Independent access to alicloud IoT platform (Python) based on open source MQTT

Keywords: Python Attribute SDK pip

By GXIC wongxmig Finish, welcome to follow IoT developer community.

1. Preparation

1.1 register alicloud account

Use personal Taobao account or cell phone number to open the account of Ali cloud, and pass the real name authentication (can be certified by Alipay).

1.2 free IoT Suite

Product official website

1.3 software environment

__python2 installation:
Editor sublimeText/nodepad++/vscode

2. Development steps

2.1 cloud development

1) create advanced products

2) function definition, adding attributes to product model

Add product attribute definition

Attribute name identifier data type Range
temperature temperature float -50~100
humidity humidity float 0~100

Object model corresponding attribute report topic

/sys / replace with productKey / replace with deviceName/thing/event/property/post

Attribute corresponding to object model reported to payload

    id: 123452452,
    params: {
        temperature: 26.2,
        humidity: 60.4
    method: ""

3) device management > register devices to obtain identity triples

2.2 equipment end development

We use the python2 program to simulate the device, establish the connection and report the data.

1. Create the aliyun IOT demo Python folder
2. pip install aliyun-python-sdk-iot-client
 3. Create the file and add content

2) download and install SDK

In the aliyun IOT demo Python folder, execute the command

$ pip install aliyun-python-sdk-iot-client

3) application directory structure

4) code of thermometer.js

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import aliyunsdkiotclient.AliyunIotMqttClient as iot
import json
import multiprocessing
import time
import random

options = {
    'productKey':'Your productKey',
    'deviceName':'Your deviceName',
    'deviceSecret':'Your deviceSecret',

host = options['productKey'] + '.' + options['host']

# The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server.
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
    #topic = '/' + productKey + '/' + deviceName + '/update'
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags_dict, rc):
    print("Connected with result code " + str(rc))
def on_disconnect(client, userdata, flags_dict, rc):

def worker(client):
    topic = '/sys/'+options['productKey']+'/'+options['deviceName']+'/thing/event/property/post'
    while True:
        payload_json = {
            'id': int(time.time()),
            'params': {
                'temperature': random.randint(20, 30),
                'humidity': random.randint(40, 50)
            'method': ""
        print('send data to iot server: ' + str(payload_json))        
        client.publish(topic, payload=str(payload_json))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = iot.getAliyunIotMqttClient(options['productKey'], options['deviceName'], options['deviceSecret'], secure_mode=3)
    client.on_connect = on_connect
    client.connect(host=host, port=options['port'], keepalive=60)

    p = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=(client,))

3. Start operation

3.1 equipment startup

$ python

3.2 check the operation status of the device in the cloud


Posted by cemzafer on Thu, 05 Dec 2019 20:58:07 -0800