This blog is a personal self-study record. If there is any deficiency, please criticize and correct it.
Version: ES 6
The basic syntax in this chapter refers to the syntax commonly used in JS
Expressions and statements
- The value of the 1 + 2 expression is 3
- The value of the add(1,2) expression is the return value of the function
- The value of the console.log expression is the function itself
- What is the value of the console.log(3) expression? Answer: undefined
- var a = 1 is a statement whose value is undefined
- Expressions generally have values, and statements may or may not
- Statements are generally used to change the environment (declaration, assignment)
- The above two sentences are not absolute, but in general
Case sensitive
- var A and var A are different
- Object and object are different
- Function and function are different
Spaces and carriage returns
As long as it does not affect sentence breaks, most of the spaces are meaningless
- There is no difference between var a = 1 and var a = 1
- Ibid., no difference
- The only place where carriage return cannot be added is after return (if carriage return is added after return, the return value is undefined)
The variable name is an identifier
- The first character: can be letters, $_ Or Chinese
- The following characters: in addition to the above, they can also be numbers
// Single-Line Comments /* 12 multiline comment 123 */
Annotation classification
The more notes you write, the better
Bad notes
- Translate the code into Chinese
- Obsolete comments
- Notes to vent dissatisfaction
Good note
- Notes to important information
- Footwell notes
- Why is the code written strangely and what bug s do you encounter
Block block
- Is to wrap the code together with {}
{ let a = 1 let b = 2 }
- Often used with if / for / while
if statement
If... Then
if (condition) { // Statement 1 else { // Statement 2 } }
- {} can be omitted when there is only one sentence (this is not recommended)
Abnormal condition
- The expression can be very abnormal, such as a = 1
let a = 2; if (a = 1) { console.log("a Yes 1"); } // Output: a is 1 // Because = is the assignment symbol, the assignment symbol can be used in the expression. If it is judged to be used===
- Statement 1 can be very abnormal, such as nested if else
- Statement 2 can be very abnormal, such as nested if else
- Indent:
a = 1; if(a === 2) console.log('a') console.log('a Equal to 2') // a equals 2 // The above code is equal to: a = 1; if(a === 2) { console.log('a') } console.log('a Equal to 2')
switch statement
if... else... Upgrade
switch(expression) { case value1: sentence // Execute the statement here when the result of expression matches value1 break; case value2: sentence // Execute the statement here when expression matches value2 break; default: sentence // If the expression does not match the value above, execute the statement here }
Conditional operator?:
Question mark colon expression
Conditional (ternary) operator
Replace if else
condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse
Short circuit logic & &||
Instead of if or if else
And short circuit logic
expr1 && expr2 // If expr1 is true, expr2 is returned; otherwise, expr1 is returned
Or short circuit logic
expr1 || expr2 // If expr1 is true, expr1 is returned; otherwise, expr2 is returned
while loop
while (condition) { sentence // When the condition is true, execute the statement here. After execution, judge whether the condition is true or false again } Initialization variables, judgment conditions, loop body, self increment or self decrement are required Example: var a = 1; // initialization while(a <= 10) { // judge console.log(a); // Circulatory body a = a + 1; // Self increasing }
for loop
for(initialization;Judgment conditions;Self increasing or self decreasing) { sentence // Loop body, after executing the statement here, execute self increment or self decrement, then judge, and then execute the statement here }
break and continue
Exit all loops and skip the current loop
label statement
JavaScript language allows you to have a label in front of the statement, which is equivalent to a locator. It is used to jump to any position of the program. The format of the label is as follows.
label: sentence
The label can be any identifier, but it cannot be a reserved word. The statement part can be any statement.
Tags are usually used with break and continue statements to jump out of a specific loop.
foo: { console.log(1); break foo; console.log('This line will not output'); } console.log(2); // 1 // 2