JavaScript: 07 - Custom Objects (prototype,, with)

Keywords: Attribute Javascript

I. Attributes and Methods of Objects

  • In JavaScript, objects are collections of attributes and methods, which are also called members of objects.

Object attributes

  • Get the value of the attribute

  • Set the value of the property

Object Method

  • Call Method Syntax

  • Method of calling object

Types of JavaScript Objects

  • (1) Custom Object
  • Built-in objects: Math, Date, Array...

  • (3) Browser objects: document, window...

3. Custom Objects

Direct creation of custom objects

Demonstration case:

  • Create Object User
var User = {
  • Output attribute values

(2) Creating objects through custom constructors

  • Define constructors
function User(name,pwd){ = name;
    this.pwd = pwd;
  • Create object instances

var user1 = new User("mr","mrsoft");
  • Demonstration case:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Creating custom objects with constructors</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function Book(name,type,price){ = name;			//Object's name attribute
	this.type = type;				//Object's type attribute
	this.price = price;			//price attribute of object = function(){		//show method of object
		document.write("Title:"" Type:"+this.type+" Price:"+this.price);
<script type="text/javascript">
var book1 = new Book("JavaScript From entry to proficiency","JavaScript",60);		//Create a new object book1;
var book2 = new Book("HTML From entry to proficiency","HTML",50);			//Create a new object book2;

③adopt Object Object Creation Custom Object

  • Concept:ObjectThe object isJavaScriptThe internal object of the object, which provides the basic function of the object
  • Grammatical Format:

  • Demonstration case:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>application Object create object</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

<script type="text/javascript">
var book = new Object();		//Create an empty object
//Method of Defining Objects
book.getBookInfo = getBookInfo;
function getBookInfo(name,type,price){
//Method of calling object
book.getBookInfo("JavaScript Introductory classic","JavaScript","80");

4. prototype attributes

  • The prototype attribute is an attribute that all functions in JavaScript have. This property can add attributes or methods to an object

Demonstration case:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Calculate the circumference and area of a circle</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function Circle(r){
	this.r=r;//Setting the r attribute of the object
Circle.prototype.pi=3.14;//Adding pi attributes of objects
Circle.prototype.circumference=function(){//Definition of circumference method for calculating circumference
	return 2*this.pi*this.r;
Circle.prototype.area=function(){//Area method for defining the area of a circle
	return this.pi*this.r*this.r;
var c=new Circle(10);//Create a new object c
document.write("The radius of a circle is"+c.r+"<br>");//Radius of output circle
document.write("The circumference of a circle is"+parseInt(c.circumference())+"<br>");//Circumference of Output Circle
document.write("The area of a circle is"+parseInt(c.area()));//Area of output circle

5. Object Access Statements (, with) Loop statement

  • Statements are used to traverse each attribute of an object, each time saving the attribute name as a string in a variable.
  • Matters needing attention:application Statement traverses the attributes of an object and must be in the form of an array (object name) when outputting attribute values[Attribute name])Output instead of using "object name".The form of attribute name

  • Demonstration case:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>All attributes of the output object</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
function Book(name,type,price,publishing){ = name;			//Object's name attribute
	this.type = type;				//Object's type attribute
	this.price = price;			//price attribute of object
	this.publishing = publishing;			//Object publishing property
var book=new Book("JavaScript From entry to proficiency","JavaScript",60,"tsinghua university press");
for(var i in book){									//Apply the loop statement
	document.write ("Property name:"+i+",Attribute values:"+book[i]+"<br>");	//Output each attribute name and value

with statement

  • Concept: with statements are used to avoid repeated references to specified object names when accessing an object's properties or methods

Posted by god_zun on Sun, 06 Oct 2019 17:03:19 -0700