Javascript statements and operations and some supplementary contents

Keywords: Javascript Front-end html

1, Statements about Javascript


  • Our js code is executed sequentially (from top to bottom)
  • Logical branching is to decide whether to execute some code according to the conditions we set

1. Program statement:

Program = statement + data structure + algorithm

2. Conditional statements:

Definition: determines which statements need to be executed and which statements do not need to be executed according to conditions
a. Conditional statement: if
b. Loop statement: for, while

2, IF conditional branch structure (conditional statement)

1.if statement

  • An if statement is used to determine whether the code is executed or not

  • Syntax: if (condition) {code to execute}

  • Whether the code in {} is executed is determined by whether the conditions in () are true

    // Execute the code in {} when the condition is true
    if (true) {
      alert('Because the condition is true,I'll do it')
    // If the condition is false, the code in {} will not be executed
    if (false) {
    	alert('Because the condition is false,I won't do it')    

2.if else statement

  • Determine which {} code to execute through the if condition

  • Syntax: if (condition) {execute when the condition is true} else {execute when the condition is false}

  • One of the two {} codes must execute

    // When the condition is true, {} after if will be executed 
    if (true) {
      alert('Because the condition is true,I'll do it')
    } else {
      alert('Because the condition is true,I won't do it')
    // When the condition is false, {} after else will be executed
    if (false) {
      alert('Because the condition is false,I won't do it')
    } else {
      alert('Because the condition is false,I'll do it')

3. If else... Statement

  • Multiple conditions can be set for judgment through if and else if

  • Syntax: if (condition 1) {execute when condition 1 is true} else if (condition 2) {execute when condition 2 is true}

  • Will judge the conditions from the beginning

    • If the first condition is true, the contents in the following {} will be executed
    • If the first condition is false, the second condition will be judged, and so on
  • If there are multiple {}, only one will be executed. Once one condition is true, the latter will not be judged

    // The first condition is true and the second condition is false. Finally, "I am code segment 1" will be printed
    if (true) {
      alert('I'm snippet 1')
    } else if (false) {
    	alert('I'm snippet 2')           
    // The first condition is true, the second condition is true, and finally "I am code segment 1" will be printed
    // Because as long as one of the previous conditions is met, we will not continue to judge
    if (true) {
      alert('I'm snippet 1')
    } else if (true) {
      alert('I'm snippet 2')
    // The first condition is false, the second condition is true, and finally "I am code segment 2" will be printed
    // Only when the previous condition is false will the backward judgment continue
    if (false) {
      alert('I'm snippet 1')
    } else if (true) {
      alert('I'm snippet 2')
    // The first condition is false, the second condition is false, and nothing will happen in the end
    // Because when all conditions are false, the code in both {} will not be executed
    if (false) {
      alert('I'm snippet 1')
    } else if (false) {
      alert('I'm snippet 2')

4. If... else statement

  • It is basically the same as the previous if else if... Except that when all conditions are not met, execute {} after the last else

    // The first condition is false, the second condition is false, and finally "I am code segment 3" will be printed
    // Only when all the previous conditions are not met will the code in {} behind else be executed
    // As long as one of the preceding conditions is met, the latter will not be executed
    if (false) {
      alert('I'm snippet 1')
    } else if (false) {
      alert('I'm snippet 2')
    } else {
      alert('I'm code snippet 3')

Here are some inline snippets.

// Here are some examples
             Find the maximum of two numbers
Ask 63.74 The maximum value of the two numbers is taken and printed out to the console:
        var m = 63
        var n = 74
        var max = m//Store maximum

        if(n > max){
            max = n

        // if (m > n) {
        //     max = m
        // }else{
        //     max = n
        // }

        console.log('The maximum is ',max)

                 Find the maximum of three numbers

Method 1.
           Find the maximum value of 53, 42 and 64, and print the maximum value output to the console
           analysis: Step 1: define three variables to store three values, and then define a variable to store the maximum value
                 var m = 53
                 var n = 42
                 var z = 64

                 var max  //Maximum
        var m = 53
        var n = 42
        var z = 64

        var max  //Maximum

        //If M is greater than n and is greater than z, the maximum value is m
        if(m > n && m > z){
            max = m
        }else if(n > m && n > z){
            max = n
            max = z

        console.log('Maximum of three numbers ',max)

Method 2:
           Find the maximum value of 53, 42 and 64, and print the maximum value output to the console
           analysis: Step 1: define three variables to store three values, and then define a variable to store the maximum value
                 var m = 53
                 var n = 42
                 var z = 64

                 var max  //Maximum

                 Suppose the first number is the maximum
                  max = m
                 Compare the following numbers with max Compare if max Large, assign to max,
                 Then compare the following numbers
                  if(n > max){
                      max = n
                  if(z > max){
                      max = z

        var m = 53
        var n = 42
        var z = 64

        var max = m //Max, max: 153
        if(n > max){  // 42 > 153
            max = n

        if(z > max){  // 64 > 153
            max = z 

        console.log('Maximum of three numbers ',max)

3, switch conditional branch structure (switch statement)

  • It is also a kind of conditional judgment statement

  • It is the judgment of a variable

  • Syntax:

    switch (Variables to judge) {
      case Case 1:
        Case 1 code to execute
      case Case 2:
        Case 2 code to execute
      case Case 3:
        Case 3 code to execute
        Code executed when none of the above conditions are satisfied
    • To determine when a variable is equal to a value, use it
  • example 🌰: The number given according to the variable shows the day of the week

    var week = 2
    switch (week) {
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:
      case 4:
      case 5:
      case 6:
      case 7:
        alert('Please enter a 1 ~ 7 Number between')

Note: case has the effect of penetrating code

Here are some inline snippets.

// A case is shown below
Enter the year and month to display the number of days in the current month of the year,
           analysis: var year = 2021  //particular year
                 var month = 11   //month   
                 var day = ?     30 day

                 1 ,3 ,5,  7, 8, 10,  12   ->  31 day
                  4 ,6,     9,    11   ->  30 day
                     February 29th, February 28th, leap year
        var year = 2021  //particular year
        var month = 12   //month   
        var day  // ? day

        switch (month) {
            case 1:
                day = 31
            case 3:
                day = 31
            case 5:
                day = 31
            case 7:
                day = 31
            case 8:
                day = 31
            case 10:
                day = 31
            case 12:
                day = 31

            case 4:
                day = 30
            case 6:
                day = 30
            case 9:
                day = 30
            case 11:
                day = 30

            case 2:
                if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)) {
                    day = 29
                } else {
                    day = 28


        console.log(year,'year',month,'Month is',day,'day');

Compare the simplified code effect of case:

Some inline snippets are shown below

// The conditions are the same as above. Use the case penetration effect to simplify the code case
 Enter the year and month to display the number of days in the current month of the year case Penetration simplified code
           analysis: var year = 2021  //particular year
                 var month = 11   //month   
                 var day = ?     30 day

                 1 ,3 ,5,  7, 8, 10,  12   ->  31 day
                  4 ,6,     9,    11   ->  30 day
                     February 29th, February 28th, leap year
        var year = 2021  //particular year
        var month = 4   //month   
        var day  // ? day

        switch (month) {
            case 1:
            case 3:
            case 5:
            case 7:
            case 8:
            case 10:
            case 12:
                day = 31

            case 4:
            case 6:
            case 9:
            case 11:
                day = 30

            case 2:
                if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)) {
                    day = 29
                } else {
                    day = 28

        console.log(year,'year',month,'Month is',day,'day');

It can be clearly seen that the penetration effect of case has a good effect on optimizing the code (making the code concise and clear, and reducing the pressure of naming)

4, Ternary operation (Extended)

  • Ternary operation is to use two symbols to form a statement

  • Ternary operation is only a short form of if else statement

  • Syntax: condition? Execute when the condition is true: execute when the condition is false

    var age = 18;
    age >= 18 ? alert('Have grown up') : alert('No adult')

Here are some inline snippets.

// A case of realizing the purpose with ternary operation
 Find three numbers 34,56,27 Maximum value, realized by ternary operation
        var m = 34
        var n = 56
        var k = 27
        var max

        if (m > n) {
            if (m > k) {
                max = m
            } else {
                max = k
        } else {
            if (n > k) {
                max = n
            } else {
                max = k

        max = m > n ? (m > k ? m : k) : (n > k ? n : k)

        console.log('The maximum is ',max);

        // if (m > n && m > k) {
        //     max = m
        // }else if(n > k && n > m){
        //     max = n
        // }else{
        //     max = k
        // }

5, Single step commissioning (supplementary)

1. Function: debug program errors and bugs
2. Purpose: it is convenient to understand the sentence execution sequence and law of the program
3. Steps:

a. Open the browser window to find the source option

b. Select the html file

c. Break points: start and end

d. Click the button to execute step by step

Posted by srarcade on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 17:01:42 -0800