jquery state filter selector

Keywords: Javascript

Focus state

: focus selector select the currently focused element

document.onclick = function(){

Corresponding to CSS selector: focus


If you use javascript to achieve similar effects

var tags = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
for(var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++){
    tags[i].onfocus = function(){
        this.style.color = 'red';

Hash state

The: target selector is used to match the target element corresponding to the anchor

    <a href="#test">Anchor point</a>
    <div id="test">Discoloration</div>
window.location = '#test';

The corresponding CSS selector is: target selector, which is used to match the target element corresponding to the anchor


Animation status

: animated selector selects all elements that are performing animation effects

<button id="btn">run</button>
<div id="mover" style="height:30px;width: 30px;background-color: green;"></div>
function animateIt() {
  $("#mover").slideToggle("slow", animateIt);
btn.onclick = function(){

Explicit and implicit state

: Hidden selector selects all hidden elements and returns collection elements
Invisible elements are not hidden. Elements are considered hidden in the following ways:


[2] type of form element = 'hidden'

[3] width and height are set to 0

[4] ancestral elements are hidden

[note] the element visibility: hidden or opacity: 0 is considered visible because they still occupy the layout space

The: visible selector selects all visible elements, which are considered visible if they occupy a certain space in the document

[note] animating on hidden elements is considered visible until the end of the animation

<button id="btn1">$('#test :hidden')</button>
<button id="btn2">$('#test :visible')</button>
<button id="reset">reduction</button>
<div id="test">
        <div style="display:none;">hidden</div>  
        <input type="hidden" />
reset.onclick = function(){history.go();}
btn1.onclick = function(){this.innerHTML = 'Yes'+$('#test :hidden').length+'Hidden elements'}
btn2.onclick = function(){this.innerHTML = 'Yes'+$('#test :visible').length+'Visible elements'}

Posted by narimanam on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 12:56:32 -0700