jquery imitation mobile Alipay keyboard

Keywords: Javascript Mobile

Recently, I met a demand when I was making a project, that is to click the payment button on the mobile terminal payment page to pop up a payment keyboard, similar to that of Alipay. Because the project is just a mobile website, not an app, this function has to be implemented by the front end. If you don't say much, first look at the effect above.



Nima, isn't that the Alipay app that pays the keyboard? Yes, we UI is referring to Alipay's keyboard. You may ask, why not directly call the payment interface provided by Alipay? Well, because of the need of the project, there is no more explanation here.

Let's take a look at the renderings after implementation





 1 <!-- Payment keyboard -->
 2     <divclass="pay-container">
 3         <divclass="pay-title">
 4             <spanclass="pay-title-remove">×</span>
 5             Enter payment password
 6         </div>
 7         <divclass="pay-body">
 8             <divclass="input-container">
 9                 <inputclass="input-item"type="password"readonly>
10                 <inputclass="input-item"type="password"readonly>
11                 <inputclass="input-item"type="password"readonly>
12                 <inputclass="input-item"type="password"readonly>
13                 <inputclass="input-item"type="password"readonly>
14                 <inputclass="input-item"type="password"readonly>
15             </div>
16             <divclass="forgetPwd-container">
17                 <aclass="forgetPwd"href="">Forget the password?</a>
18             </div>
19             <divclass="key-container">
20                 <divclass="key-item">1</div>
21                 <divclass="key-item">2</div>
22                 <divclass="key-item">3</div>
23                 <divclass="key-item">4</div>
24                 <divclass="key-item">5</div>
25                 <divclass="key-item">6</div>
26                 <divclass="key-item">7</div>
27                 <divclass="key-item">8</div>
28                 <divclass="key-item">9</div>
29                 <divclass="key-item empty"></div>
30                 <divclass="key-item">0</div>
31                 <divclass="key-item remove"></div>
32             </div>
33         </div>
34     </div>


Part CSS

 1 .pay-container{ width:7.5rem; height:8rem; background-color:#fbf9fb; position:fixed;z-index:999; overflow:hidden;display:none; }
 2 /* .pay-container-show{transform: translate3d(0, -8.9rem, 0);transition: 0.5s ease;transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transition: 0.5s ease;} */
 3 .pay-title{ height:0.96rem; line-height:0.96rem; border-bottom:1pxsolid#b3afaf; text-align:center; color:#070707;
 4 position:relative; font-size:0.36rem;}
 5 .pay-title.pay-title-remove{ width:0.24rem; height:0.24rem; position:absolute; top:0.35rem; left:0.33rem; line-height:0.28rem;
 6 font-size:0.45rem;}
 7 .pay-body{ padding-top:0.56rem;position:relative; height:7rem; box-sizing:border-box;}
 8 .pay-body.input-container{ width:6.74rem; height:0.93rem; border:1pxsolid#ebe8eb; overflow:hidden; border-radius:5px;
 9 background-color:#fff; margin:0auto; display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:center; 
10 flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center;align-content:center;}
11 .pay-body.input-container.input-item{ width:1.1rem; height:0.92rem; display:inline-block; margin:0; border-right:1pxsolid#ebe8eb;
12 text-align:center; line-height:0.92rem; border-radius:0; }
13 .pay-body.input-container.input-item:nth-last-child(1){ border-right:0;}
14 .pay-body.forgetPwd-container{width:6.74rem;margin:0.22remauto0; text-align:right;}
15 .pay-body.forgetPwd-container.forgetPwd{ color:#52bfff; font-size:0.24rem; }
16 .pay-body.key-container{ width:100%; height:4.56rem; position:absolute; bottom:0; display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:center; 
17     flex-wrap:wrap; justify-content:center;align-content:center; }
18 .pay-body.key-container.key-item{ width:2.47rem; height:1.12rem; line-height:1.12rem; text-align:center; border-right:2pxsolid#f3f3f3;
19     border-top:2pxsolid#f3f3f3; font-size:0.66rem; color:#1e1d1f;background-color:#fff;}
20 .pay-body.key-container.key-item:nth-child(3),
21 .pay-body.key-container.key-item:nth-child(6),
22 .pay-body.key-container.key-item:nth-child(9),
23 .pay-body.key-container.key-item:nth-child(12){ border-right:0;}
24 .pay-body.key-container.key-item.remove,.pay-body.key-container.key-item.empty{ font-size:0.24rem;background-color:#e6e9f1;}
25 .pay-body.key-container.key-item.remove{ background:url('../images/pay-remove.png') centerno-repeat#e6e9f1; background-size:.52rem.32rem; }
26 .pay-body.key-container.selected{ background-color:#e4e8f4;}


Core JS part

 1 var arr = [];
 2         var num =0;
 4         //Respond to keyboard events
 5         $('.key-item').on('touchstart', function () {
 6             $(this).addClass('selected')
 7         })
 8         $('.key-item').on('touchend', function () {
 9             $(this).removeClass('selected')
10         })
11         $('.key-item').on('click', function () {
12             var value =$(this).text();
13             var inputItem =$('.layui-m-layercont .input-item');
14             if (!$(this).hasClass('remove')) {
15                 if (num <6) {
16                     $(inputItem[num]).val(value);
17                     if (num ==5) {
18                         var arr = [];
19                         for (var i =0; i < inputItem.length; i++) {
20                             arr.push(inputItem[i].value)
21                         }
22                         arr =parseInt(arr.join(''));
23                         if (arr !==123456) {
24                             layer.open({
25                                 content:'Payment password error, please re-enter!',
26                                 skin:'msg',
27                                 time:2//2 Turn off automatically in seconds
28                             });
29                         } else {
30                             layer.open({
31                                 content:'The input is correct!',
32                                 skin:'msg',
33                                 time:2//2 Turn off automatically in seconds
34                             });
35                         }
36                         num++;
37                         returnfalse;
38                     }
39                     num++;
40                 }
41             } else {
42                 if (num >0) {
43                     num--;
44                     $(inputItem[num]).val('');
45                 }
46             }
47         })


There's just so much code, and it's not complicated. It may be crude, but the effect can come out.

Posted by Arenium on Fri, 03 Jan 2020 14:37:20 -0800