iOS Alipay, WeChat, UnionPay Integrated Packaging

Keywords: SDK PHP xcode iOS

1. Integrated Alipay Payment

Alipay Integrates Official Tutorials

Alipay Integration Official demo

1. Import SDK and add dependent Libraries

Launch an IDE (such as Xcode) to iOS Package The following files from the compressed file in are copied to the project folder and imported into the project.


In LinBinary With Libraries on the Build Phases tab, add the following dependencies

2. Add code to Appdelegate

Introduce header file

#import <AlipaySDK/AlipaySDK.h>

Add Payment Callback Method

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
    if ([ isEqualToString:@"safepay"]) {
        // Payment Skip Alipay Wallet for Payment, Processing Payment Result
        [[AlipaySDK defaultService] processOrderWithPaymentResult:url standbyCallback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
            NSLog(@"result = %@",resultDic);
        // Authorize Skip Alipay Wallet to make payments and process payment results
        [[AlipaySDK defaultService] processAuth_V2Result:url standbyCallback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
            NSLog(@"result = %@",resultDic);
            // analysis auth code
            NSString *result = resultDic[@"result"];
            NSString *authCode = nil;
            if (result.length>0) {
                NSArray *resultArr = [result componentsSeparatedByString:@"&"];
                for (NSString *subResult in resultArr) {
                    if (subResult.length > 10 && [subResult hasPrefix:@"auth_code="]) {
                        authCode = [subResult substringFromIndex:10];
            NSLog(@"Authorization Results authCode = %@", authCode?:@"");
//Here is WeChat payment
    if ([url.scheme isEqualToString:@"wxf6e443649d826e8e"])
        return  [WXApi handleOpenURL:url delegate:(id<WXApiDelegate>)self];
    return YES;

// NOTE: 9.0 Use New Later API Interface
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<NSString*, id> *)options
    if ([ isEqualToString:@"safepay"]) {
        // Payment Skip Alipay Wallet for Payment, Processing Payment Result
        [[AlipaySDK defaultService] processOrderWithPaymentResult:url standbyCallback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
            NSLog(@"result = %@",resultDic);
        // Authorize Skip Alipay Wallet to make payments and process payment results
        [[AlipaySDK defaultService] processAuth_V2Result:url standbyCallback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
            NSLog(@"result = %@",resultDic);
            // analysis auth code
            NSString *result = resultDic[@"result"];
            NSString *authCode = nil;
            if (result.length>0) {
                NSArray *resultArr = [result componentsSeparatedByString:@"&"];
                for (NSString *subResult in resultArr) {
                    if (subResult.length > 10 && [subResult hasPrefix:@"auth_code="]) {
                        authCode = [subResult substringFromIndex:10];
            NSLog(@"Authorization Results authCode = %@", authCode?:@"");
//Here is WeChat payment
    if ([url.scheme isEqualToString:@"wxf6e443649d826e8e"])
        return  [WXApi handleOpenURL:url delegate:(id<WXApiDelegate>)self];
    return YES;

3. Add URL Scheme Configuration

Find the last URL Scheme under Targets -> Info,
Click the Info tab, in the URL Types option, click'+'.

4. Add the hanging Alipay method where the payment is made

Introduce header file

#import <AlipaySDK/AlipaySDK.h>

Payment Place Add Call Alipay Code

[[AlipaySDK defaultService] payOrder:@"Here is the order signature information from the background"  fromScheme:@"Fill in the configuration for step 3 here URL Scheme" callback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
            if ([resultDic[@"resultStatus"]intValue] == 9000) {
            } else {

2. Integrated WeChat Payment

WeChat Payment Integration Official Document

WeChat Integration Official demo

1: Import SDK and add dependent Libraries

Remember to add these two configurations (drawing focus) Pay attention to README inside the official Demo, pick up the notebook and write it down

2: Add code inside APPDelegate

Introduce header file

#import <WXApi.h>
And add callback proxy
@interface AppDelegate ()<WXApiDelegate>

Register WeChat

- ( BOOL) application:(UIApplication*) application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*) launchOptions {[WXApi registerApp:@ "appid to fill in application"]; returnYES;}

Add a payment callback method, the same code inside the Alipay integration code above


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
    if ([ isEqualToString:@"safepay"]) {
        // Payment Skip Alipay Wallet for Payment, Processing Payment Result
        [[AlipaySDK defaultService] processOrderWithPaymentResult:url standbyCallback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
            NSLog(@"result = %@",resultDic);
        // Authorize Skip Alipay Wallet to make payments and process payment results
        [[AlipaySDK defaultService] processAuth_V2Result:url standbyCallback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
            NSLog(@"result = %@",resultDic);
            // analysis auth code
            NSString *result = resultDic[@"result"];
            NSString *authCode = nil;
            if (result.length>0) {
                NSArray *resultArr = [result componentsSeparatedByString:@"&"];
                for (NSString *subResult in resultArr) {
                    if (subResult.length > 10 && [subResult hasPrefix:@"auth_code="]) {
                        authCode = [subResult substringFromIndex:10];
            NSLog(@"Authorization Results authCode = %@", authCode?:@"");
//Here is WeChat payment
    if ([url.scheme isEqualToString:@"wxf6e443649d826e8e"])
        return  [WXApi handleOpenURL:url delegate:(id<WXApiDelegate>)self];
    return YES;

// NOTE: 9.0 Use New Later API Interface
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<NSString*, id> *)options
    if ([ isEqualToString:@"safepay"]) {
        // Payment Skip Alipay Wallet for Payment, Processing Payment Result
        [[AlipaySDK defaultService] processOrderWithPaymentResult:url standbyCallback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
            NSLog(@"result = %@",resultDic);
        // Authorize Skip Alipay Wallet to make payments and process payment results
        [[AlipaySDK defaultService] processAuth_V2Result:url standbyCallback:^(NSDictionary *resultDic) {
            NSLog(@"result = %@",resultDic);
            // analysis auth code
            NSString *result = resultDic[@"result"];
            NSString *authCode = nil;
            if (result.length>0) {
                NSArray *resultArr = [result componentsSeparatedByString:@"&"];
                for (NSString *subResult in resultArr) {
                    if (subResult.length > 10 && [subResult hasPrefix:@"auth_code="]) {
                        authCode = [subResult substringFromIndex:10];
            NSLog(@"Authorization Results authCode = %@", authCode?:@"");
//Here is WeChat payment
    if ([url.scheme isEqualToString:@"wxf6e443649d826e8e"])
        return  [WXApi handleOpenURL:url delegate:(id<WXApiDelegate>)self];
    return YES;

Add WeChat Payment Callback Agent Method

//WeChat Callback,This method is called back when there is a payment result
- (void)onResp:(BaseResp *)resp
    //    Payment Result Callback
    if([resp isKindOfClass:[PayResp class]]){
        switch (resp.errCode) {
            case WXSuccess:{
                //Payment returns results, actual payment results need to go to their own server-side query
                NSNotification *notification = [NSNotification notificationWithName:@"ORDER_PAY_NOTIFICATION" object:@"success"];
                [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:notification];
                NSNotification *notification = [NSNotification notificationWithName:@"ORDER_PAY_NOTIFICATION"object:@"fail"];
                [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:notification];

3. Add URL Scheme Configuration

Find the last URL Scheme under Targets -> Info,
Click the Info tab, in the URL Types option, click'+'to fill in the APPId you requested.


4. Add the method of invoking WeChat in the place of payment

Introduce header file

#import <WXApi.h>

Payment Place Add Call WeChat Code

 1 if ([WXApi isWXAppInstalled]) {
 2         NSLog(@"WeChat is already installed...");
 4  //This calls the back-end interface to get the details of the order, and then calls the WeChat payment method
 5     }else{
 7     }
 9  #pragma mark WeChat Payment Method
11 - (void)WXPayWithAppid:(NSString *)appid partnerid:(NSString *)partnerid prepayid:(NSString *)prepayid package:(NSString *)package noncestr:(NSString *)noncestr timestamp:(NSString *)timestamp sign:(NSString *)sign{
13     //This payment object needs to be created
14     PayReq *req   = [[PayReq alloc] init];
15     //By user microsignals and AppID Unique identification composed to verify micro credit users
16     req.openID = appid;
17     // business id,Given at the time of registration
18     req.partnerId = partnerid;
19     // Reservation Order This is the one that the WeChat server sends to your server after the background interaction with the WeChat server, and your server sends it to you again
20     req.prepayId  = prepayid;
21     // Data and Signature Filled in accordance with Payment Document
22     req.package  = package;
23     // Random encoding, generated in the background to prevent duplication
24     req.nonceStr  = noncestr;
25     // This is a timestamp and is also generated in the background to verify the payment
26     NSString * stamp = timestamp;
27     req.timeStamp = stamp.intValue;
28     // This signature is also made in the background
29     req.sign = sign;
30     if ([WXApi sendReq:req]) { //Send request to WeChat and wait for WeChat to return onResp
31         NSLog(@"Suspend WeChat Successfully...");
32     }else{
33         NSLog(@"Failed to suspend WeChat...");
34     }
35 }

3. UnionPayment Integration

UnionPay for Mobile Control

Drag the required library files into your project. The SDK file is located in the directory upmp_iphone/paymentcontrol, which contains two files, UPPaymentControl.h and libPaymentControl.a (the old version is three, which is different).


The method requires several parameter documents are written, tn is the transaction pipeline number, your server passed to you, our client can only use this parameter to invoke the payment control to pay.

So far: Third-party payment integration is generally integrated, look forward to the next article encapsulating code for three types of integration calls

Posted by DaZZleD on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 12:55:46 -0700