Java sort: merge sort

Keywords: Java

Merge sort

Recursively divides the existing sequences into two subsequences, so that the subsequences are ordered and the subsequences are merged

  • The input sequence of length n is divided into two subsequences of length n/2;
  • The two subsequences are sorted by merging;
  • Merge two sorted subsequences into a final sorting sequence.

Java implementation merge sort

public class MergeSort {
    private static int[] aux;//Auxiliary array required for merging
    public static void mergeSort(int[] nums){
        aux = new int[nums.length];
        sort(nums,0,nums.length-1);//Start recursive sort

    //Merge sort
    private static void sort(int[] nums,int left,int right){
        if(right <= left)//Sort from left to right, make sure the right side is larger than the left
        int mid = (left + right) / 2;//Middle position
        sort(nums,left,mid);//Sort left half
        sort(nums,mid+1,right);//Sort right half
        merg(nums,left,mid,right);//Merging result

    //Merge and sort in place
    private static void merg(int[] nums,int left,int mid,int right){
        int i = left,j = mid + 1;//Start position of left and right half
        for(int k = left;k <= right;k++){//Copy nums[left...right] to aux[left...right]
            aux[k] = nums[k];
        for(int k = left;k <= right;k++){//Merge back to a[left...right]
            if(i > mid){//i larger than mid means the left half is used up, and only the right half has elements
                nums[k] = aux[j++];
            }else if(j > right){//j larger than right means the right half is used up, and only the left half has elements
                nums[k] = aux[i++];
            }else if(aux[j] < aux[i]){//Right element is smaller than left
                nums[k] = aux[j++];//The right element gives a[k]
            }else {//Otherwise, the right side is greater than or equal to the left side
                nums[k] = aux[i++];//The left element gives a[k]


The worst, best and average running time of merge sorting is O(NlogN), but it needs extra storage space, which will be limited on some memory intensive machines. The merging algorithm is composed of two parts: segmentation and merging. For each part, if we use binary search, the time is O(NlogN), and at the last merging time is O(N), so the total time is O(NlogN). The spatial complexity is O(N).
The merge sorting is stable. Since there is no data exchange, when a=b, if a is in front of b at the beginning, it will still be in front of b after each merge, so the sorting algorithm is stable.

Posted by AngelicS on Sat, 30 Nov 2019 02:08:00 -0800