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The following code has been tested in pytorch version 1.4 and confirmed to be correct.
I have completely reproduced RetinaNet from zero implementation (I) to (V). The idea of this reproduction is to divide the target detector into three independent parts: forward network, loss calculation and decode. A closer look shows that there are some duplicate codes in the loss part and the decode part, but I didn't extract the duplicate codes for code reuse. This is mainly to achieve high cohesion and low coupling of the three parts, so we can use the latest target detection method to change the three independent parts, and then build the improved target detector like building blocks. Now we can start training and testing RetinaNet.
Training for RetinaNet
Papers in RetinaNet( )The standard training method is as follows: use momentum=0.9, weight_ SGD optimizer with decay = 0.0001, batch_size=16 and use cross card synchronization BN. There are 90000 iterations in total, the initial learning rate is 0.01, and the learning rate is divided by 10 in 60000 and 80000 times respectively.
My training process is slightly different from the above, but the difference is not big. Multiply 16 by 90000 and divide by 118287 (coco2017_ The number of pictures in the train) can be calculated to be about 12.17 epochs. So we train until 12 epochs. For simplicity, I use the Adam optimizer, which automatically attenuates the learning rate. According to previous experience, the convergence speed of Adam optimizer is faster than sgd at the initial stage, but the final training result is slightly worse than sgd (the local best point of convergence is not as good as sgd), but the gap is very small. For retinaet, generally, the gap of mAP is not more than 0.5%.
In the framework of Detectron and Detectron 2, the standard training method of RetinaNet paper mentioned above is also called 1x_training. Similarly, multiplying the number of iterations and the number of iterations with learning rate decay by 2 and 3 is called 2x_training and 3x_training.
Testing RetinaNet on COCO datasets
To test the performance of retinaet on COCO, we can directly use pycocotools.cocoeval The API provided by the COCOeval class in. We only need to send the forward calculation results (including anchor) of RetinaNet class to RetinaDecoder class for decoding, and then enlarge the decoded bbox to the size on the original image according to scale (because the size of the decoded bbox is larger and smaller than the resize d image). Then we filter out the invalid targets (class) in each target detected by the image_ If the index is - 1), write it to a josn file in a certain format, and then call COCOeval for calculation.
The COCOeval class provides 12 performance indicators:
self.maxDets = [1, 10, 100] # Max mentioned in decoder_ detection_ Num stats[0] = _summarize(1) stats[1] = _summarize(1, iouThr=.5, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2]) stats[2] = _summarize(1, iouThr=.75, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2]) stats[3] = _summarize(1, areaRng='small', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2]) stats[4] = _summarize(1, areaRng='medium', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2]) stats[5] = _summarize(1, areaRng='large', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2]) stats[6] = _summarize(0, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[0]) stats[7] = _summarize(0, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[1]) stats[8] = _summarize(0, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2]) stats[9] = _summarize(0, areaRng='small', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2]) stats[10] = _summarize(0, areaRng='medium', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2]) stats[11] = _summarize(0, areaRng='large', maxDets=self.params.maxDets[2])
The meaning of each result is as follows:
# Without special instructions, the performance of the model in general target detection papers on COCO refers to stats[0], as for coco2017_val set or COCO2017_ The test set should be described in the paper, but the difference between them is only 0.2-0.5 percentage points stats[0] : IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP stats[1] : IoU=0.5,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP stats[2] : IoU=0.75,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP stats[3] : IoU=0.5:0.95,area=small,maxDets=100,mAP stats[4] : IoU=0.5:0.95,area=medium,maxDets=100,mAP stats[5] : IoU=0.5:0.95,area=large,maxDets=100,mAP stats[6] : IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=1,mAR stats[7] : IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=10,mAR stats[8] : IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=100,mAR stats[9] : IoU=0.5:0.95,area=small,maxDets=100,mAR stats[10]:IoU=0.5:0.95,area=medium,maxDets=100,mAR stats[11]:IoU=0.5:0.95,area=large,maxDets=100,mAR
The code tested on the COCO data set is as follows:
def validate(val_dataset, model, decoder): model = model.module # switch to evaluate mode model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): all_eval_result = evaluate_coco(val_dataset, model, decoder) return all_eval_result def evaluate_coco(val_dataset, model, decoder): results, image_ids = [], [] for index in range(len(val_dataset)): data = val_dataset[index] scale = data['scale'] cls_heads, reg_heads, batch_anchors = model(data['img'].cuda().permute( 2, 0, 1).float().unsqueeze(dim=0)) scores, classes, boxes = decoder(cls_heads, reg_heads, batch_anchors) scores, classes, boxes = scores.cpu(), classes.cpu(), boxes.cpu() boxes /= scale # make sure decode batch_size=1 # scores shape:[1,max_detection_num] # classes shape:[1,max_detection_num] # bboxes shape[1,max_detection_num,4] assert scores.shape[0] == 1 scores = scores.squeeze(0) classes = classes.squeeze(0) boxes = boxes.squeeze(0) # for coco_eval,we need [x_min,y_min,w,h] format pred boxes boxes[:, 2:] -= boxes[:, :2] for object_score, object_class, object_box in zip( scores, classes, boxes): object_score = float(object_score) object_class = int(object_class) object_box = object_box.tolist() if object_class == -1: break image_result = { 'image_id': val_dataset.image_ids[index], 'category_id': val_dataset.find_category_id_from_coco_label(object_class), 'score': object_score, 'bbox': object_box, } results.append(image_result) image_ids.append(val_dataset.image_ids[index]) print('{}/{}'.format(index, len(val_dataset)), end='\r') if not len(results): print("No target detected in test set images") return json.dump(results, open('{}_bbox_results.json'.format(val_dataset.set_name), 'w'), indent=4) # load results in COCO evaluation tool coco_true = val_dataset.coco coco_pred = coco_true.loadRes('{}_bbox_results.json'.format( val_dataset.set_name)) coco_eval = COCOeval(coco_true, coco_pred, 'bbox') coco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() all_eval_result = coco_eval.stats return all_eval_result
When training and testing on COCO data sets, we follow the data set settings in the retinaet paper and use coco_2017_train data set training model, using coco_2017_val data set test model. With IoU=0.5:0.95, a maximum of 100 detect targets are reserved, and the mAP under all size targets is reserved (i.e pycocotools.cocoeval In the COCOeval class of_ The stats[0] value in the summarizeDets function) is the performance representation of the model.
Testing RetinaNet on VOC datasets
When training and testing on VOC datasets, we refer to the practice of using foster RCNN in detectron 2 to train and test on VOC datasets( )Using voc207trainval + voc2012trainval data set training model, using voc207test data set test model. During the test, use 11 point metric method of voc207 to calculate the mAP.
The test code uses the classic VOC test code, but adapts the input and output as follows:
def compute_voc_ap(recall, precision, use_07_metric=True): if use_07_metric: # use voc 2007 11 point metric ap = 0. for t in np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.1): if np.sum(recall >= t) == 0: p = 0 else: # get max precision for recall >= t p = np.max(precision[recall >= t]) # average 11 recall point precision ap = ap + p / 11. else: # use voc>=2010 metric,average all different recall precision as ap # recall add first value 0. and last value 1. mrecall = np.concatenate(([0.], recall, [1.])) # precision add first value 0. and last value 0. mprecision = np.concatenate(([0.], precision, [0.])) # compute the precision envelope for i in range(mprecision.size - 1, 0, -1): mprecision[i - 1] = np.maximum(mprecision[i - 1], mprecision[i]) # to calculate area under PR curve, look for points where X axis (recall) changes value i = np.where(mrecall[1:] != mrecall[:-1])[0] # sum (\Delta recall) * prec ap = np.sum((mrecall[i + 1] - mrecall[i]) * mprecision[i + 1]) return ap def compute_ious(a, b): """ :param a: [N,(x1,y1,x2,y2)] :param b: [M,(x1,y1,x2,y2)] :return: IoU [N,M] """ a = np.expand_dims(a, axis=1) # [N,1,4] b = np.expand_dims(b, axis=0) # [1,M,4] overlap = np.maximum(0.0, np.minimum(a[..., 2:], b[..., 2:]) - np.maximum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])) # [N,M,(w,h)] overlap =, axis=-1) # [N,M] area_a =[..., 2:] - a[..., :2], axis=-1) area_b =[..., 2:] - b[..., :2], axis=-1) iou = overlap / (area_a + area_b - overlap) return iou def validate(val_dataset, model, decoder): model = model.module # switch to evaluate mode model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): all_ap, mAP = evaluate_voc(val_dataset, model, decoder, num_classes=20, iou_thread=0.5) return all_ap, mAP def evaluate_voc(val_dataset, model, decoder, num_classes=20, iou_thread=0.5): preds, gts = [], [] for index in tqdm(range(len(val_dataset))): data = val_dataset[index] img, gt_annot, scale = data['img'], data['annot'], data['scale'] gt_bboxes, gt_classes = gt_annot[:, 0:4], gt_annot[:, 4] gt_bboxes /= scale gts.append([gt_bboxes, gt_classes]) cls_heads, reg_heads, batch_anchors = model(img.cuda().permute( 2, 0, 1).float().unsqueeze(dim=0)) preds_scores, preds_classes, preds_boxes = decoder( cls_heads, reg_heads, batch_anchors) preds_scores, preds_classes, preds_boxes = preds_scores.cpu( ), preds_classes.cpu(), preds_boxes.cpu() preds_boxes /= scale # make sure decode batch_size=1 # preds_scores shape:[1,max_detection_num] # preds_classes shape:[1,max_detection_num] # preds_bboxes shape[1,max_detection_num,4] assert preds_scores.shape[0] == 1 preds_scores = preds_scores.squeeze(0) preds_classes = preds_classes.squeeze(0) preds_boxes = preds_boxes.squeeze(0) preds_scores = preds_scores[preds_classes > -1] preds_boxes = preds_boxes[preds_classes > -1] preds_classes = preds_classes[preds_classes > -1] preds.append([preds_boxes, preds_classes, preds_scores]) print("all val sample decode done.") all_ap = {} for class_index in tqdm(range(num_classes)): per_class_gt_boxes = [ image[0][image[1] == class_index] for image in gts ] per_class_pred_boxes = [ image[0][image[1] == class_index] for image in preds ] per_class_pred_scores = [ image[2][image[1] == class_index] for image in preds ] fp = np.zeros((0, )) tp = np.zeros((0, )) scores = np.zeros((0, )) total_gts = 0 # loop for each sample for per_image_gt_boxes, per_image_pred_boxes, per_image_pred_scores in zip( per_class_gt_boxes, per_class_pred_boxes, per_class_pred_scores): total_gts = total_gts + len(per_image_gt_boxes) # one gt can only be assigned to one predicted bbox assigned_gt = [] # loop for each predicted bbox for index in range(len(per_image_pred_boxes)): scores = np.append(scores, per_image_pred_scores[index]) if per_image_gt_boxes.shape[0] == 0: # if no gts found for the predicted bbox, assign the bbox to fp fp = np.append(fp, 1) tp = np.append(tp, 0) continue pred_box = np.expand_dims(per_image_pred_boxes[index], axis=0) iou = compute_ious(per_image_gt_boxes, pred_box) gt_for_box = np.argmax(iou, axis=0) max_overlap = iou[gt_for_box, 0] if max_overlap >= iou_thread and gt_for_box not in assigned_gt: fp = np.append(fp, 0) tp = np.append(tp, 1) assigned_gt.append(gt_for_box) else: fp = np.append(fp, 1) tp = np.append(tp, 0) # sort by score indices = np.argsort(-scores) fp = fp[indices] tp = tp[indices] # compute cumulative false positives and true positives fp = np.cumsum(fp) tp = np.cumsum(tp) # compute recall and precision recall = tp / total_gts precision = tp / np.maximum(tp + fp, np.finfo(np.float64).eps) ap = compute_voc_ap(recall, precision) all_ap[class_index] = ap mAP = 0. for _, class_mAP in all_ap.items(): mAP += float(class_mAP) mAP /= num_classes return all_ap, mAP
Please pay attention to compute_ voc_ Use in AP function_ 07_ Metric = true indicates that the 11 point metric method of voc207 is used to calculate mAP, use_07_metric=False indicates the new mAP calculation method after VOC2010.
Complete training and test code
In the training, we train 12 epochs in total, test the performance of the model once every 5 epochs, and also test the performance of the model once when the training is completed.
The complete training and testing code is implemented as follows (here is the training and testing code on the COCO data set, which needs only a little modification to be trained and tested on the VOC data set). File:
import os import sys BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) from public.path import COCO2017_path from public.detection.dataset.cocodataset import CocoDetection, Resize, RandomFlip, RandomCrop, RandomTranslate import torchvision.transforms as transforms import torchvision.datasets as datasets class Config(object): log = './log' # Path to save log checkpoint_path = './checkpoints' # Path to store checkpoint model resume = './checkpoints/latest.pth' # load checkpoint model evaluate = None # evaluate model path train_dataset_path = os.path.join(COCO2017_path, 'images/train2017') val_dataset_path = os.path.join(COCO2017_path, 'images/val2017') dataset_annotations_path = os.path.join(COCO2017_path, 'annotations') network = "resnet50_retinanet" pretrained = False num_classes = 80 seed = 0 input_image_size = 667 train_dataset = CocoDetection(image_root_dir=train_dataset_path, annotation_root_dir=dataset_annotations_path, set="train2017", transform=transforms.Compose([ RandomFlip(flip_prob=0.5), RandomCrop(crop_prob=0.5), RandomTranslate(translate_prob=0.5), Resize(resize=input_image_size), ])) val_dataset = CocoDetection(image_root_dir=val_dataset_path, annotation_root_dir=dataset_annotations_path, set="val2017", transform=transforms.Compose([ Resize(resize=input_image_size), ])) epochs = 12 batch_size = 12 lr = 1e-4 num_workers = 4 print_interval = 100 apex = True File:
import sys import os import argparse import random import shutil import time import warnings import json BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import numpy as np from thop import profile from thop import clever_format from apex import amp import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn from import DataLoader from torchvision import transforms from config import Config from public.detection.dataset.cocodataset import COCODataPrefetcher, collater from public.detection.models.loss import RetinaLoss from public.detection.models.decode import RetinaDecoder from public.detection.models.retinanet import resnet50_retinanet from public.imagenet.utils import get_logger from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='PyTorch COCO Detection Training') parser.add_argument('--network', type=str,, help='name of network') parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float,, help='learning rate') parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=Config.epochs, help='num of training epochs') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=Config.batch_size, help='batch size') parser.add_argument('--pretrained', type=bool, default=Config.pretrained, help='load pretrained model params or not') parser.add_argument('--num_classes', type=int, default=Config.num_classes, help='model classification num') parser.add_argument('--input_image_size', type=int, default=Config.input_image_size, help='input image size') parser.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=Config.num_workers, help='number of worker to load data') parser.add_argument('--resume', type=str, default=Config.resume, help='put the path to resuming file if needed') parser.add_argument('--checkpoints', type=str, default=Config.checkpoint_path, help='path for saving trained models') parser.add_argument('--log', type=str, default=Config.log, help='path to save log') parser.add_argument('--evaluate', type=str, default=Config.evaluate, help='path for evaluate model') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=Config.seed, help='seed') parser.add_argument('--print_interval', type=bool, default=Config.print_interval, help='print interval') parser.add_argument('--apex', type=bool, default=Config.apex, help='use apex or not') return parser.parse_args() def validate(val_dataset, model, decoder): model = model.module # switch to evaluate mode model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): all_eval_result = evaluate_coco(val_dataset, model, decoder) return all_eval_result def evaluate_coco(val_dataset, model, decoder): results, image_ids = [], [] for index in range(len(val_dataset)): data = val_dataset[index] scale = data['scale'] cls_heads, reg_heads, batch_anchors = model(data['img'].cuda().permute( 2, 0, 1).float().unsqueeze(dim=0)) scores, classes, boxes = decoder(cls_heads, reg_heads, batch_anchors) scores, classes, boxes = scores.cpu(), classes.cpu(), boxes.cpu() boxes /= scale # make sure decode batch_size=1 # scores shape:[1,max_detection_num] # classes shape:[1,max_detection_num] # bboxes shape[1,max_detection_num,4] assert scores.shape[0] == 1 scores = scores.squeeze(0) classes = classes.squeeze(0) boxes = boxes.squeeze(0) # for coco_eval,we need [x_min,y_min,w,h] format pred boxes boxes[:, 2:] -= boxes[:, :2] for object_score, object_class, object_box in zip( scores, classes, boxes): object_score = float(object_score) object_class = int(object_class) object_box = object_box.tolist() if object_class == -1: break image_result = { 'image_id': val_dataset.image_ids[index], 'category_id': val_dataset.find_category_id_from_coco_label(object_class), 'score': object_score, 'bbox': object_box, } results.append(image_result) image_ids.append(val_dataset.image_ids[index]) print('{}/{}'.format(index, len(val_dataset)), end='\r') if not len(results): print("No target detected in test set images") return json.dump(results, open('{}_bbox_results.json'.format(val_dataset.set_name), 'w'), indent=4) # load results in COCO evaluation tool coco_true = val_dataset.coco coco_pred = coco_true.loadRes('{}_bbox_results.json'.format( val_dataset.set_name)) coco_eval = COCOeval(coco_true, coco_pred, 'bbox') coco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() all_eval_result = coco_eval.stats return all_eval_result def train(train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, epoch, logger, args): cls_losses, reg_losses, losses = [], [], [] # switch to train mode model.train() iters = len(train_loader.dataset) // args.batch_size prefetcher = COCODataPrefetcher(train_loader) images, annotations = iter_index = 1 while images is not None: images, annotations = images.cuda().float(), annotations.cuda() cls_heads, reg_heads, batch_anchors = model(images) cls_loss, reg_loss = criterion(cls_heads, reg_heads, batch_anchors, annotations) loss = cls_loss + reg_loss if cls_loss == 0.0 or reg_loss == 0.0: optimizer.zero_grad() continue if args.apex: with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scaled_loss: scaled_loss.backward() else: loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 0.1) optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() cls_losses.append(cls_loss.item()) reg_losses.append(reg_loss.item()) losses.append(loss.item()) images, annotations = if iter_index % args.print_interval == 0: f"train: epoch {epoch:0>3d}, iter [{iter_index:0>5d}, {iters:0>5d}], cls_loss: {cls_loss.item():.2f}, reg_loss: {reg_loss.item():.2f}, loss_total: {loss.item():.2f}" ) iter_index += 1 scheduler.step(np.mean(losses)) return np.mean(cls_losses), np.mean(reg_losses), np.mean(losses) def main(logger, args): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise Exception("need gpu to train network!") torch.cuda.empty_cache() if args.seed is not None: random.seed(args.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.seed) cudnn.deterministic = True gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()'use {gpus} gpus')"args: {args}") cudnn.benchmark = True cudnn.enabled = True start_time = time.time() # dataset and dataloader'start loading data') train_loader = DataLoader(Config.train_dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=collater)'finish loading data') model = resnet50_retinanet(**{ "pretrained": args.pretrained, "num_classes": args.num_classes, }) for name, param in model.named_parameters():"{name},{param.requires_grad}") flops_input = torch.randn(1, 3, args.input_image_size, args.input_image_size) flops, params = profile(model, inputs=(flops_input, )) flops, params = clever_format([flops, params], "%.3f")"model: '{}', flops: {flops}, params: {params}") criterion = RetinaLoss(image_w=args.input_image_size, image_h=args.input_image_size).cuda() decoder = RetinaDecoder(image_w=args.input_image_size, image_h=args.input_image_size).cuda() model = model.cuda() optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, patience=3, verbose=True) if args.apex: model, optimizer = amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level='O1') model = nn.DataParallel(model) if args.evaluate: if not os.path.isfile(args.evaluate): raise Exception( f"{args.resume} is not a file, please check it again")'start only evaluating')"start resuming model from {args.evaluate}") checkpoint = torch.load(args.evaluate, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) all_eval_result = validate(Config.val_dataset, model, decoder) if all_eval_result is not None: f"val: epoch: {checkpoint['epoch']:0>5d}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[0]:.3f}, IoU=0.5,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[1]:.3f}, IoU=0.75,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[2]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=small,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[3]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=medium,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[4]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=large,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[5]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=1,mAR:{all_eval_result[6]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=10,mAR:{all_eval_result[7]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=100,mAR:{all_eval_result[8]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=small,maxDets=100,mAR:{all_eval_result[9]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=medium,maxDets=100,mAR:{all_eval_result[10]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=large,maxDets=100,mAR:{all_eval_result[11]:.3f}" ) return best_map = 0.0 start_epoch = 1 # resume training if os.path.exists(args.resume):"start resuming model from {args.resume}") checkpoint = torch.load(args.resume, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) start_epoch += checkpoint['epoch'] best_map = checkpoint['best_map'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer_state_dict']) scheduler.load_state_dict(checkpoint['scheduler_state_dict']) f"finish resuming model from {args.resume}, epoch {checkpoint['epoch']}, best_map: {checkpoint['best_map']}, " f"loss: {checkpoint['loss']:3f}, cls_loss: {checkpoint['cls_loss']:2f}, reg_loss: {checkpoint['reg_loss']:2f}" ) if not os.path.exists(args.checkpoints): os.makedirs(args.checkpoints)'start training') for epoch in range(start_epoch, args.epochs + 1): cls_losses, reg_losses, losses = train(train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, epoch, logger, args) f"train: epoch {epoch:0>3d}, cls_loss: {cls_losses:.2f}, reg_loss: {reg_losses:.2f}, loss: {losses:.2f}" ) if epoch % 5 == 0 or epoch == args.epochs: all_eval_result = validate(Config.val_dataset, model, args, decoder)"eval done.") if all_eval_result is not None: f"val: epoch: {epoch:0>5d}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[0]:.3f}, IoU=0.5,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[1]:.3f}, IoU=0.75,area=all,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[2]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=small,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[3]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=medium,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[4]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=large,maxDets=100,mAP:{all_eval_result[5]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=1,mAR:{all_eval_result[6]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=10,mAR:{all_eval_result[7]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=all,maxDets=100,mAR:{all_eval_result[8]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=small,maxDets=100,mAR:{all_eval_result[9]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=medium,maxDets=100,mAR:{all_eval_result[10]:.3f}, IoU=0.5:0.95,area=large,maxDets=100,mAR:{all_eval_result[11]:.3f}" ) if all_eval_result[0] > best_map:, os.path.join(args.checkpoints, "best.pth")) best_map = all_eval_result[0] { 'epoch': epoch, 'best_map': best_map, 'cls_loss': cls_losses, 'reg_loss': reg_losses, 'loss': losses, 'model_state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(), 'scheduler_state_dict': scheduler.state_dict(), }, os.path.join(args.checkpoints, 'latest.pth'))"finish training, best_map: {best_map:.3f}") training_time = (time.time() - start_time) / 3600 f"finish training, total training time: {training_time:.2f} hours") if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() logger = get_logger(__name__, args.log) main(logger, args)
What is realized above is that nn.parallel I will implement the distributed training method in the next article. To train, just python Just.
Assessment of model recurrence
According to the method of reinanet's recurrence in six articles, there are three problems to be solved with the points of reinanet model in the paper at present:
- The parameters of ResNet50 pre training model on ImageNet used in Detectron and Detectron 2 are trained by themselves. The parameters of this pre training model may be better than those of my ResNet50 pre training model (the performance of my ResNet50 and training model is Top1 error = 23.488%). According to previous experience, the better the performance of the pre training model, the better the result will be after finetune (the two are not linear, but positive correlation).
- The training above uses nn.parallel In this mode, BN synchronization across cards cannot be used, while distributed training + BN synchronization across cards are used in both Detectron and Detectron 2. In the case of no synchronized BN, BN can only update the mean and standard deviation according to the data of batchsize on a single card, which results in that BN training does not use cross card synchronized BN, so the performance of the model will decline.
- Because I haven't read all the codes in Detectron and Detectron 2, there may be some improvement methods that I haven't found to help the training.
For question 1, it cannot be verified at this time. For question 2, since the author only has two 2080ti sheets on hand, when apex is enabled, a single 2080ti sheet can only batch_size is set to 12, which is better than batch in retinaet paper_ Size = 16 is lower, so the performance of the training model may be worse. This problem will be solved in the next chapter by using distributed training + cross card synchronization BN. For question 3, I don't have the energy to read all the codes of Detectron and Detectron 2. Welcome to put forward suggestions.
The performance of the model on the COCO dataset is as follows: (under training, these two days will be updated)
Network | epoch5-mAP | epoch5-mAP | epoch12-mAP |
ResNet50-RetinaNet-only-flip | |||
ResNet50-RetinaNet-flip-crop-translate |