Database benefits
- Data persistence is realized
- Use a complete management system to uniformly manage data, which is easy to query
Related concepts of database
database: the warehouse where data is stored. It holds some columns of organized data.
Database Management System. A database is a container created and operated by a DBMS.
The database management systems of the scenario include MySQL, Oracle, DB2, SqlServer, etc.
DBMS classification:
- DBMS - Access based on shared file system
- Client server based DBMS - MySQL, Oracle, SqlServer
Structure Query Language: a language specifically used to communicate with databases.
Advantages of SQL:
- Not a specific database vendor's proprietary language, almost all DBMS support SQL.
- Easy to learn
- Although simple, it is a powerful language. Using its language elements flexibly, it can carry out very complex and advanced database operations.
Characteristics of database storage data
- The data is placed in the table, and the table is placed in the database.
- A database can have multiple tables. Each table has a name to identify itself. Indicates uniqueness in the library.
- Tables have properties that define how data is stored in the table.
- A table consists of columns, which we call fields. All tables consist of one or more columns.
- The data in the table is stored by row.
Features of MySQL products
- Low cost: open source, generally free to use.
- High performance: fast execution.
- Simple: easy to install and use.
MySQL version
- Community Edition (free)
- Enterprise Edition (charge)
MYSQL common commands
- Log in to mysql and issue the command
mysql -h host -u username -P port -p #Log in to mysql,-h followed by host, - u followed by user name - p port number - p followed by password exit sign out
- show database
show databases
- Enter database
use databasename #Enter the specified data and specify the name of the data
- Show tables in Library
show tables; #Displays the tables in the current library show tables from databasename; #Displays all tables in the specified library
- View which database you are currently in
select database();
- Create a table and view the table structure
create table stuinfo(id int, name varchar(20)); #Create table desc stuinfo; #Display table structure show create table stuinfo; #See table script for display select * from stuinfo; #Data in query table insert into stuinfo(id, name) values(1,'john'),(2'rose'); #Insert data into table
- View mysql version
mysql version(); mysql -V perhaps mysql --version #This command is executed outside the database without logging into the database.
SQL syntax specification
- Case insensitive, but it is recommended that the keyword be capitalized, indicating that the column name is lowercase.
- It is recommended that each command end with a semicolon.
- Indent and wrap as needed for each command.
- notes
Single line note: # or –
Multiline comment: / * starts * / ends
DQL language
Basic query
Syntax: select query list from table name;
The query list can be fields, constant values, expressions and functions in the table.
Query results: virtual tables
- Fields, constant values, expressions, functions in query tables
select employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_number, job_id, salary, commission_pct, manager_id, department_id, hiredate from employees; #Fields in query table select * from employees; # Fields in query table select 100; #Query constant value select 'john'; #Query constant value select 100/90; #Query expression select version(); #Query function
- Alias fields
Benefits of aliasing:select 100/90 as result; # Mode 1 select 100/90 result; # Mode II
- Easy to understand
- Solve the problem of duplicate names (usually occurs when tables are associated, and fields in different tables have duplicate names)
- De duplication distinct
select distinct department_id from employees;
- The + operator in MySQL
select 100+90; #If both operands are numeric, add select '123' + 90; #As long as there is one side of character type data, the view will convert character type to numeric type for operation select 'john' + 90; # After the conversion of character data to numerical data fails, it will be converted to 0 and then calculated select null + 90; # As long as there is null in the expression, the result is null;
- String splicing function concat in MySQL
select concat('a','b','c') as result;
- Function ifnull in MySQL to determine whether it is NULL
select ifnull(commission_pct, 0) as commission_pct from employees;
Condition query
Syntax: select query list from table name where query criteria;
- Filter by conditional expression
select * from employees where salary > 12000; # Employee information with salary greater than 12000 select * from employees where department_id != 90; #Query employee information whose department id is not 90 select * from employees where department_id <> 90;
- Filter by logical expression
select last_name, salary, commission_pct from employees where salary >= 10000 and salary <= 20000;
- Fuzzy query
select * from employees where last_name like '%a%'; # Employee name contains character a select last_name from employees where last_name like '_\_%'; # The second character in the query employee name is_ Employees select last_name from employees where last_name like '_$_%' escape '$'; # The default escape character is \. Here, we define the escape character as$
- between range query
select * from employees where department_id between 100 and 120; # Employees with numbers between 100 and 120
- in query
select last_name, job_id from employees where job_id in('IT_PROT', 'AD_VP','AD_PRES'); # In indicates whether the queried field value belongs to an item in the list. If yes, it will be listed
- is null
select last_name, commission_pct from employees where commission_pct is null; # To judge whether the field is null, you should use is null or is not null instead of = or! =, < >
- Security is equal to < = >, NULL can be judged, but the readability is poor
select last_name, commission_pct from employees where commission_pct <=> NULL; select last_name, salary from employees where salary <=> 12000;
Sort query
select query list from table name [where filter criteria] order by sort list [asc | desc]
- Query employee information and sort salary from high to low
select * from employees order by salary desc;
- If the query department number is greater than 90, it will be sorted according to the employment date
select * from employees where department_id >= 90 order by hiredate asc;
- Sort by expression
# According to the descending order of annual salary, the annual salary is calculated by expression select *, salary*12*(1+IFNULL(commission_pct, 0)) as annual_salary from employees order by salary*12*(1+IFNULL(commission_pct, 0)) desc; # Sort by alias select *, salary*12*(1+IFNULL(commission_pct, 0)) as annual_salary from employees order by annual_salary desc;
- Sort by function
select LENGTH(last_name) as name_length, last_name, salary from employees order by LENGTH(last_name) desc;
- Sort by multiple fields
select * from employees order by salary desc, employee_id asc;
Common functions
Single-Row Functions
Character function
- length function
select length('john'); #Gets the number of bytes of the parameter select length('zhang wuji');
- concat splice string
select concat(last_name,'_',first_name) from employees;
- uppper, lower function
select upper('john'); #Capitalize select lower('JohN'); #Turn lowercase
- substr, substring intercept string
select substr('I Love You', 7); # Intercept all subsequent characters from the seventh character select substr('I Love You', 7, 3); # Intercept the next three characters from the seventh character
- instr returns the first occurrence of a substring
select instr('I Love You', 'You'); # Returns the starting position of a substring in a string
- trim clears specific characters before and after a string
select trim(' ssss '); # Remove spaces before and after string select trim('a' from 'aaaassssaaaa'); # Remove a before and after characters
- lpad left padding, padding with the specified characters to the specified length
select lpad('Qiao Feng',10,'*');
- rpad right fill
select lpad('Qiao Feng',10,'*');
- Replace replace
select replace('Zhang Wuji fell in love with Zhou Zhiruo','Zhou Zhiruo','Zhao Min');
- length function
Mathematical function
- Round round
select round(-1.55); select round(1.567, 2);
- ceil rounded up
select ceil(1.00)
- Round down
select floor(-9.99);
- truncate
select truncate(1.999,1);
- mod remainder
select mod(10, 3);
- Round round
Date function
- now() returns the current system date
select now();
- Current date returns the current system date
select curdate();
- curtime returns the current system time, excluding the date
select curtime();
- year(),month(),monthname(),day(),hour(),minute(),second()
select year(now()); select month(now()); select monthname(now()); select day(now()); select hour(now()); select minute(now()); select second(now());
- str_to_date converts a string in date format to a date in the specified format
select str_to_date('9-13-2000','%m-%d-%Y');
- date_format converts the date to characters
select DATE_FORMAT('2019/7/7', '%Y year%m month%d day')
Date format:
Formatter function %Y Four digit year %y Two digit year %m Month (01,02,..., 11,12) %c Month (1,2,..., 11,12) %d Day (01,02,...) %H Hour (24-hour system) %h Hour (12 hour system) %i Minutes (00,01,... 59) %s Seconds (00,01,... 59) - now() returns the current system date
Process control function
if function
select if(10<5,'large','Small');
/* Query employee's salary and requirements Department No. 30, showing 1.1 times the salary Department number 40, showing 1.2 times the salary Department number 50, showing 1.3 times the salary Other departments, display element salary */ select case department_id when 30 then salary*1.1 when 40 then salary*1.2 when 50 then salary*1.3 else salary end salary from employees; select case when department_id = 30 then salary*1.1 when department_id = 40 then salary*1.2 when department_id = 50 then salary*1.3 else salary end salary from employees;
Other functions
- View version number
select version();
- view the database
select database();
- View user
select user();
- View version number
Grouping function:
- sum
select sum(salary) from employees;
- avg average
select avg(salary) from employees;
- max
select max(salary) from employees;
- min
select min(salary) from employees;
- Count count
select count(salary) from employees;
- sum