I. Date
java.util.Date class encapsulates date and time information
setTime()//Setup time getTime(Long l)//Acquisition time //Date other methods are almost set to obsolete and are not recommended.
II. SimpleDateFormat
java.text.SimpleDateFormat is a tool class that formats and parses dates in a locale related way. It allows formatting (date text), parsing (text date), and normalization.
The construction method is as follows:
SimpleDateFormat() SimpleDateFormat(String pattern) //Usually, when creating SimpleDateFormat, you need to pass in a String, which is the Date format String, so that it can convert between Date and String according to the format
String format(Data date) //This method converts the time represented by this Date into a string according to the Date format specified when SimpleDateFormat was created
An example is as follows:
//Date→String Date now = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy year MM month dd day HH:mm:ss"); String str = sdf.format(now);
Date parse(String str) //This method can parse the given string according to the Date format specified when creating SimpleDateFormat, and then return the corresponding Date object.
An example is as follows (an exception must be thrown):
//String→Date String str = "2015-5-20 12:00:00"; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date = sdf.parse(str);//Exception to be thrown
Attachment: Date pattern matching character table
character | Meaning | Example |
y | year | Yy yy → 2019; yyyy → 19 |
M | month | MM month → January; M month → January |
d | day | D d day → 06 day; d day → 6 day |
E | week | E → Sunday (Sun) |
a | AM or PM | a → PM |
H | Hour (24-hour system) | a h → 12 p.m |
h | Hour (12 hour system) | HH:mm:ss→12:46:33 |
m | Minute | hh(a):mm:ss → 12 (afternoon): 47:48 |
s | second | |
S | Millisecond |
III. Calendar
java.util.Calendar class is used to encapsulate calendar information. Calendar class is mainly used for operation time.
Get the Calendar instance to use the static method provided by it. The Calendar instance created by default represents the current system time.
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
void setTime(Data date) //This method returns the time represented by the current Calendar as a Date
You can use the current Calendar to represent the time represented by a given Date
void setTime(Data date) //Calendar sets a time, providing a unified time setting method //Example: Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // date = calendar.setTime(date); void set(int field, int value) //This method is used to set the time component given in the time of the current Calendar and the corresponding value //Example: Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, 10) int get(int field) //Get the value corresponding to the given time component //Example: int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) void add(int field, int value) //Accumulate the given value for the given time component getActualMaximum() //Get the maximum value allowed for a time component //For example (see the total number of days in a year): int days = calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)
Attachment: time component corresponding to date
date | Time component |
DATE | The day of the sun, commonly known as the number |
DAY_OF_MONTH | Days in the middle of the month, always with DATE |
DAY_OF_WEEK | The day of the week is the day of the week |
DAY_OF_YEAR | Day of the year |
Four, Demo
package com.haobi; /* * Enter production date and shelf life days to calculate promotion date */ import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Scanner; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Please enter production date(yyyy-MM-dd):"); String dataStr = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.println("Please enter shelf life(Days):"); int days = scanner.nextInt(); try { //String→Date SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date date = sdf.parse(dataStr); //Date→Calendar Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); //Calculate promotion day calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, days);//Quality guarantee period calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -14);//14 days in advance calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 4);//Wednesday of the week (starting from Sunday) //Calendar→Date date = calendar.getTime(); //Date→String dataStr = sdf.format(date); System.out.println("Promotion date is:"+dataStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } //The output of the program is as follows: //Please enter production date(yyyy-MM-dd): 2019-04-25 //Please enter shelf life(Days): 30 //Promotion date is:2019-05-15