1. Disable window zooming
primaryStage.setResizable(true);//Disable form scaling
2. Remove the window border (including close, maximize, minimize buttons, etc.)
3. Load and use the FXML file
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("fxml/Main.fxml"));//The difference between getClass().getClassLoader().getResource() and getClass().getResource() is not in the root directory
4. Width adaptive binding
menuBar.prefWidthProperty().bind(pane.widthProperty());//MenuBar control width binding and Pane layout width, width scaling with window
5.TableView control binding data
List<Spider> spiderList=new ArrayList<Spider>(); spiderList.add(new Spider(1,"Baidu","The largest Chinese search engine","https://www.baidu.com")); spiderList.add(new Spider(2,"Baidu 2","The largest Chinese search engine 2","https://www.baidu.com2https://www.baidu.comhttps://www.baidu.comhttps://www.baidu.com")); spiderList.add(new Spider(3,"Baidu 3","The largest Chinese search engine 3","https://www.baidu.com3")); spiderList.add(new Spider(4,"Baidu 4","The largest Chinese search engine 4","https://www.baidu.com4")); ObservableList<Spider> observableList= FXCollections.observableList(spiderList); tableView.setItems(observableList);
6. The new pop-up window is at the top level and cannot be clicked on the original window
stage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); stage.showAndWait();
7. Pop up a new window (directly use the method of this class to pop up a new window)
public class NewStage { public static void showStage() { Stage stage=new Stage(); stage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); Pane pane= null; try { pane = FXMLLoader.load(NewStage.class.getResource("newStage.fxml")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Scene scene=new Scene(pane,300,150); stage.setScene(scene); stage.showAndWait(); } }
8. Switch to a new scene (the scene set in the window will be switched)
Scene scene1=new Scene(pane,300,150); Scene scene2=new Scene(pane,300,150); primaryStage.setScene(scene1);//Switch scenario 1 primaryStage.setScene(scene2);//Switch scenario 2
9.FXML and Controller event binding
<Button layoutX="192.0" layoutY="289.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Display notification" onAction="#toastBtn" />
public void toastBtn(ActionEvent event){ SystemToast.toast(); }
10. minimization
11. full screen
12. Suspended at the top of all forms
To be continued