js-01 - Basic knowledge

Keywords: Javascript

I. JS Variable Declaration, Data Type and Variable Conversion

1.js variable declaration keyword: var

Note: a: js variables are case sensitive;

In b: js, double quotation marks or single quotation marks can be used for strings.

The same name variable can be declared in c: js. The console will not report errors, but the later variable will override the previous one.

2. Classification of data types

a: number (number type)

b: string (string type)

c: boolean (boolean type)

    d: null

e: undefined (undefined)

f: object (object type)

Note: NaN is a digital type, but its essence is not a number; it is not equal to all values, including itself.

3. Conversion of JS variables

a: Convert the data type to the digital type using number () function

b: Use Boolean () function to convert data type to boolean type

Note the use of js variables:

Variable names are best defined, starting with letters or underscores, followed by numeric underscores.


a: var age= 12;
b: var test5 ='hello';
c: var _test = 'hello';

2. Three ways of introducing js and checking whether browser javascript supports or not

1. Internal introduction


2. External introduction (recommended)

<script src="Route" type="text/javascript"></script>

3. Intra-line introduction

<a href="javascript:confirm('aaa');">666</a>
<p onclick="javascript:alert('hello');">clickme</p>

4. Check whether the browser supports javascript usage (generally supported by computers)


Your browser does not support JavaScript


3. Hump Marking and Underline and js

a. Hump marking and underscoring

var firstName = 'king';    //Small hump
var FirstName = 'queen';    //Great Hump
var first_name = 'fyh';    //Underline method


Three kinds of bullet-frame modes of b and js

Warning frame: alert (');

Confirmation box: confirm('');

Tip box: prompt('prompt statement','input box');

Operators in js

1. Arithmetic operators (+,-,*,/,+,--,%)

    var i=1,j=2;
    document.write(i+j);  //3
    document.write(i-j);   //-1
    document.write(i*j);  //2
    document.write(i/j);  //0.5
     document.write(i%j);  //2
     document.write(1%-2);  //1
     document.write(-1%2);  //-1
     document.write(-2%1);  //0


a:"%" remainder operator, divide the two numbers and take the remainder.

    a=10%2; //a=0

b:"+" self-incremental operator

var a=10;
    //Add 1 after assignment.
var b=a++;
    //The value of a variable is assigned to b, b=10, and then a+1, a=11.
var c=++a;
    //The value of variable a is + 1, a=12, and then variable a is assigned to variable c, c=12.

c:"- -" self-decreasing operator

  var num1=2;

alert(- -num1); output num1=1;

// Floating Point Supports Self-Increasing and Self-Decreasing Operators


alert (- num1); / / output num1=11.3;

Note: String types do not support self-increasing and self-decreasing operators

2. Assignment operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=)

"+=": First add and then wait, such as a+=5, expand and then a=a+5;

"-=": First subtract, then wait, such as a-=5, expand and then a=a-5;

"*=": First multiply, then wait, such as a*=5, then expand to a=a*5;

"/=": First divide and then wait, such as a/=5, expand and then a=a/5;

3. String operator (+)

String operators are used only as connectors, and no other operations are performed.

  eg: var a='fyh';

    var b=a+'666';    //b='fyh'+'666'='fyh666';

4. Comparing operators (>,<,>=,<=,<=,=,! = ====,! = =)

  eg: a=5>6;   //a=false;

    a=5>=6;  //a=false;

"==", value comparison, value return true, otherwise return flase;

"===", value and type are compared at the same time, the same return true, different return flase;

"! == "Not absolutely equal, one value or type is not equal, or both are not equal;

"===", absolutely equal, equal in value and type;

5. Logical Operators (&, |,!)


&& (and): Return true only when both sides are established, and false if they are different;

|| (or):a: the first is ture, and the second is false or ture, which returns the previous value.

b: The front is false, and the back, whether it's ture or false, returns the back value.

6. Comma Operator

var a,b,c;
var n=1,m=2;
var z=(x=3,y=4);

7. Ternary Operator (Trinomial Operator) (a > b?'true':'false')


var res=3>1?'aa':'bb';

8. void operator


<script type="text/javascript">
    //void operator
            //z Output is 3
        var x;
    alert(typeof x);
        //x The output is undefined    


V. Comparison of null, NaN, "" and undefined

Undefined: undefined type

    var a;

alert(a); //undefined not defined;

2. null (null value)

    alert(typeof null);   //object

3. NaN(NaN is a digital type, but its essence is not a number; it is not equal to all values, including itself;)


  4, " "

0==" ";   //true

0==false; //true 

null==undefined;   //true 

0==undefined; //false

undefined==false; //false

" "==undefined; //false

0==null; //false

null==false; //false

" "==null; //false

Posted by ming_andrada on Tue, 13 Aug 2019 03:49:32 -0700