Introduction and installation of MongoDB

Keywords: Linux MongoDB yum Database

Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is a NoSQL database, which is essentially different from relational databases such as MySQL in the form of data storage. The basic object stored in MongoDB is Document, so we call it a document database, and the collection of documents forms a Collection. In analogy to the concept of SQL, Collection corresponds to Table and Document corresponds to Row. Document uses a BSON (Binary JSON) structure to express it. JSON is familiar to everyone, as follows.

MongoDB application scenario

  • Game scenarios, using MongoDB to store game user information, user equipment, integrals, etc. are stored directly in the form of embedded documents for easy query and update.

  • Logistics scenario, using MongoDB to store order information, order status will be constantly updated during delivery, stored in the form of MongoDB embedded array, one query will be able to read out all changes to the order.

  • Social scenarios, using MongoDB to store user information and user's published circle of friends information, through geographic location index to achieve nearby people, places and other functions

  • In the Internet of Things scenario, MongoDB is used to store all accessed smart device information, as well as the log information reported by the device, and multi-dimensional analysis of these information is carried out.

  • Video live broadcasting, using MongoDB to store user information, gift information, etc.

MongoDB installation

MongoDB installation method is relatively simple, because the source installation is more troublesome, our intention is only to learn MongoDB and yum type of fool installation is more convenient to learn now, this paper uses yum installation method.


  • VMware version number: 12.0.0

  • CentOS version: 7.0

Note: Version 3.4 MongoDB no longer provides commercial support for 32-bit platforms (Linux and Windows). This article installs version 3.4.

View your own Linux version:

uname –a

x86_64 represents 64-bit machines
i686 represents 32-bit machines

  • The entire MongoDB (Community Edition) contains the following software

# Contains the mongod daemon and associated configuration and init scripts

# Contains the mongos daemon

# Includes a mongo shell, which is a command-line client connected to mongodb, allowing users to enter nosql grammar management database directly

# MongoDB contains the following tools: data import, export, backup, recovery, etc.
  • Create yum source files

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.4.repo
  • Copy the following to the source file

name=MongoDB Repository

  • Start the yum command to start installation

yum install -y mongodb-org
  • If you use SELinux, you must configure SELinux to allow MongoDB to be started on a Red Hat Linux-based system (Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS Linux)

vim /etc/selinux/config

Set the SELINUX value to disabled

  • Start Mongodb (default connection port for Mongodb server is 27017)

# Centos6 startup
$ service mongod start

# Centos7 Startup
$ systemctl start mongod
  • Check whether to start

netstat -tlnup|grep mongod
  • Check to see if the port number 27017 is occupied

netstat -tlnup|grep 27017
  • Other Control Commands

# Stop Mongodb Service
$ service mongod stop

# Restart Mongodb
$ service mongod restart
  • Set up boot start

chkconfig mongod on
  • Find the MongoDB client

find / -name mongo

  • Connect client


Enter the test command show dbs to see what the current database has

  • Stop the MongoDB server
    You can use Ctrl + c or enter exit to exit the MongoDB interface.

Note: Warning will appear when entering the MongoDB interface

Server has startup warnings: 
2017-03-30T06:40:26.039+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
2017-03-30T06:40:26.039+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2017-03-30T06:40:26.039+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2017-03-30T06:40:26.039+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
2017-03-30T06:40:26.040+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
2017-03-30T06:40:26.040+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'.
2017-03-30T06:40:26.040+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **        We suggest setting it to 'never'
2017-03-30T06:40:26.040+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] 
2017-03-30T06:40:26.040+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always'.
2017-03-30T06:40:26.040+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **        We suggest setting it to 'never'
2017-03-30T06:40:26.040+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] 

This is because MongoDB's security features, such as authorization and authentication, are not configured. Of course, it can be ignored just for learning, but the production environment must be configured.

Posted by jassikundi on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 11:28:19 -0700