The core code of ci3.0 framework automatically implements exceptions and the corresponding pages and methods thrown, which is not suitable for some personalized requirements, especially for the application of interface types. Therefore, it is necessary to change the handling of exceptions and 404 and other related exceptions without changing the core code (files under the system directory).
Method description
ci framework 3.0 has changed a lot compared with 2.0, one of which is exception handling. Here is the code for exception handling in CodeIgniter-3.1.8\system\core\CodeIgniter.php
/* * ------------------------------------------------------ * Define a custom error handler so we can log PHP errors * ------------------------------------------------------ */ set_error_handler('_error_handler'); set_exception_handler('_exception_handler'); register_shutdown_function('_shutdown_handler'); ...
The methods in the above brackets are declared in common.php with function_exists as the premise.
... if ( ! function_exists('_exception_handler')) { ...
code implementation
We simply and roughly rewrite the following methods in the project entry file index.php
/** * Push to redis exception queue * @time 2019/3/21 15:29 * @author * @param $msg * @return bool|int|string */ function redis_list_add($msg) { ini_set('default_socket_timeout', -1); $v = explode(':', $_SERVER['SITE_REDIS_SERVER']); if (is_array($v) && !empty($v)) { try { $redis = new redis(); $redis->pconnect($v[0], $v[1]); $trace = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . " exception\n"; $trace .= "clint ip is {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} " . ",server is " . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "(" . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . ")"."\n"; $trace.= "path is ".(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])?$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']:"empty")."\n"; $trace .= "request params is =" . print_r($_POST, true); return $redis->LPUSH('CC_PHP_ERROR_WARNING', $trace . $msg); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } } } /** * Override the corresponding method in common.php first * @time 2019/3/21 16:19 * @author * @param $severity * @param $message * @param $filepath * @param $line */ function _error_handler($severity, $message, $filepath, $line) { $is_error = (((E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_STRICT) & $severity) === $severity); if ($is_error) { $error_msg = ($message . "\n" . $filepath . "\n" . $line); redis_list_add($error_msg); exit(json_encode(['success' => '-1', 'code' => 501, 'msg' => 'error'])); } } /** * Catch php syntax, object call, parameter type passing and other errors * Override the corresponding method in common.php first * ParseError,object(Error),TypeError,Error * @time 2019/3/20 18:33 * @author * @param $exception */ function _exception_handler($exception) { $_tmp =& load_class('Exceptions', 'core'); if (!empty($exception)) { $error_msg = ($exception->getMessage() . "\n" . $exception->getTraceAsString()); redis_list_add($error_msg); exit(json_encode(['success' => '-1', 'code' => 501, 'msg' => 'exception'])); } } /** * Override the corresponding method in common.php first * require_once('no_exists.php') * @time 2019/3/21 9:49 * @author */ function _shutdown_handler() { $last_error = error_get_last(); if (isset($last_error) && ($last_error['type'] & (E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_CORE_ERROR | E_CORE_WARNING | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_WARNING))) { redis_list_add($msg = $last_error['message'] . "\n" . $last_error['file'] . "\n" . $last_error['line'] . "\n"); exit(json_encode(['success' => '-1', 'code' => 501, 'msg' => 'shutdown'])); } } /** * Override the corresponding method in common.php first * ci The load exception, config exception and loader exception in the framework will be thrown automatically, * But the function definition and other errors in common.php cannot be caught * @time 2019/3/20 18:46 * @author * @param $message * @param int $status_code */ function show_error($message) { redis_list_add($message); exit(json_encode(['success' => '-1', 'code' => '503', 'msg' => 'ci_exception_1'])); } /** * Override the corresponding method in common.php first * @time 2019/3/21 15:34 * @author * @param string $page */ function show_404($page = '') { redis_list_add("url: " . $page . " not found"); exit(json_encode(['success' => '-1', 'code' => '404', 'msg' => 'Not Found'])); }
- Can be processed in the base class
- Error level discrimination