Usage scenario: the id of the selected row in the jqGrid table needs to be added to the form, while the table needs to turn pages because of too much data, but the selected row disappears every time the checkbox is selected to turn pages and then turn back. So it is necessary to keep the checkbox selected before turning the page and returning.
1. First, to make the table appear in the checkbox selection box column, you need to add the multiselect attribute
2. Second: you need to understand three events: onSelectAll, onSelectRow, and loadComplete
3. Idea: you need to customize the checkArray and pageNum of a globally selected item. When you select a page, you need to save both the page number and the selected rowId into the array. When the table is loaded, find the rowId of the corresponding page according to the records in the array to make it selected.
Note: to keep the checkbox selected just looks good, actually I want to submit the content id of the selected row, so I add three parameters to the array item: page number, rowId, content id: {"pageNum":pageNum,"rowId":rowIds[i],"ID":rowData.warnAreaId};
4. Code
//Set the array and current page number selected by the global variable var checkArray=[]; var pageNum=1; /** * Initialize DataGrid */ function initDataGrid() { $('#grid-table').jqGrid({ url : $.cxt + "/coWarnArea/getAreaPeopleSettingList", datatype : "json", postData : { warnType:'4', }, mtype : "POST", height : 'auto', autowidth : true, colNames : [ 'Case No','Case name','City of ownership','Case level','start time', 'End time' ], colModel : [ { name : 'warnAreaId', align : 'center', index : 'warnAreaId', editable : false, }, { name : 'warnAreaName', align : 'center', index : 'warnAreaName', editable : false, formatter : renderOperation }, { name : 'areaName', align : 'center', index : 'areaName', editable : false }, { name : 'caseLevel', align : 'center', index : 'caseLevel', editable : false }, { name : 'startDate', align : 'center', index : 'startDate', editable : false }, { name : 'endDate', align : 'center', index : 'endDate', search : false, sortable : false, editable : false, } ], viewrecords : true, rowNum : 10, rowList : [ 10, 20, 30 ], pager : '#grid-pager', altRows : true, multiselect : true,//Add this property to display the selection checkbox //multiboxonly : false, onSelectAll:function(rowIds,status){ //Triggered when all is selected. rowIds are all rowIds of the page //Delete all pages in checkArray array for(var i=0;i<rowIds.length;i++){ for(var j=0;j<checkArray.length;j++){ if(checkArray[j].pageNum==pageNum && checkArray[j].rowId==rowIds[i]){ checkArray.splice(j,1); break; } } } //If it is selected, add all items on the current page if(status){ for(var i=0;i<rowIds.length;i++){ var rowData=$("#grid-table").jqGrid('getRowData', rowIds[i]); var checkedItem={"pageNum":pageNum,"rowId":rowIds[i],"ID":rowData.warnAreaId}; checkArray.push(checkedItem) } } //console.log(checkArray) }, onSelectRow:function(rowId,status){ //Click checkbox to trigger rowId as the currently triggered rowId //Row data of the selected row var rowData=$("#grid-table").jqGrid('getRowData', rowId); var checkedItem={"pageNum":pageNum,"rowId":rowId,"ID":rowData.warnAreaId}; if(status){ //If it is selected, the array will be added if there is no one in the array for(var i=0;i<checkArray.length;i++){ if(checkArray[i].pageNum==pageNum && checkArray[i].rowId==rowId ){ return false; } } checkArray.push(checkedItem); }else{ //Delete array for(var i=0;i<checkArray.length;i++){ if(checkArray[i].pageNum==pageNum && checkArray[i].rowId==rowId){ checkArray.splice(i,1); break; } } } //console.log(checkArray) }, //Triggered when each page loads loadComplete : function(data) { //Change pageNum page number of global variable; //Loop array to make the rowId in the page selected for(var i=0;i<checkArray.length;i++){ if(checkArray[i].pageNum==pageNum){ $("#grid-table").jqGrid('setSelection', checkArray[i].rowId ,true); } } //console.log(checkArray) }, }); // JqGrid re layout $(window).triggerHandler('resize.jqGrid'); // JqGrid page bar settings $('#grid-table').jqGrid('navGrid', '#grid-pager', { edit : false, editicon : 'ace-icon fa fa-pencil blue', add : false, addicon : 'ace-icon fa fa-plus-circle purple', del : false, delicon : 'ace-icon fa fa-trash-o red', search : false, searchicon : 'ace-icon fa fa-search orange', refresh : true, refreshicon : 'ace-icon fa fa-refresh green', view : false, viewicon : 'ace-icon fa fa-search-plus grey' }) }
Selected array
6. When submitting data, you only need to loop the array and take out its ID