Insertion, search and traversal of binary search tree (c/c + +)

Keywords: less

The establishment of binary search tree

The establishment of binary search tree is to insert elements into the binary tree. When the first element is inserted, the binary search tree is an empty tree, which directly applies for a memory space to put the elements into the tree. When the elements are inserted again, the comparison starts from the root node. If the element value to be inserted is large, the nodes in the tree go to the right. If it is small, the nodes in the tree go to the left until an empty position is found, and the nodes are inserted

Finding elements in binary search tree

When searching for an element in a binary search tree, first compare the value of the element with that of the root node. If the value of the element is small, the root node will go to the left (root = root - > left); if the value of the element is large, the root node will go to the right until it finds an equal size element or goes to the end of the tree

As a tree, binary search tree can also be traversed first, middle and last, and the order traversal is equivalent to the ordered output of the elements in the tree from large to small

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <malloc.h>
using namespace std;
#define OK 1
#define ERROR -1
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef int Status;
typedef struct STnode* link;
struct STnode{
      int item;//Element value
      link l;//The left subtree link of this node
      link r;//The right subtree link of this node
//Insertion of binary search tree
link STinsert(link st, int num)
     if(st == NULL)
         //Request memory space
        link st = (link)malloc(sizeof(struct STnode));
        //Assign values to nodes
        st->item = num;
        //Leave left and right subtrees empty
        st->l = NULL;
        st->r = NULL;
        //Return node
        return st;
    //printf("*%d* ", st->item);
    //When the value of this node is greater than the value of the element
    if(st->item > num)
        //Left subtree of recursive call node
        st->l = STinsert(st->l, num);
    //When the value of this node is less than the element value
    else if(st->item < num)
        //Right subtree of recursive call node
        st->r = STinsert(st->r, num);
//Searching for elements in binary search tree
Status STsearch(link h,int v)
    //Empty tree, no corresponding value, failed to find
    if(h == NULL)
        return FALSE;
    //Find the corresponding element value, find successfully
    if(v == h->item)
        return TRUE;
    //When the value of this node is greater than the value of the element
    if(v < h->item)
        //Left subtree of recursive call node
        STsearch(h->l, v);
    //When the value of this node is less than the element value
        //Right subtree of recursive call node
        STsearch(h->r, v);
//Recursive tree preorder traversal
void Traverse1(link tree)
        //Output root node first
        printf("%d ", tree->item);
        //Recursion of its left subtree
        //Recursion of its right subtree
//Use BST sort, i.e. medium order output
void BSTsort(link h)
    if(h == NULL)
    //Recursive call left subtree
    //Output element value
    printf("%d ", h->item);
    //Recursive call right subtree
    BSTsort(h->r);//Recursive adjustment
int main()
    int a[12] = {2, 5, 3, 7, 6, 1, 4, 11, 8, 10, 9, 12};
    link st = NULL;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        st = STinsert(st, a[i]);
    printf("\n");//Left subtree of recursive call node
    if(STsearch(st, 7))
        printf("7 Exists in the tree.\n");
        printf("** Does not exist in the tree.\n");
    return 0;


Posted by kpzani on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 05:04:20 -0800