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YUV & RGB reciprocal conversion formula
YCbCr Y has the same meaning as Y in Y UV. Cb and CR both refer to color. Cb refers to blue color and Cr refers to red color. YCbCr Y is widely used in JPEG, MPEG, DVD, camera, digital TV and so on.
Therefore, the general term YUV mostly refers to YCbCr.
- RGB to YUV(YCbCr)
RGB range [0,255], Y range [16,235], UV range [16,239].Intercept results if they exceed the range.
Y = 0.257*R + 0.504*G + 0.098*B + 16; U = -0.148*R - 0.291*G + 0.439*B + 128; V = 0.439*R - 0.368*G - 0.071*B + 128;
- YUV(YCbCr)to RGB
RGB range [0,255], Y range [16,235], UV range [16,239].Intercept results if they exceed the range.
R = 1.164*(Y - 16) + 1.596*(V - 128); G = 1.164*(Y - 16) - 0.813*(V - 128) - 0.391*(U - 128); B = 1.164*(Y - 16) + 2.018*(U - 128);
Assistance to FFmpeg tool
FFmpeg will Previously generated rainbow graph BMP Files converted to YUV format, RGB format
ffmpeg -i rainbow.bmp -video_size 700x700 -pix_fmt yuv444p rainbow-yuv444p.yuv
ffmpeg -i rainbow.bmp -video_size 700x700 -pix_fmt rgb24 rainbow-rgb24.rgb
FFplay View the resulting YUV, RGB files
ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv444p -video_size 700x700 rainbow-yuv444p.yuv
ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -video_size 700x700 rainbow-rgb24.rgb
RGB & YUV Conversion by Code
Convert the RGB24 format generated by FFmpeg to YUV444P format.
[rainbow-rgb24.rgb] -> [rainbow-rgb24-to-yuv444p.yuv]
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> // Seven Colors of Rainbow u_int32_t rainbowColors[] = { 0XFF0000, // red 0XFFA500, // orange 0XFFFF00, // yellow 0X00FF00, // green 0X007FFF, // young 0X0000FF, // blue 0X8B00FF // purple }; u_int8_t bound(u_int8_t start, int value, u_int8_t end) { if(value <= start) { return start; } if(value >= end) { return end; } return value; } void rgbToYuv(u_int8_t R, u_int8_t G, u_int8_t B, u_int8_t *Y, u_int8_t *U, u_int8_t *V) { int y_val = (int)round(0.257*R + 0.504*G + 0.098*B + 16); int u_val = (int)round(-0.148*R - 0.291*G + 0.439*B + 128); int v_val = (int)round(0.439*R - 0.368*G - 0.071*B + 128); *Y = bound(16, y_val, 235); *U = bound(16, u_val, 239); *V = bound(16, v_val, 239); } void rgb24ToYuv444p(const u_int8_t *rgb24Data, u_int8_t *yuv444pData, int width, int height) { int8_t yuv_y[width*height]; int8_t yuv_u[width*height]; int8_t yuv_v[width*height]; for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { u_int8_t Y, U, V; u_int8_t R, G, B; int currentRGBIndex = 3*(i*height+j); R = rgb24Data[currentRGBIndex]; G = rgb24Data[currentRGBIndex+1]; B = rgb24Data[currentRGBIndex+2]; rgbToYuv(R, G, B, &Y, &U, &V); int currentYUVIndex = i*height+j; yuv_y[currentYUVIndex] = Y; yuv_u[currentYUVIndex] = U; yuv_v[currentYUVIndex] = V; } } memcpy(yuv444pData, yuv_y, sizeof(yuv_y)); memcpy(yuv444pData + sizeof(yuv_y), yuv_u, sizeof(yuv_u)); memcpy(yuv444pData + sizeof(yuv_y) + sizeof(yuv_u), yuv_v, sizeof(yuv_v)); } int main() { int width = 700, height = 700; u_int8_t yuv444pData[width*height*3]; u_int8_t rgb24Data[width*height*3]; FILE *rgb24File = fopen("/Users/staff/Desktop/rainbow-rgb24.rgb", "rb"); fread(rgb24Data, sizeof(rgb24Data), 1, rgb24File); rgb24ToYuv444p(rgb24Data, yuv444pData, width, height); FILE *yuv444pFile = fopen("/Users/ff/Desktop/rainbow-rgb24-to-yuv444p.yuv", "wb"); fwrite(yuv444pData, sizeof(yuv444pData), 1, yuv444pFile); fclose(rgb24File); fclose(yuv444pFile); return 0; }
ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -video_size 700x700 rainbow-rgb24.rgb
ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv444p -video_size 700x700 rainbow-rgb24-to-yuv444p.yuv
Convert YUV444P format generated by FFmpeg to RGB24 format.
[rainbow-yuv444p.yuv] -> [rainbow-yuv444p-to-rgb24.rgb]
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> u_int8_t bound(u_int8_t start, int value, u_int8_t end) { if(value <= start) { return start; } if(value >= end) { return end; } return value; } void yuv444pToRGB(u_int8_t *yuv444pData,u_int8_t *rgb24Data, int width, int height) { u_int8_t *srcY = yuv444pData, *srcU = srcY + width * height, *srcV = srcU + width * height; for(int i = 0 ; i < height ; i ++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { int currentYUVIndex = i * height + j; u_int8_t Y = srcY[currentYUVIndex], U = srcU[currentYUVIndex], V = srcV[currentYUVIndex]; int r_val = (int)round(1.164*(Y-16)+1.596*(V-128)); int g_val = (int)round(1.164*(Y-16)-0.813*(V-128)-0.391*(U-128)); int b_val = (int)round(1.164*(Y-16)+2.018*(U-128)); int currentRGBIndex = 3*(i * width + j); rgb24Data[currentRGBIndex] = bound(0, r_val, 255); rgb24Data[currentRGBIndex+1] = bound(0, g_val, 255); rgb24Data[currentRGBIndex+2] = bound(0, b_val, 255); } } } int main() { int width = 700, height = 700; u_int8_t yuv444pData[width*height*3]; u_int8_t rgb24Data[width*height*3]; FILE *yuv444pFile = fopen("/Users/staff/Desktop/rainbow-yuv444p.yuv", "rb"); fread(yuv444pData, sizeof(yuv444pData), 1, yuv444pFile); yuv444pToRGB(yuv444pData, rgb24Data, width, height); FILE *rgb24File = fopen("/Users/staff/Desktop/rainbow-yuv444p-to-rgb24.rgb", "wb"); fwrite(rgb24Data, sizeof(rgb24Data), 1, rgb24File); fclose(yuv444pFile); fclose(rgb24File); return 0; }
ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv444p -video_size 700x700 rainbow-yuv444p.yuv
ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -video_size 700x700 rainbow-yuv444p-to-rgb24.rgb
Verify using colorful pictures
Prepare a Disney.png for your mobile phone
ffmpeg -i Disney.png -video_size 700x700 -pix_fmt yuv444p Disney-yuv444p.yuv ffmpeg -i Disney.png -video_size 700x700 -pix_fmt rgb24 Disney-rgb24.rgb
ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv444p -video_size 700x700 Disney-yuv444p.yuv ffplay -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -video_size 700x700 Disney-rgb24.rgb
Using the above code to convert to Disney-rgb24-to-yuv444p.yuv Disney-yuv444p-to-rgb24.rgb
Reference material:
Formula and C++ code for conversion between YUV format and RGB format
Blog Directory - Technology - Video Processing
YUV format learning: YUV420P, YV12, NV12, NV21 formats converted to RGB24
Introduction of image RGB2YUV and YUV2RGB format conversion
Optimal algorithm for YUV to RGB
Formula and C++ code for conversion between YUV format and RGB format
Differences between YCbCr and YUV
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