video object
safari browser does not support webm format
Chrome browser supports webm format
ie8 and the following do not support video tags. ie9 supports video tags, but mp4 format
Firefox supports video in ogv format
Compatibility writing
<video controls> <source src="data/demo.ovg"> <source src="data/demo.mp4"> <source src="data/demo.webm"> Your browser does not support it. Please upgrade your browser </video>
width height autoplay muted
Post video player with preview (poster image)
<video src='data/demo.mp4' muted controls autoplay height='400' width="200" poster='data/poster.jpg'></video>
Check the video tab
var VideoNode = document.getElementById('myVideo');
Source of src control video
VideoNode.src = 'data/demo.ogv';
Set controls manually
VideoNode.controls = true;
Set video volume
VideoNode.volume = 0.5;
currentTime current playback time
Fast forward effect
gogogo.onclick = function(){ VideoNode.currentTime = VideoNode.currentTime + 3; };
stopNode.onclick = function(){ VideoNode.pause(); };
playNode.onclick = function(){; };
load refresh player event
reloadNode.onclick = function(){ VideoNode.src = 'data/demo.mp4'; VideoNode.load(); };
Can play video is loaded and ready to play
VideoNode.addEventListener('canplay',function(){ console.log('The video is loaded and ready to play'); });
requestFullscreen makes video tags full screen
fullScreenNode.onclick = function(){ if(VideoNode.webkitRequestFullscreen){ VideoNode.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if(VideoNode.mozRequestFullScreen){ VideoNode.mozRequestFullScreen(); } };
volumechange when the volume changes
VideoNode.onvolumechange = function(){ console.log('volumechange'); };
Random sound change
volumeNode.onclick = function(){ VideoNode.volume = Math.random(); };
seeking events triggered when the user starts dragging the progress bar
var seekingNum = 0; VideoNode.onseeking = function(){ console.log('seeking...'); seekingNum++; seeking.innerHTML = seekingNum; };
Events triggered when the user has completed the operation on the progress bar of the video
var seekedNum = 0; VideoNode.onseeked = function(){ console.log('seeked...'); seekedNum++; seeked.innerHTML = seekedNum; };
timeupdate monitors the status of video playing
VideoNode.addEventListener('timeupdate',function(){ // Total time in minutes: seconds let allTime = parseInt(VideoNode.duration/60)+':'+parseInt(VideoNode.duration%60); // Current time, in minutes: seconds let nowTime = parseInt(VideoNode.currentTime/60)+':'+parseInt(VideoNode.currentTime%60); timeNode.innerHTML = nowTime+'/'+allTime; })
readyState video preparation information
console.log(VideoNode.readyState); setTimeout(function(){ console.log(VideoNode.readyState); },500);
playbackRate to view or set a playback speed for a video
Rate setting speed
//Rate Set 0.5 Double speed RateNode.children[0].onclick = function(){ VideoNode.playbackRate = 0.5; }; //Rate Set 1x speed RateNode.children[1].onclick = function(){ VideoNode.playbackRate = 1; }; //Rate Set 2x speed RateNode.children[2].onclick = function(){ VideoNode.playbackRate = 2; };
loop settings
loopNode.onclick = function(){ if(VideoNode.loop == false){ this.innerHTML = 'loop'; VideoNode.loop = true; } else{ this.innerHTML = 'Acyclic'; VideoNode.loop = false; } };
Data returned by src
Data returned by currentSrc
Listen to the ended event
VideoNode.addEventListener('ended',function(){ console.log('The video is over');; })
View the network status of the video
Set controls manually
VideoNode.controls = true;
Set mute manually
VideoNode.muted = true;
Custom video player
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> *{margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none;} .outerNode{width: 540px;height: 332px;position: absolute;left: 50%;top: 50%;margin: -166px 0 0 -270px;box-shadow: 0 0 4px #5b606d;} .outerNode .videoNode{ width: 540px;height: 305px;float: left; background: black; } .outerNode .controlsNode{ width: 540px;height: 27px;float: left;background: url(images/ctrs_bg.gif) repeat-x; } .outerNode .controlsNode .playNode{ float: left;width: 15px;height: 17px;margin: 6px 0 0 14px; background: url(images/playNode.png) no-repeat;cursor: pointer; } .outerNode .controlsNode .pauseNode{ float: left;width: 15px;height: 17px;margin: 6px 0 0 14px; background: url(images/pause.png) no-repeat;cursor: pointer; } .outerNode .controlsNode .loadNode{width: 267px;height: 10px;margin: 9px 0 0 14px;float: left;background: url(images/load_bg.png) repeat-x;position: relative;} .outerNode .controlsNode .loadNode .lineNode{ width: 0%;height: 7px;position: absolute;left: 0;top: 1px; background: url(images/line_bg.png) repeat-x; } .outerNode .controlsNode .loadNode .lineNode .lineRight{ width: 2px;height: 100%;position: absolute;right: 0;top: 0; background: url(images/line_r_bg.png) no-repeat; } .outerNode .controlsNode .loadNode .loadLeft{ height: 100%;width:3px ;position: absolute;left: 0;top: 0; background: url(images/left_bg.png) no-repeat;z-index: 4; } .outerNode .controlsNode .loadNode .loadRight{ height: 100%;width:3px ;position: absolute;right: 0;top: 0; background: url(images/right_bg.png) no-repeat; } .outerNode .controlsNode .loadNode .crlNode{width: 17px;height: 17px;background: url(images/crl_bg.png);position: absolute;left: -8.5px;top: -3.5px;cursor: pointer;z-index: 5;} .outerNode .controlsNode .timeNode{ float: left;width: 75px;height: 10px;margin: 9px 0 0 9px; } .outerNode .controlsNode .timeNode span{font-size:10px;float: left;line-height: 10px;color: white; } .outerNode .controlsNode .volumeNode{ width: 17px;height: 16px;float: left;margin: 5px 0 0 6px; background: url(images/volume_bg.png); } .outerNode .controlsNode .volumeLine{ height: 8px;width: 61px;float: left;margin: 10px 0 0 4px; background: url(images/volumeLine_bg.png) repeat-x;position: relative; } .outerNode .controlsNode .volumeLine .v_left{ width: 3px;height:100%;position: absolute;left: 0;top: 0;background: url(images/v_left.png) no-repeat; } .outerNode .controlsNode .volumeLine .v_right{ width: 3px;height:100%;position: absolute;right: 0;top: 0;background: url(images/v_right.png) no-repeat; } .outerNode .controlsNode .volumeLine .v_DragNode{width: 15px;height: 13px;position: absolute;left: 58.5px;top: -3.5px;background: url(images/vo_d.png) no-repeat;cursor: pointer;} .outerNode .controlsNode .fullNode{ width:15px;height:17px;float: left;margin: 6px 0 0 35px; background: url(images/full_bg.png) no-repeat;cursor: pointer; transition: 0.7s; } .outerNode .controlsNode .fullNode:hover{ background: url(images/full_hover_bg.png) no-repeat; } </style> </head> <body> <!-- The outermost element --> <div class='outerNode'> <!-- video element --> <video class='videoNode' src='data/imooc.mp4' poster="data/poster.jpg"></video> <!-- Elements of the controller --> <div class='controlsNode'> <!-- Button to control playback pause --> <div class='playNode'></div> <!-- video Progress bar of --> <div class='loadNode'> <div class='loadLeft'></div> <div class='loadRight'></div> <!-- Button to drag progress bar --> <div class='crlNode'></div> <!-- Real progress bar --> <div class='lineNode'> <div class='lineRight'></div> </div> </div> <!-- Elements of time --> <div class='timeNode'> <span class='now'>00:00</span> <span> - </span> <span class='all'>4:30</span> </div> <!-- A sign of sound --> <div class='volumeNode'></div> <!-- Voice bar --> <div class='volumeLine'> <div class='v_left'></div> <div class='v_right'></div> <div class='v_DragNode'></div> </div> <!-- Full screen button --> <div class='fullNode'></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //Control of playback pause //PlayNode Player button //VideoNode player //PlayBln Boolean to control pause playback //FullNode Full screen button //nowNode current time //allNode Full time of video //LineNode Current progress bar //CrlNode Progress bar button //LoadNode Elements outside the progress bar var PlayNode = document.getElementsByClassName('playNode')[0], VideoNode = document.getElementsByClassName('videoNode')[0], FullNode = document.querySelector('.fullNode'), nowNode = document.querySelector('.now'), allNode = document.querySelector('.all'), LineNode = document.querySelector('.lineNode'), CrlNode = document.querySelector('.crlNode'), LoadNode = document.querySelector('.loadNode'), VDragNode = document.querySelector('.v_DragNode'), PlayBln = true; //Events played and paused PlayNode.onclick = function(){ //Traditional Boolean to change classname Method of PlayBln = !PlayBln; if(PlayBln == false){ this.className = 'pauseNode';; } else{ this.className = 'playNode'; VideoNode.pause(); } }; //Events for full screen buttons FullNode.onclick = function(){ if(VideoNode.webkitRequestFullscreen){ VideoNode.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if(VideoNode.mozRequestFullScreen){ VideoNode.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else{ VideoNode.requestFullscreen(); } }; //Address the NAN Problems of VideoNode.addEventListener('canplay',function(){ var needTime = parseInt(VideoNode.duration); var s = needTime%60; var m = parseInt(needTime / 60); var timeNum = toDou(m)+':'+toDou(s); allNode.innerHTML = timeNum; },false); //Solve the problem of less than 10 times function toDou(time){ return time<10?'0'+time:time; } //When the video is playing, it needs to move at the current time VideoNode.addEventListener('timeupdate',function(){ //Current percentage progress = VideoNode.currentTime/VideoNode.duration*100+'%'; = LineNode.offsetWidth - 8.5 + 'px' var needTime = parseInt(VideoNode.currentTime); var s = needTime%60; var m = parseInt(needTime / 60); var timeNum = toDou(m)+':'+toDou(s); nowNode.innerHTML = timeNum; },false); //Drag button for sound VDragNode.onmousedown = function(e){ var ev = e || event; var l = ev.clientX - this.offsetLeft; document.onmousemove = function(e){ var ev = e || event; var needX = ev.clientX - l; var maxX = VDragNode.parentNode.offsetWidth - 2.5; needX = needX < -2.5 ? - 2.5 : needX; needX = needX > maxX ? maxX : needX; //Calculate 0 - 1 var lastVolume = (VDragNode.offsetLeft + 2) / VDragNode.parentNode.offsetWidth ; VideoNode.volume = lastVolume < 0 ? 0 : lastVolume; = needX + 'px'; }; document.onmouseup = function(e){ document.onmousemove = document.onmouseup = null; } return false; } //Drag progress bar button CrlNode.onmousedown = function(e){ var ev = e || event; var l = ev.clientX - this.offsetLeft; VideoNode.pause(); document.onmousemove = function(e){ var ev = e || event; var needX = ev.clientX - l; var maxX = LoadNode.offsetWidth - 8.5; needX = needX < -8.5 ? -8.5 : needX; needX = needX > maxX ? maxX : needX; = needX + 'px'; = (CrlNode.offsetLeft+9)/LoadNode.offsetWidth*100 + '%'; }; document.onmouseup = function(){ document.onmousemove = document.onmouseup = null; VideoNode.currentTime = VideoNode.duration * (CrlNode.offsetLeft+9)/LoadNode.offsetWidth; if(PlayBln == false){ //console.log(1); PlayNode.className = 'pauseNode';; } else{ //console.log(2); PlayNode.className = 'playNode'; VideoNode.pause(); } }; return false; }; </script> </body> </html>