Gitee Project Management
Introduction to git
Important Master of Basic Use of git
Operational gitee mastery of remote warehouses
Mastering with git in IDE(vscode webstrom idea)
Introduction to git:
Git is currently the most advanced distributed version control system in the world (none), open source, free of charge.
Role: Can quickly manage projects (a collection of files)
Version Control System:
Other common version control tools:
svn(subversion) centralized
Main role:
Can quickly manage project (a collection of files) versioning
Collaborative Modification
Data backup
Permission Control
History Management
Branch Management
Install foolish installation.
Local warehouse:
Learn the management of local warehouses first. You can create many local warehouses on your own computer.
Remote warehouse:
Re-learn management of remote warehouses Within the LAN: gitlab The server In an external network environment: github Code cloud ( gitee) coding
The author of git is the author of linux:
linux is an operating system. Most commands in linux can be used in git bash.
Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop
~The Home Directory Desktop is the desktop
Windows is also a multi-user OS where each user has a directory called Home Directory
Common commands for linux:
touch xxx.txt Create a file name that is xxx.txt mkdir aaa Create a folder clear Clear screen ls Lists which files or directories in the current directory folder do not contain hidden files or directories ls -all Lists which files or directories in the current directory folder contain hidden files or directories The up and down arrows on the keyboard call out commands you've typed before rm File name Delete a file
Detect git version:
git --version
1. Basic use of git:
1) Set up user name and mailbox (first time)
Role: Tell git Who are you git config --global []( yuanfang git config --global [](
2) Create a folder, initialize it into a local warehouse
Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop $ mkdir wyy-music Get into wyy-music Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop $ cd wyy-music/ Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music Initialize this folder into a cost local warehouse Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/wyy-music/.git/
3) Management of local warehouses
Under this folder, it is divided into three areas: Workspace We all create files or folders in the workspace Cache (Temporary Zone) If you say you created a file or folder, you want to git Manage, you need to throw the code of the workspace into the staging area Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master) $ git add readme.txt The above command: Indicates that the workspace's readme.txt Drop in Cache Version cannot be formed at this time Historic Area: A version can only be formed by throwing the cached files into the Historic Area Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master) $ git commit -m "Establish readme.txt Description File" -m Comment on this version later Each company has its own specifications
4) View version:
git log Each version has a unique ID // master represents the main branch Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master) $ git log commit a027a36a008ed8be834128b24d6cffc5eb02742e (HEAD -> master) // HEAD is pointer Author: yuanfang []( Date: Wed Sep 22 10:16:36 2021 +0800 Establish readme.txt Description File
2. The process of creating a new file or folder later:
1) View status using git status
Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master)
$ git status
On branch master
Untracked files:
(use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)
index.js(Red, indicating that the code for the workspace was not thrown into the cache)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
2) git add * * means that all files or folders in the workspace (if they are empty, Git is not managed) are thrown into the cache
git add . with git add *
3) git diff file name compares working files with cached files
Add code in the workspace: var one = "one111"; The comparison is as follows: Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master) $ git diff index.js diff --git a/index.js b/index.js index c388cd5..2d26b36 100644 --- a/index.js +++ b/index.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -var one = "one"; \ No newline at end of file +var one = "one111"; \ No newline at end of file
3. Viewing the version emphasizes:
Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master) $ git log commit 0ac26121e8b977751e92e4730633dba27b26abad (HEAD -> master) Author: yuanfang []( Date: Wed Sep 22 10:28:38 2021 +0800 Create project entry file commit a027a36a008ed8be834128b24d6cffc5eb02742e Author: yuanfang []( Date: Wed Sep 22 10:16:36 2021 +0800 Establish readme.txt Description File
Simplified display:
Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master) $ git log --pretty=oneline 0ac26121e8b977751e92e4730633dba27b26abad (HEAD -> master) Create project entry file a027a36a008ed8be834128b24d6cffc5eb02742e Establish readme.txt Description File
View the short version:
Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master) $ git reflog 0ac2612 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: commit: Create project entry file a027a36 HEAD@{1}: commit (initial): Establish readme.txt Description File git reflog You can show that all versions contain versions that you have fallback on.
4. Forward and backward versions:
Git reset--Hard version ID goes back to any version and can go back with git reflog
Git reset--hard HEAD^ HEAD^ means to go back to the previous version HEAD^^ means to go back to the previous version
5. Removing documents related to:
If a file is deleted by us:
1)Deleted, not submitted ( commit) Recover files: A)git reset --hard Edition ID (Probable problems) B)git checkout -- App.js(Deleted file name) 2)Deleted, submitted (version formed) Recover files: git reset --hard Edition ID
If the file does not form a version, you delete it and it cannot be found.
6. Branch management:
By default, our operations are performed on the master branch. The master is also called the master branch.
Real development, different companies have their own branch management specifications.
They are divided into different branches according to their functions.
They are divided into different branches based on their members.
Create branch:
git branch Branch name Created on an existing version. Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master) $ git branch b1 Once created, it does not automatically switch to b1 branch
View branch:
git branch -v Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/wyy-music (master) $ git branch -v b1 e407765 Yes axios For secondary packaging at this time b1 There are also on branches master Branch above - master e407765 Yes axios Conduct secondary packaging current processing master branch
Switch branch:
git checkout b1
Merge Branches:
Cut first to the main branch that accepts the merge git checkout master git merge b1
Delete branch:
git branch -d b1
7. Remote warehouse management:
Using gitee as a remote warehouse requires you to register an account.
8. Create a remote warehouse:
Once created, each remote warehouse has an address:
There are two categories: 1)[]( The first time you walk https, you may be prompted for a username and password 2)
Use addresses starting with https first
Clone remote warehouse to local:
git clone []( By default, your cloned warehouse is associated with a remote warehouse. Recommend version of local warehouse to remote warehouse: git add . git commit -m "Set your own content comments" git push Address of remote warehouse ([]( When the code is written later, the local warehouse is managed first, then the remote warehouse is managed.
9. Above, each time a version of a local warehouse is thrown into a remote warehouse, it is the address of the git push remote warehouse.
Alias the address of the remote warehouse:
Git remote-v See what aliases the remote warehouse has
Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 /e/wyy-music (master)
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
There is a default alias called origin.
That is, you can push like this: git push origin master
Alias the remote warehouse again:
git remote add music []( Once aliased, use when pushing data $ git push music(alias) master Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 /e/wyy-music (master) $ git push music master
Delete Alias:
git remote remove music
10. Mapping a remote warehouse to a local warehouse (https mode)
You may need to sign in.
Create a remote warehouse independently, called first, and create a local warehouse independently, called one. By default, there is no relationship between the two.
You can see if a local warehouse has an alias for a remote warehouse through git remote-v.
Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/one (master)
$ git remote -v
The local warehouse now needs to contact the remote warehouse:
git remote add origin
Save local version to staging area first
git add .
git commit -m "xxxx"
Throw version of local warehouse into remote warehouse
git push origin master
11. Remote warehouse mapped to local warehouse (SSH mode)
No login required
The configuration is as follows:
Open one dos window(win+R+cmd),Enter the following: C:\Users\Administrator>ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[](" Direct Quadruple Enter Generated in Home Directory.ssh Directory, which has two files, a private key and a public key, copy the public key.  Open the code cloud, copy To the yard cloud(stay Gitee On the web page, find the settings under the avatar and click to find SSH Public key, set it up).
These configurations are complete. Later, you can use this address:
When pushing back:
Administrator@MS-SXACBDGCBVLV MINGW64 ~/Desktop/one (master) $ git remote add origin []( git push origin master
12. In the current situation, the remote warehouse does not move and the local warehouse submits the version to the remote warehouse.
Is there a case where the remote warehouse version is ahead of our local warehouse?
A: Yes
If the version of your local warehouse is inconsistent with that of the remote warehouse, the submission of the version created by the local warehouse to the remote warehouse is unsuccessful.
At this point, you need to use git pull to pull the version you don't have from the remote repository.
That is, before you push a new version, go to pull.
git pull origin master
(If you pull a file from a remote repository, it may go into file editing mode, so you need a lower level operation)
: wq quits vi editing
Recommend version of local warehouse to remote warehouse:
git add .
Git commit-m "Set your own content comments"
Address of GIT push remote warehouse or git push origin master
When the code is written later, the local warehouse is managed first, then the remote warehouse is managed.