20190124 question:
How to understand Proxy in es6?
Test question analysis: the understanding of proxy may extend to the two-way binding of vue
Proxy definition
It can be understood that a layer of interception is set up for the target object, through which external access to the object must be intercepted
Simple example:
const obj = new Proxy({}, { get: (target, key, receiver) => { return 'JS' console.log(`get ${key}`) }, set: (target, key, value, receiver) => { console.log(`set ${key}`) }, }) obj.name = 'JS One question per day' // set name // JS daily question obj.name // Here, enter the callback function of get, and all directly return JS
As can be seen from the above example, there is a mechanism for Proxy to overwrite external read and write operations
Proxy instance method
In addition to proxy get and set operations, proxy can also proxy other operations, as follows
handler.getPrototypeOf() // This operation is triggered when the prototype of the proxy object is read, such as when the Object.getPrototypeOf(proxy) is executed. handler.setPrototypeOf() // This operation is triggered when setting the prototype of the proxy object, such as when executing Object.setPrototypeOf(proxy, null). handler.isExtensible() // This operation is triggered when judging whether a proxy object is extensible, such as when executing Object.isExtensible(proxy). handler.preventExtensions() // This operation is triggered when making a proxy object non extensible, such as when executing Object.preventExtensions(proxy). handler.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() // This operation is triggered when the property description of a property of the proxy object is obtained, for example, when the Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, "foo") is executed. handler.defineProperty() // This operation is triggered when defining a property description of a proxy object, such as when executing Object.defineProperty(proxy, "foo", {}). handler.has() // This operation is triggered when judging whether the proxy object has a certain attribute, such as when performing "foo" in proxy. handler.get() // This operation is triggered when a property of the proxy object is read, such as when executing proxy.foo. handler.set() // This operation is triggered when a property of the proxy object is assigned, such as when proxy.foo = 1 is executed. handler.deleteProperty() // This operation is triggered when a property of the proxy object is deleted, such as when delete proxy.foo is executed. handler.ownKeys() // This operation is triggered when all the property keys of the proxy object are obtained, such as when the Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proxy) is executed. handler.apply() // This operation is triggered when a proxy object whose target object is a function is called, such as when executing proxy(). handler.construct() // This operation is triggered when constructing an instance of a proxy object whose target object is a constructor, such as when executing new proxy().
Why use Proxy
- Block and monitor external access to objects
- Reduce the complexity of a function or class
- Verify operations or manage required resources before complex operations
Out of question
How to implement two-way binding with proxy?
Past period
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