Java Operates HDFS (Common API)

Keywords: Big Data Hadoop Eclipse Java

Java Operates HDFS

Previous preparation

  • Ensure that the HDFS cluster has been built. If not, please check it out. Construction of Distributed HDFS Cluster
  • Match hadoop environment variables locally and add node and ip under hosts files if necessary
  • Configure Hadoop plug-ins in eclipse
  • Import dependent jar packages (under hadoop installation packages)

API operation

  • First create the configuration object
// Create configuration objects before operating HDFS
Configuration conf = new Configuration(true);
// Create objects that operate on HDFS
FileSystem fs=fileSystem.get(conf);

see file

// Call the listStatus(Path path) method
private static List listFileSystem(FileSystem fs, String path) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
		Path ppath = new Path(path);// Access path
		FileStatus[] listStatus = fs.listStatus(ppath);
		for (FileStatus fileStatus : listStatus) {
		return null;

Create a new folder

private static void createDir(FileSystem fs, String string) 				throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
	Path path = new Path(string);
	if(fs.exists(path)){// Determine whether a file exists
		fs.delete(path, true);

Upload files

// copyFromLocalFile()
private static void uploadFileToHDFS(FileSystem fs, String src, String dest) throws IOException {
	Path srcPath = new Path(src);
	Path destPath = new Path(dest);
	//CopFromLocal replication
	fs.copyFromLocalFile(srcPath, destPath);
	//Move From Local Shear
	fs.copyFromLocalFile(true,srcPath, destPath);

Download File

private static void downLoadFileFromHDFS(FileSystem fs, String src, String dest) throws IOException {
	Path srcPath = new Path(src);
	Path destPath = new Path(dest);
	//Copy to Local
//	fs.copyToLocalFile(srcPath, destPath);
	//Move ToLocal to local
	fs.copyToLocalFile(true,srcPath, destPath);

Delete files


Internal replication and internal movement (shear)

private static void innerCopyAndMoveFile(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf,String src, String dest) throws IOException {
	Path srcPath = new Path(src);
	Path destPath = new Path(dest);	
	//Internal replication
	FileUtil.copy(srcPath.getFileSystem(conf), srcPath, destPath.getFileSystem(conf), destPath,false, conf);
	//Internal mobility
	FileUtil.copy(srcPath.getFileSystem(conf), srcPath, destPath.getFileSystem(conf), destPath,true, conf);


private static void renameFile(FileSystem fs, String src, String dest) throws IOException {
	Path srcPath = new Path(src);
	Path destPath = new Path(dest);	
	fs.rename(srcPath, destPath);

Create new files

private static void createNewFile(FileSystem fs, String string) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
	fs.createNewFile(new Path(string));

Writing file

private static void writeToHDFSFile(FileSystem fs, String filePath, String content) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
	FSDataOutputStream outputStream = fs.create(new Path(filePath));

read file

private static void readFromHDFSFile(FileSystem fs, String string) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
	FSDataInputStream inputStream = Path(string));	
	FileStatus fileStatus = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(string));
	long len = fileStatus.getLen();	
		byte[] b = new byte[(int)len];
		int read =;
		while(read != -1){
			System.out.println(new String(b));
			read =;

Additional writing

private static void appendToHDFSFile(FileSystem fs, String filePath, String content) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
	FSDataOutputStream append = fs.append(new Path(filePath));

Get data location

private static void getFileLocation(FileSystem fs, String string) throws IOException {
	FileStatus fileStatus = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(string));
	long len = fileStatus.getLen();
	BlockLocation[] fileBlockLocations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(fileStatus, 0, len);
	String[] hosts = fileBlockLocations[0].getHosts();
	for (String string2 : hosts) {
	HdfsBlockLocation blockLocation = (HdfsBlockLocation)fileBlockLocations[0];
	long blockId = blockLocation.getLocatedBlock().getBlock().getBlockId();

Posted by StroiX on Sat, 02 Feb 2019 13:57:16 -0800