considered the Model's identifier (id).
* @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString&lt;Index&gt;* propertyName;
@protocol Index

//Make all objects optionally compatible and avoid compiler warnings
@interface NSObject(JSONModelPropertyCompatibility)<Optional, Index, Ignore>

In particular, Optional is a nullable identifier, such as when we set a property to be nullable @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString < Optional > * current_status;, and then configure some properties in the string above to get the property about whether or not the identifier string exists; it is included in <>;

while ([scanner scanString:@"<" intoString:NULL]) {

                    NSString* protocolName = nil;

                    [scanner scanUpToString:@">" intoString: &protocolName];

                    if ([protocolName isEqualToString:@"Optional"]) {
                        p.isOptional = YES;
                    } else if([protocolName isEqualToString:@"Index"]) {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
                        p.isIndex = YES;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

                                                 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN // This is atomic
                    } else if([protocolName isEqualToString:@"Ignore"]) {
                        p = nil;
                    } else {
                        p.protocol = protocolName;

                    [scanner scanString:@">" intoString:NULL];


3: Examples of obtaining attribute types

Define a class:

@interface MPAllModel : JSONModel

@property(nonatomic,copy)NSString *name;
@property(nonatomic,strong)NSString *userName;
@property(nonatomic)int age;
@property(nonatomic)float price;
@property(nonatomic,strong)NSNumber *isShow;
@property(nonatomic,assign)BOOL isError;
@property(nonatomic,strong)NSArray *itemArray;
@property(nonatomic,strong)NSArray<Optional> *dataArray;

Then, using the runtime code, we get the string contents of the corresponding attributes of this class:

    unsigned int outCount;
    int i;
    objc_property_t *property = class_copyPropertyList([MPAllModel class], &outCount);
    for (i = outCount -1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
        NSString *getPropertyName = [NSString stringWithCString:property_getName(property[i]) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        NSLog(@"getPropertyName:        %@",getPropertyName);
        NSString *getPropertyNameString = [NSString stringWithCString:property_getAttributes(property[i]) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        NSLog(@"getPropertyNameString:  %@",getPropertyNameString);

The following corresponding types are obtained:

getPropertyName:        dataArray
getPropertyNameString:  T@"NSArray<Optional>",&,N,V_dataArray

getPropertyName:        itemArray
getPropertyNameString:  T@"NSArray",&,N,V_itemArray

getPropertyName:        isError
getPropertyNameString:  TB,N,V_isError

getPropertyName:        isShow
getPropertyNameString:  T@"NSNumber",&,N,V_isShow

getPropertyName:        price
getPropertyNameString:  Tf,N,V_price

getPropertyName:        age
getPropertyNameString:  Ti,N,V_age

getPropertyName:        userName
getPropertyNameString:  T@"NSString",&,N,V_userName

getPropertyName:        name
getPropertyNameString:  T@"NSString",C,N,V_name


Posted by Cynix on Sat, 23 Mar 2019 19:48:28 -0700