JavaScript data types

Keywords: Javascript Attribute

data type

Data types in javascript are classified into simple data types and complex data types. Today, we only learn simple data types (5)
Number, string, Boolean, declaration unassigned, null type


JavaScript does not distinguish between integer and floating-point types and uses number to represent them.

  • Binary system

    In javascript, we can use octal and hexadecimal to represent a number, in addition to the decimal 11, 22, 33 and so on.
    //Our most commonly used binary system, when doing arithmetic operations, octal and hexadecimal system will eventually be converted to binary system, the computer only recognizes binary system.
    //10 to 1
    var num = 9;
    var num = 29;
    // Numbers at the beginning of 0 enter 1 at 8.
    var num1 = 010;
    var num2 = 0121;
    // Octal 0-7, octal 1, octal 10
    var ba = 0321; 
    // 12 = 2*8^0 + 1*8^1 = 10
    // 321 = 1*8^0 + 2*8^1 + 3*8^2 = 1+16+ 192 = 209
    //  Hexadecimal
    // Numbers starting at 0x, entering 1 at 16, range 1-9A-F
    var num = 0xA;
    var num = 0x12;
  • Floating point number

    Floating point numbers are decimal numbers, such as 0.1.
    const num = 0.1;
    / ****** Scientific Counting Method*/
    // When a number is large, it can be expressed by scientific counting.
    Var num = 3E + 3; //3 times the third power of 10
     var num = 2e-2;//2 times 10-2
    / *** Floating Point Loss Accuracy Problem*/
    // Accuracy loss may occur in floating-point arithmetic
    0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004;
    0.2 + 0.2 = 0.4;
    // Use floating-point numbers as little as possible, and don't let floating-point numbers compare.
    Solution: multiply the corresponding integer by the number of digits after the decimal point;
    0.2 + 0.3  ==> (0.2*10+0.3*10) / 10 = 0.5
    / ****** numerical range**/
    Minimum value: Number.MIN_VALUE, which is: 5e-324
     Maximum: Number.MAX_VALUE, which is 1.7976931348623157e+308
     Infinity 1/0

String type

      String type, using double quotation marks " perhaps ' perhaps `` Wrapped characters

        //Double and single quotation marks must appear in pairs
        const str = 'hello world';
        const str = "hello world";
        const num1 = '13';
        const num2 = '13';
        /******String Length***/
        //Each string has a length attribute to get the number of strings in the string
        const str = "akdjflksjdflk";
        /****String splicing***/
       1,+Number has the function of string splicing, it can splice two strings into one string.
       2,+Number has the function of arithmetic addition. It can add two numbers together.
       3,If+There is a string on both sides of the number, then it is the function of spelling, if both are numbers, then it is the function of arithmetic.

       // The first case: string + string
       const a = "hello";
       const b = "world";
       console.log(a + b);//String splicing function

       // The second case: Number + Number
       const a = 100;
       const b = 100;
       console.log(a + b);//addition

       // The third case: String + Number
       const a = 'abc';
       const b = 100;
       console.log(a + b);//String splicing function

Boolean type--boolean

      Boolean types: true and false
     // Boolean types have only two values
     true: Represents Truth
     False: Represents false

undefined and null

 They all fall into the category of getting abnormal values.
 undefined represents a variable that has no assignment
 Null denotes an empty value, (for example, get an element, id is written incorrectly, get no, return a null)

Judgment of data type

1. typeof

 typeof returns a string representing the data type, and the results include: number, boolean, string, symbol, object, undefined, function and other seven data types, but can not judge null, array, etc.

2. instanceof

Instanceof is used to determine whether A is an instance of B. The expression is A instanceof B. If A is an instance of B, then true is returned.
Otherwise, return false. The instanceof operator is used to test whether an object has a prototype attribute of a constructor in its prototype chain, but it cannot detect null and undefined

3. constructor

The constructor function is very similar to instanceof. But constructor detection Object is different from instanceof, and it can also deal with the detection of basic data types. 
However, the constructor of the function is unstable, which is mainly reflected in rewriting the prototype of the class. In the process of rewriting, it is possible to overwrite the previous constructor, so the results detected are inaccurate.

4. is the most accurate and commonly used method.'') ;   // [object String] ;    // [object Number] ; // [object Boolean] ; // [object Undefined] ; // [object Null] Function()) ; // [object Function] Date()) ; // [object Date][]) ; // [object Array] RegExp()) ; // [object RegExp] Error()) ; // [object Error]

Posted by morganchia on Wed, 08 May 2019 09:30:39 -0700