Introduction to Redis
- Redis is a key-value-oriented memory database for data types, which can meet our needs for fast reading and writing of massive data.
- Is a nosql non-relational database
- Redis keys can only be string-type values that can be of many data types
- String string
- Hash hash
- List string list
- Set string set
- sorted set ordered string set
- Characteristics of Redis
- High Performance: Reading 11w/s and writing 8.1w/s is a single-threaded service
- Atomicity: Ensuring Data Accuracy
- Persistent storage: (RDB snapshots, AOF logs)
- Master-slave structure
- After Cluster Support 3.0
- Application scenarios
- Take Sina Weibo as an example
- hash Focus List, Fan List, etc.
- Number of String Weibo Fans
- sorted set popular microblogs, TopN
- Note: Redis is written in c language. Before installing Redis, we need to configure the compilation environment of c language.
- Basic instructions of Redis
- keys?* []? Wait to see if key is disabled in a regular production environment
- exists key determines whether a key exists
- del key1 key2... Delete key-value pairs
- help View help
- Qut / exit exit exit exit client
- Note: Redis commands are case-insensitive
- Characteristics of Redis database
- Multi-database
- Each database is named after an incremental number starting at 0. Customization is not supported.
- Redis supports 16 databases by default, and you can modify the default by modifying the database parameter
- Redis defaults to database 0
- Select digits can select databases
- Multiple databases are not completely isolated
- flushall: Clear all data under the Redis instance
- flushdb empties all data in the current database
- Multi-database
Redis Common Data Types
String type is the most basic data type of Redis. It can store any form of data, including binary data and so on. The maximum storage capacity of a string-type value is 1GB
Add data
set k v
-> set k1 v1 OK
Add more than one data at a time
mset k2 v2 k3 v3
-> mset k2 v2 k3 v3 OK
get data
get k1
-> get k1 "v1"
mget k2 k3
-> mget k2 k3 1) "v2" 2) "v3"
Increasing and Decreasing
incr Incremental Decrease
-> set num 1 OK> incr num (integer) 2> decr num (integer) 1
Increase and decrease according to specified type
incrby Incremental Decrease by Decrease
-> incrby num 2 (integer) 3> decrby num 2 (integer) 1
Floating-point self-increasing can not be reduced by floating-point self-increasing
-> incrbyfloat num 1.1 "2.1"> decrbyfloat num 1.1 (error) ERR unknown command 'decrbyfloat'
Get Length
-> set k asdsad OK> get k "asdsad"> strlen k (integer) 6
The value of hash type stores the mapping of field and field value. The field and field value can only be a string, and other data types are not supported. The number of hash keys can store 2 ^ 32-1 fields
Add data
-> hset user name zs (integer) 1> hmset users name ls age 18 OK
get data
-> hget user name Get the specified k Value "zs"> hmget users name age Get the specified k Multiple values 1) "ls" 2) "18"> hlen users Obtain k Quantity (integer) 2> hkeys users Get all k 1) "name" 2) "age"> hvals users Get all v 1) "ls" 2) "18"> hgetall users Get all kv Yes 1) "name" 2) "ls" 3) "age" 4) "18"
Judging whether a key exists in a hash
-> hexists user name (integer) 1> hexists user age (integer) 0
Increase progressively
- Hincrby hash type does not have hincr command
Delete data
- hdel
- Is an ordered list of string types. The internal implementation of the list is implemented using a two-way linked list.
- Lists can also be used as queues, such as first in first out queues
- A list-type key can hold up to 32-1 elements of 2.
- Common instructions
- lpush/rpush/lpop/rpop Add data from left/right and extract data from left/right
- llen/lrange Gets the length of the list, Gets the value of the specified range of the list, Views all 0-1
- lindex queries data at specified corner locations
- lset Modifies the Value of the Specified Corner
- All elements in a set set set are unreplicated and disordered
- Keys of a collection type store up to 32-1 elements of 2
- Common commands
- sadd/smembers/srem/sismember
- Adding elements to a collection to get the number of collection summary elements deleting elements with specified values in the collection does not exist, that is, deleting failed return value of 0 and successfully returning value of 1 to see if a specified value exists
- sdiff difference set
- sinter intersection
- sunion union returns the result directly
- sdiffstore/sinterstore/sunionstore results exist in another specified collection
- scard gets the length of the collection
- sadd/smembers/srem/sismember
sorted set
- Ordered sets associate a score for each element on the basis of the set, and according to the score, the elements with the highest score can be obtained by sorting.
- Common instructions
- zadd adds the value of the specified score to the specified key
- zscore to see the score of the specified value
- The first few scores obtained by zrange are small to large
- zrevrange gets the first few points in reverse order to be small
- zrangebyscore gets the specified element according to the score. By default, the closed interval can be used to use "(" to use the open interval.
- Zicrby Specified Element Score Self-Increasing
- zcard gets the number of elements in a set
- zcount gets the elements within the specified score range
- zrem deletes specified elements in a collection
Java Operation Redis
Simple single-machine connection
package jredistest.jredisa; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; /** * Simple single-machine connection * @author zhao * */ public class RedisDemo01 { public static void main(String[] args) { Jedis jedis = new Jedis("",6379); jedis.set("aaa", "111"); String value =jedis.get("str1"); System.out.println(value); jedis.close(); } }
Connection pool connection
package jredistest.jredisa; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig; /** * Single-machine connection pool * * @author zhao * */ public class jredisDeml { public static void main(String[] args) { //Configuration information of connection pool JedisPoolConfig poolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig(); //Maximum number of idle connections in connection pool poolConfig.setMaxIdle(10); //Maximum number of connections allowed to be created in connection pool poolConfig.setMaxTotal(100); //Maximum waiting time for creating links poolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis(2000); //Represents that links are tested when they are removed from the connection pool to ensure that the extracted links are available. poolConfig.setTestOnBorrow(true); //Get the connection pool JedisPool jedisPool = new JedisPool(poolConfig, "", 6379); //Get a jedis link from the connection pool Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); String value = jedis.get("str"); System.out.println(value); //Return links to connection pools jedis.close(); //Close connection pool jedisPool.close(); } } package jredistest.jredisa; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig; public class jidisTest1 { private jidisTest1(){} private static JedisPool jedisPool=null; /** * Getting connections from connection pools * @return */ public static synchronized Jedis getJedis() { if(jedisPool==null) { JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig(); //Specifies the maximum number of empty connections in the connection pool jedisPoolConfig.setMaxIdle(10); //Specifies the maximum number of connections in the connection pool jedisPoolConfig.setMaxTotal(100); //Setting Maximum Connection Timeout jedisPoolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis(2000); jedisPoolConfig.setTestOnBorrow(true); jedisPool = new JedisPool(jedisPoolConfig,"",6379); } return jedisPool.getResource(); } /** * Return connection pool connection * @param jedis */ public static void returnResource(Jedis jedis) { jedis.close(); } /** * Close connection pool */ public static void closePool() { jedisPool.close(); } }